So, 22 stone 12. Yeah, not good. Back from a holiday were I ate too much so hopefully it will start going down again after this week.
Monday weigh in...: So, 22 stone 1... - Weight Loss Support
Monday weigh in...

Good luck with it Jay - remember you cant loose the last pound without loosing the first!
Every one counts!
Hi Jay, hope you had a fab holiday. I have been away for a week and the scales weren't too kind to me but I am not properly weighing until Friday so still got a few days to get some more off.
Hope the scales head back in the right direction for us both soon Seems we both have a bit of work to do!
Yep hopefully this week will be better!
It could have been worse. I weighed today and still have 2.5lb to go to get the my pre-holiday weight but I did manage to shed 7.5 lb since Sunday!
A little annoyed with myself that I over ate quite so much on holiday (but that is what we do!). I didn't have any problem getting straight back to it on Monday, although went out for a meal tonight with the family and I could have been more sensible.
If I am back to my pre-holiday weight by next Friday I will be satisfied with that.
Hope the scales are kind to you on Monday.
It is possible to put the brakes on escalating poundage, Jay. Like you, I was steadily climbing but now I possess enlightened eyes, it's steadily receding - from 16.6 to 15 in 12 weeks. Hooray! Loads to go, but the compulsive gluttony has gone. Still have the odd goody, and hard liquor has been taken, but nothing like the voracity of all my yesterdays. Make healthier choices and see how much better you feel, and exercise really does help. Onwards and downwards!
Just make a start and next week it will be that bit better. It's brilliant that you are making a start and recognising that you need to do something.
Good luck for the coming week.
Hi Jay,
hope the weight loss is going ok. If you are still struggling, have you considered it maybe more about engrained habits than about the food itself ? You may be tackling this from the wrong angle. I say this, as I noticed you stated that you have been overweight since teenage years. Sometimes changing how you viwew food can really help.
A couple of affirmations to consider-
Food is my friend,
Eating the right food will nourish my body and keep me fit and healthy,
I will focus whenever I eat my meals
Inbetween meals if I think I want to eat, I ask first Am I thirsty? ( the signal for both is the same, so if you think you are hungry,take a small drink of water first,then do something else for a while, then see if you genuinely are still hungry. )This helps keeps you from overeating and also to re-wawakens your real hunger signal.
Hope this helps . welome to contact me if you need more info.

Thanks for the advice I have trouble changing how I think about food since I usually just don't think, and end up eating mindlessly. I'm usually hungry all day and I have tried drinking more water during the day but as of yet it hasn't helped me not want to eat, if anything its just made me think about food more :S
Hello Jay.Seems like you have established habits that need "re-programming" so to speak. Mindless eating is not a conscious decision I believe that is your response to hunger has been overridden in the past, engrained as a habit, so now you feel you are always hungry.
Any habit is helpful provided it corresponds to your needs, but now the habit of eating and focusing on food is impacting on your health. So you have one part of you ( conscious logical part ) knows you need to only eat when hungry and eat less. While the conscious mind is being overuled by your habit ( habits are held way below consciousness so, in this instance, you are driven to eat when you know you shouldn`t )
Hypnotic banding may be useful as a starting point , as it allows you eat less. Then you can go on to up date your habits into ones more suited to your needs. You can then control food and not the other way
Hope this makes sense.