Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (30th March 2015).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
88 Replies

Hi everyone,

Last Monday I weighed 13 stone 6.2 pounds, and today I weigh 13 stone 4.6 pounds, so I've lost 1.6 pounds this week. I'm relieved to have lost something. I've still got 11.6 pounds to go to get to my ideal weight. My aim is to get there sometime this year. My progress is slow and steady, and that feels achievable. I'm finding the last stone to be the hardest to lose, but I'm not giving up!

My goals for this week are to continue with my walking and my core strength exercises, and hope to eat balanced healthy meals. Pre-planning meals and recording everything that I eat and drink are continuing to be helpful strategies, and they don't take very long.

I hope you have had a good week, and I hope you'll join me for this Monday weigh-in. I might not be able to respond to you till after lunch today, because I've got quite a hectic morning ahead, but I will reply later, and I am looking forward to hearing how you've all got on.

If you're new and want to join us, please do - you'd be very welcome. :-)

Wishing everyone a great day and a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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88 Replies
SineadC92 profile image

Hi lowcal, really glad to hear you lost some weight this week. You know what they say, the last stone is the hardest to get off but just keep going!

I managed to lose 2.5lbs this week which I'm so pleased about as this puts me into my 2 stone off. Now I just need to keep going aswell!

My next battle is easter which I'm still undecided about whether to indulge or nIt. I love chocolate but just keep reminding myself how annoyed I'd be to see the numbers go up rather than down on the scale. Hopefully I stay strong.

Good luck everyone and happy easter when it comes

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to SineadC92

Hi SineadC92,

Thanks for your encouragement. Losing the last stone does seem like a long-term struggle, but I'm going to keep going.

Congratulations to you for losing 2.5 pounds this week - that's is phenomenal!!! Really good. Especially as you've achieved 2 stones total loss - really well done! :-)

Yes, Easter is a challenge. I've learned from previous years not to buy any Easter treats till about a day before Easter itself, otherwise I would be tempted to eat them in the week leading up to it! I'm going to limit my Easter intake to just 2 very small chocolate treats - that way I know I won't go over too many calories.

Whatever you decide to do, enjoy Easter! I'll be here on Easter Monday for another weigh-in - just to try to keep on track and motivated.

Stay strong!

Have a great week and Happy Easter when it comes.

Lowcal :-)

Jodie1980 profile image

Morning I'm new to all this 😀

Today's the day I start 👍.my first weigh in this morning is 13 stone x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jodie1980

Hi Jodie1980,

I'm really glad you have joined us for this Monday weigh-in - you are very welcome and I hope you'll have a really good weight-loss journey ahead. You've taken the brave step of sharing your weight, and I wish you a great first week ahead.

Have you seen the NHS weight loss pages? There's a 12 week structured plan there, and it's really good - here is a link:

Hope to see you for future weigh-ins. I'll be here on Easter Monday for the next one - and I usually post between 7am and 7.15am.

Wishing you a great first week and a good Easter.

Lowcal :-)

Hughepj profile image

Well done on the weight loss 😃, I've lost 8 lb but it's my first week and I'm a big girl with four stone to go.

Jenica profile image
Jenica in reply to Hughepj

Thats a great weight loss for first week, I was hoping for something like that too but only lost 3lb after first week of not cheating! Have to stop feeling sorry for myself, better off than on!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Hughepj

Hi Hugepj,

Thank you!

Wow, you've done brilliantly for your first week - losing 8 pounds is incredible. Over half a stone gone already!!! Really well done.

When I started my weight loss journey I was also a bigger girl - I have lost over 5 stones and am currently trying to lose my final stone.

Just take it step by step and you'll get there. I feel so much healthier for carrying less weight.

Wishing you a great week ahead, and wishing you a Happy Easter. I will be here on Easter Monday for another weigh-in - all being well. :-)

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Mary55 profile image

Hi Lowcal congratulations on your weight loss this week. Last week was 12 2.2 this week 11 13.8 very pleased to be in the 11s. Plan for this week is to keep up with writing down everything on Myfitnesspal. Good luck everyone😊

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Mary55

Hi Mary55,

Many thanks!

Congratulations to you for losing 2.4 pounds this week - that's really great!!! Especially as you're in the 11's now - that's a great transition.

I always end up adding things at the end of the day to Myfitnesspal, as I usually forget something - so good luck with your goal to keep yours updated.

Wishing you a great week ahead, and a good Easter when it comes.

Lowcal :-)

Folliegirl profile image

Morning Lowcal, well done on your loss 👏👏👏💐 keep up the good work 👍

Last week I weighed 11st12lb ... Today I weigh 11st10lb, so a 2lb loss this week ... One happy Folliegirl 😊

The next 2 weeks will be a challenge for me as it's the Easter holidays and the children are home ... In the past I've always gained, but hopefully this time things will be different, because 'I am focused and in control' ... That's my mantra and I'm sticking to it!!! 😉

Good luck everyone ☀

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Folliegirl

Hi Folliegirl,

Thank you!!!

Wow, you are making great progress - you've lost another 2 pounds this week - really brilliant, and really well done! :-)

Good luck with the Easter holidays, over the next two weeks - you sound like you have a plan, which should help! Your mantra that you're 'focused and in control' is a great start - and I wish you lots of success in sticking to those resolves.

Personally, I'm going to try to 'maintain' my weight over the Easter period. I know from previous experience that I struggle to lose anything over Easter, and I am really hoping not to gain anything this year.

Wishing you a great week and enjoy your Easter holidays. I will be here on Easter Monday if you fancy dropping in for a weigh-in.

Lowcal :-)

Folliegirl profile image
Folliegirl in reply to Zest

I'll be here too ... Hoping it will help keep me on track!! Baked another banana bran loaf this morning 😉

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Folliegirl

That's great :-) Glad you'll be here next Monday, and enjoy your Banana Bran loaf - I've only got 2 pieces of that left now, so I need to do some baking again soon. :-)

katedaniels profile image

Fantastic news, i'm also back on the losing again. For the last 3 weeks i've been 13st 10lbs and this morning i'm 13st 9lb. So 1lb down, very relieved about that. I've had 'chats' with my family who are under strict instruction to not get me anything sweet for Easter so hopefully they'll listen and I won't have too much temptation. I'm off work this week, i'm getting my flat ready to on the market so lots of DIY to keep me busy. Will also be trying to fit in some exercise.

Good luck with the last stone, hope you're able to keep preplanning your meals and finding time for exercise.


RuthMarianne profile image
RuthMarianne in reply to katedaniels

Hi Kate, well done on getting the scales moving again and for sorting out a low cal easter! With regard to exercise .. getting your flat ready to market will be exercise because you will be moving all the time, so it may not be gym based but definitely still counts. Good luck with it all. :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to katedaniels

Hi Kate,

Thank you!

Great to hear you're also back onto losing again - great that you've lost a pound - really well done. It's so frustrating when the weight 'sticks' for a while, but thankfully you didn't give up, and kept going, and it's finally come off again. I hope your family cooperate with your wishes not to have any sweet gifts over Easter - and hope you enjoy your holiday. You sound like you're going to be very busy with all that DIY and getting your flat ready go to on the market - so hope you find some exercise windows within that - although probably the DIY will be good exercise in itself!

Thanks as always for your encouragement, which I always appreciate.

Here's to a great week ahead, and Happy Easter when it arrives.

Lowcal :-)

Bluehills profile image

Well done Lowcal - I've weighed in at 11st 1 lb this morning, will probably be burning off quite a few calories with the dance of joy!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bluehills

Hi Bluehills,

Thanks so much! :-)

Great that you've lost some weight this morning. Enjoy your dance of joy and burning of still more calories - that's the way! :-)

Have a brilliant day and a great week, and wishing you another good week ahead and a good Easter.

Lowcal :-)

catch profile image

Well done on the loss lowcal. I'm still trying to maintain and but on a pound this week, but that may be due to a slightly overindulgent weekend. I'm not too worried as I have measured my waist this morning and it is still the same as when I got to my target, and I am only one pound over my target. I am still trying to be careful about what I eat and not having too many snacks. I have also said to my husband that I would rather not have an easter egg this year, but have asked for a book instead. Much lower calorie!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to catch

Hi Catch,

Thanks very much. :-)

It's good to hear that your waist measurement is the same, as that shows how well you're doing at your maintenance phase. I know you gained a pound this week, but there's bound to be a bit of up and down in the first few weeks of maintenance, and like you said, you had an indulgent weekend - I hope you enjoyed the weekend. :-)

Great idea to ask your husband for a book instead of an Easter egg - it'll last so much longer, and be enjoyed for longer too (depending on your reading speed of course, but likely to be much longer) and like you say, much lower calorie! Great idea. :-)

Wishing you a good week ahead and a Happy Easter when it arrives. If you're around on Easter Monday for another weigh-in, I'll be here!

Lowcal :-)

Jenica profile image

There was me feeling sorry for myself cos I only lost 3lb on my first week of actually not cheating on my healthy eating to get weight off. Reading your comment was good and puts me to shame. Will weigh in with you next week. I've got a lot of stones to lose yet unfortunately thats why I thought I'd lose more this week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jenica

Hi Jenica,

I think it's great that you've lost 3 pounds - I know you'd like to have lost more, but imagine 3 pounds of butter or sugar on a table and pick them up with one hand, and they'll be really heavy!

Glad to hear you'll be weighing in with us next week - and I hope you have a great week ahead and a good Easter, when it comes. I'll be here on Easter Monday, so hope to see you then!

Lowcal :-)

Jenica profile image
Jenica in reply to Zest

Definitely! knowing weigh in is Monday should help us keep to the straight and narrow, fingers crossed.

size12goal profile image

well done, that's a great result. Have a great week. :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to size12goal

Hi Size12goal,

Thanks as always for your kind encouragement, which is much appreciated. I hope you are having a good week, and I'll catch up with your post to see how you're doing.

Lowcal :-)

Candystripe profile image

Good morning everyone.

Well done Lowcal, knew you would do it this week and well done to you all. I am holding my head in deep, deep shame. According to the scales I have put on 7.6lbs this week!!!!!!! My only defence is that my husband was messing around with them while I was trying to weigh so just maybe he was the problem. However I had a long weekend away in the West Country and ate things I shouldn't so if those scales are right then I only have myself to blame.

Today is another day and now put that disaster behind me and get straight back on the programme without hesitation. Will look forward to next Monday's weigh in.

Maxiemum profile image
Maxiemum1 stoneRestart May 2024 in reply to Candystripe

Hope you enjoyed your weekend, we all need a break and I am sure you will loose all you put on over the next few weeks 😉

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Maxiemum

Thank you. Hope you're doing ok. X

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Maxiemum

Thank you Jenica. I tend to weigh most days....always have for some odd reason! Just shouldn't have eaten ALL that mega king size pasty. Good luck for this new week. X

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Candystripe

Hi Candystripe,

Thanks for your encouragement as always.

I don't think you should hang your head in shame - not at all - sounds like you have enjoyed a lovely weekend in the West Country, and yes, I suspect your husband tinkering with the scales when you were trying to weigh wouldn't have helped their accuracy! You've had such a lot on your plate over the past few months - I think it's great that you've had some relaxing time away, and don't put any blame on yourself - you deserve a good break.

I know you'll get back to your healthy eating and exercise - as you say 'without hesitation' and you'll soon shift how ever much weight you've actually gained this week - hopefully your scales will be more accurate next week. :-)

Have a great week, and glad you'll be joining us for the Easter Monday weigh-in.

Lowcal :-)

Jenica profile image
Jenica in reply to Candystripe

give yourself a couple of days and then weigh yourself again, being away for the w/e, fluids,food etc will show more today not necessary fat increase.

slimjan profile image

Hi Lowcal, Well done on your weight loss this week, really pleased for you. Hope you can keep it up now you don't have far to go to reach your goal.

I have had a better week this week, have been out walking the dog and the excercise seems to make such a difference.

I have lost 2lbs this week so down to 12.11, I am really pleased as am still on target for my 1.5lbs a week I set myself 12 weeks ago when I started so now have lost 18lbs.

Hope everyone has had a good week and good luck for next week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to slimjan

Hi Slimjan,

Thank you so much! I will definitely try to keep going - although I am hoping to maintain for the next week or two due to Easter.

Glad to hear you've had a better week this week and that you've been able to get out and about walking your dog - I think exercise is great.

Congratulations for losing 2 pounds this week - that's fantastic! You're doing so well at keeping on target and progressing consistently, that's really good. It's great to hear you've lost 18 pounds in total - brilliant!

Wishing you a good week ahead and a good Easter when it comes.

Lowcal :-)

trafford1 profile image

Good morning Lowcal, congratulations on your weight loss this week I'm really pleased for you. It's such a good feeling.

I hope you get to burn some extra calories with that hectic morning you have ahead of you. I find that when I have a loss everything I do is done with a purpose and I put more into it as it's so invigorating.

Well done Lowcal and have a great day x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to trafford1

Hi Trafford1,

Thank you very much. :-)

Yes, I have flown through the morning with 'purpose' today - it is an invigorating feeling. Long may it last!

Thanks so much for your encouragement.

Wishing you another great week ahead - your progress is amazing!

Lowcal :-)

Well done Lowcal, have a good week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Juliet,

Many thanks - I'll keep a look out for your Friday post. :-)

Wishing you a good week.

Lowcal :-)

Artsoru profile image

Morning Lowcal!

Glad to see you've had a loss this week, you must be feeling pleased with yourself! :) And you should be! Well done! Quite a few other losses this morning so far too! Congrats everyone! :D

My week hasn't been so bad. Managed 3 days of exercise last week, but only half hour sessions. Although this has improved from only managing 15 minute sessions a few weeks ago! :)

I did indulge in a kebab takeaway on Friday night but at least managed to stick with a small instead of ordering a large! :)

It must have paid off as I have lost 1lb since last weigh in, bringing me down to 12st 6lbs! I am feeling pleased, but also nervous for next weeks weigh in as lent ends this week. Plus with easter weekend, there are already a few creme eggs sitting around. I have asked family not to get me anything too so fingers crossed I don't go mad this weekend!

My partner has also had an epiphany over the weekend. I managed to get some photo frames put up in our new house, some of which were pictures of us not long after we got together. Needless to say, we were both a bit trimmer back then as that was nearly 10 years ago! He noticed, and realised how much weight he has put on. He has told me to stop buying crisps and treats for him when I go shopping and wants me to help him out as much as I can! :) I will see how this goes, it will be nice to have his full support and to help him out! Fingers crossed! :D

I hope everyone has a good week! Don't eat too many eggs! :P


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Artsoru

Hi Sophie,

I'm going to reply to your post after lunch, as I've just realised the time!

I'll write more later.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Artsoru

Hi again Sophie,

Thanks so much for your encouraging words.

Firstly, Congratulations on losing a pound this week - that's really great! :-) Also, good that you did 3 days of exercise, and I think 30 minute sessions are really good lengths of time - you're doing well.

I think you gave a good example of how we can still enjoy things like takeaways now and again, and make healthier choices - like the fact that you ordered a small portion rather than a large one of the Kebab - that's going to enable you to enjoy your food but know you've reduced the calories.

Have you got a plan of how you're going to cope when Lent ends? Might be good to be ready, so it doesn't take you unawares.

Sounds like you've got a good plan regarding Easter - you've asked your family not to buy you any Easter treats - and fantastic that your partner has decided he'd like to lose some weight as well - as I'm sure you'll work better as a team in supporting one another.

Wishing you a great week and a good Easter when it comes.

Lowcal :-)

HiLowcal so pleased to hear you have lost weight. I have lost about 1/2 lb this week. I am a bit surprised as I haven't tried very hard this week. Also I am not able to walk much at the moment as my ankle is playing up and quite painful.

Overall my weight is just flipping up and down the net result being that I have not really lost weight but stayed the same for weeks. It's partly because I am not fully focused on losing weight. Because it's got hard going now I am beginning to give up and just be glad not to put weight back on.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Pog1,

Thank you. :-)

So pleased to hear you've lost half a pound this week - that's good, especially as you said you thought you hadn't tried very hard this week, and you're not able to walk much yet, due to your painful ankle. I really hope your ankle improves soon, so you can enjoy more mobility again.

Maybe give yourself some respite and consider trying to maintain at the moment - then if further losses occur (like this week's half pound) you can be pleasantly surprised - do what you can as and when you can, and hopefully you'll get some more positive feelings as your ankle improves. Pace yourself and don't overdo it.

Wishing you a good week ahead, and a Happy Easter when it comes. I'll be here on Easter Monday for another weigh-in.

Don't give up - you can do it.

Lowcal :-)

Maxiemum profile image
Maxiemum1 stoneRestart May 2024

Morning Lowcal and fellow losers, that's ment in the most positive way! I weighed in this morning at 17st 5lbs. Lost 2 of the 4lbs gained over the past inactive couple of weeks. Back on track and feeling really positive. Except my husband just said he found down the back of the sofa! Haven't we all heard that one too many times. I am finding that keeping my food diary up to date on "My Fitness Pal" is helping me to keep focused. Everything I eat goes down and the barcode ap is fascinating I keep zapping things and adding them in so that I can use them in the future. Hope you have a good week and we will see even less of you next time

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Maxiemum

Hi Maxiemum,

Congratulations on losing 2 pounds this week. That's really great. It's great that you're back on track and also feeling really positive. Really good! :-)

Thanks for your encouraging words - they are much appreciated.

Glad you're enjoying using My Fitness Pal - I've never used the barcodes to add in things, but it does sound like fun!

Wishing you another good week ahead, and have a great Easter when it arrives. Might see you next week - I'll be here on Easter Monday, all being well. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Hi Lowcal

After sticking solidly at 12st2 for the past few weeks, I've finally shifted another lb and now down to 12st1. I'm making progress exercise wise, and definitely getting more salad onto my plate at dinner time these days. Plus I'm avoiding pasta, as that just makes me want to have loads of cheese (and red wine) :)

Congratulations on shifting nearly 2lb yourself, I'm in awe at the journey you are on. I've got 1st9lb to lose from this point, and have lost 3lb so far. I know I make progress if I bring all my good intentions together, so it's just a matter of doing what I know I need to do.

Have a great week :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ruth_Canal_Runner,

I am so pleased to hear you've lost a pound this week, having experienced a few stuck weeks at 12 stone 2 pound. You're getting very close to the cusp of being under the 12's - that's exciting.

Great that you're making progress exercise wise - and increasing your portions of salad as well. It's interesting what you said about pasta, as we often couple foods that taste good together don't we, and it definitely goes well with cheese and wine! :-) I usually have pasta about twice a week - but I choose a wholemeal pasta and have lots of vegetables with it, and some chicken or salmon usually - and only a small sprinkling of cheese (about 20g). I usually have a tomato based sauce (homemade).

Sorry - realise I've just ended up talking about pasta, when you're trying to avoid it…!

Have you got a plan for how you're going to get through Easter?

Wishing you a good week ahead and a good Easter too.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

I've got Passover instead of Easter this weekend, which means I have 2 big family meals on Friday and Saturday night and also going to my brother's for lunch on Saturday too. I also make special Passover sweets/cakes every year which I will have some of, but mostly give them as gifts to friends and family. So I guess the answer is I don't have any plan...

Do you have a plan? I think you can't really sit at a big family meal and announce you're on a diet. But you can maybe say no to seconds and make sure the kids are getting more chocolate than you are...

As for pasta, that won't even be an issue between 3rd-11th April, as I won't be allowed any!

Wishing you a good Easter :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ruth,

Thanks for your Easter wishes.

You asked if I a plan for Easter - I do have one - I hope to just have two small chocolate treats (both smaller than 100g chocolate) over the Easter weekend, and people who invite me for meals already know I'm trying not to overeat - so hopefully they won't be too bad - but I've noticed that sometimes they keep asking me if I would like various cakes and biscuits etc - and I sometimes have to use a broken record technique and just keep on saying 'No thank you' - in the end I say something like 'I don't mean to be rude, but I really don't want …' - if I didn't do that, then I think I'd still be quite overweight.

Glad pasta's not an issue for you between 3rd and 11th April.

Have a great Passover. :-)

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

That's such a good idea to have a plan about what you're allowed rather than focussing on what you can't have. I'll try to think that way too. I'll also think of your broken record technique if I feel pushed to overeat by people offering things, it sounds funny but I appreciate it's born out of frustration. Hopefully this weekend will be okay, but I'm not getting over optimistic about next Monday's weigh in...

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

That's why my aim is to 'maintain' rather than lose weight. That way I'll be pleasantly surprised if I do lose any weight, and content if I haven't gained.

Good luck with it all, and most importantly enjoy your get-togethers with family and friends. :-)

RuthMarianne profile image

Hello, just finished week one and if I could jump for joy I would, as I lost 5lb this week. Naturally the first week is always the easiest but it's certainly motivated me to head into week two. Perhaps come summer I might be persuaded to slip into some shorts, assuming the weight loss continues. Thanks for being here, helps massively to have companions sharing the journey. :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to RuthMarianne

Hi RuthMarianne,

Thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in - you are very welcome, and I am so happy to hear you've lost 5 pounds in your first week - that's really great!!! You sound very motivated to go into week 2, and that's really inspiring. Hope you're enjoying it so far, and perhaps you should look out those shorts for the Summer. :-)

I'll be here on Easter Monday if you want to join us again for another weigh-in. Hope to see you, and hope you have another great week ahead, and a good Easter too.

Lowcal :-)

HRHGaby profile image

Morning Lowcal, lovely to read about your loss! In week 12 I have lost 300g/0.1 lbs, which is not much but it's ok. I've managed to make sensible food choices but was too lazy to do my bike routine most of the days. I'm going to use Easter to relax and refocus and will come back next Monday ready to drop what's left: 5.1 kgs/11 lbs.

Enjoy your holidays!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to HRHGaby

Hi HRHGaby,

Thank you so much! :-)

Glad to hear you've had another loss - every loss is significant - and 300g is a good loss. You're progressing every week, and it's great that you've managed to make sensible food choices all week.

Glad to hear you're going to have a relaxing Easter - like you say, time to relax and refocus and that's important.

Have a Happy Easter, and see you next week. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Anna999 profile image

Hi lowcal,

Well done on your loss this week! I have just completed my first week and I'd love to join your weigh in Mondays 😊

I now weigh 13st 11lb after a 5lb weight loss this week! So pleased and proud of myself!

My goals are to continue logging my calories on mfp and keeping starchy carbs to a minimum. Also to increase my activity levels further, starting with using couch to 5k but on my bike as I am recovering from a knee operation following an injury.

Good luck with your coming week! 🌸

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Anna999

Hi Anna999,

Thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in. You are very welcome to join us, and I love your smiley pink flower icon.

You've had a fantastic weight loss for your first week - 5 pounds - really brilliant! Really well done. :-)

You've got some good goals, and good luck with the Couch to 5K - what a good idea to do that on your bike - I hope you are recuperating well after your knee operation.

Thanks for your encouraging words, and hope you have another great week ahead and a Happy Easter too. I'll be here on Easter Monday, so hope to see you again at another weigh-in, and around the forum. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Anna999 profile image
Anna999 in reply to Zest

Great, thanks! I like the smiley flower too, always good to cheer things up a bit 😊

Easter weekend will be a challenge I'm sure, but my friends and family are under strict instructions not to give me chocolate!! I'll see you for the weigh in next week.

Hope you have a good one too! 🌸

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Anna999

Thank you :-)

munstermaid profile image

Hi - well done on the weight loss. - always a good feeling on a Monday to start the week on a positive note.

I weighed in today at the start of week 5 and had lost another 2 lbs - so lost 6 lbs in 4 weeks (including St. Patrick's Weekend!) so happy with that. Feel nice and steady weight lost is the key rather than big amounts which won't be sustainable. I also write everything down that I eat. Good luck with your weight loss journey.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to munstermaid

Hi Munstermaid,

Thank you! :-)

Fantastic to hear you've lost another 2 pounds this week - you're getting ver close to half a stone in total - 6 pounds in 4 weeks (including St. Patrick's Weekend) is amazing! Really well done. :-)

I think writing down what you eat and drink is a great tool for weight loss.

Wishing you another great week ahead, and a good Easter, when it arrives. I hope to be here on Easter Monday for another weigh-in.

Lowcal :-)

vickster5 profile image

Hi all, i am not sure if i "posted" or logged off!

Well done all some good weight loss this week. Pleased to say after starting again on 12 week plan loss of 5.5lbs. Managed 3 times at gym and yoga.

good luck all for Easter week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to vickster5

Hi Vickster5,

Sounds like you've had another good week - losing 5.5 pounds after re-starting the 12 week plan, that's really great! Well done! :-)

Also good to hear you've did the gym and yoga three times - that's really good too - exercise is really healthy and good for us.

Have another great week, and thanks for your good luck wishes for Easter - let's hope we all cope ok with Easter! :-)

Lowcal :-)

sidcup1 profile image

Well done for a really successful week. i didnt have time to respond this morning so quickly doing so now . i weighed 13st 6 pounds this morning so have lost a pound in the last week which i am also very happy about. As long as i don't put any weight on i am currently very content and am hoping to lose another pound this week. hope you have a good week too sidcup 1 x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to sidcup1

Hi Sidcup1,

Many thanks! I appreciate your kind words. :-)

Congratulations to you for losing 1 pound this week - that's really great! :-)

It's good to hear you're feeling very content, and I hope you have another great week ahead. Hope you enjoy Easter too.

Lowcal :-)

fibronfedup profile image

Well done lowcal! Another good week, slow and steady wins the race as they say, keep up the good work. Sounds like you have it all planned out, good for you :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to fibronfedup

Hi Fribronfedup,

Great to see you! :-) Thanks for your encouraging words.

Yes, I hope my plan will work - I know that even with a plan worked out, there will be numerous attempts from others to subtly sabotage (even though they probably don't do that consciously) - but there will be offers of hot cross buns in various places, and chocolate eggs and meals etc etc, and I'll have to hope I can stay strong and keep things in moderation. That's why I am hoping to 'maintain' for the next couple of weeks, and that way if I do get a 'loss' on the scales, then it will be a bonus.

Wishing you another good week.

Lowcal :-)

fibronfedup profile image
fibronfedup in reply to Zest

Sounds sensible to me. I dont tend to celebrate easter so only the chocolate to tempt me, i am allowing myself a small easter egg as a reward for not eating it the whole of march but it will he over a few days instead of the binges of the past lol. I always struggle to stick to an exercise plan but now im better going to try again this week. Lets hope we both have a good week :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to fibronfedup

Yes, you sound like you have an excellent plan, and here's to a good week ahead. Enjoy your Easter egg, and well done for giving up chocolate for the whole of March, that is incredible! :-)

fibronfedup profile image
fibronfedup in reply to Zest

Thank you

lisajane0401 profile image

Week 1 complete and I've lost 2 1/4 lbs. Really pleased and already feeling much better about myself. Just need to keep it going now and add in some exercise!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to lisajane0401

Hi Lisajane0401,

Thanks for joining us for this Monday weigh-in - really pleased you've had such a great first week - losing 2 and a quarter pounds is a fantastic start! Really well done. :-)

It's good that you've already noticed a difference in your mood and well-being - and hope you enjoy the exercise that you're planning to add in this week.

I'll be here on Easter Monday if you want to join us again - wishing you a Happy Easter in the meantime!

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Nic1976 profile image

Hi Lowcal

Last week I weighed 12st8 and this week I weigh 12st6. I'm over the moon as have now moved from obese to overweight category. Only 1lb to go and I will have lost my first stone!

Congratulations on your weight loss this week Lowcal it sounds hard at that last hurdle. When you get to your ideal weight will you still be doing a Monday weigh in?

Best wishes x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Nic1976

Hi Nic1976,

Wow, that's so great that you've lost 2 pounds this week and have moved from being obese into the overweight category - really well done! You're so close to having lost your first stone - really exciting.

Thanks for your kind words. Regarding when I hopefully get to my ideal weight, I definitely plan to continue with the Monday weigh-in - because I know it will be another challenge to 'maintain' and so I'll hope to be here to keep myself on track with it. I find having the support of this community to be invaluable. Everyone is so encouraging and supportive.

Hope you have another great week ahead - and hope Easter is a good one for you. I hope to be here for Easter Monday's weigh-in, so hope to see you there if you are able to join us.

Lowcal :-)

Bealmor profile image

Late weighing in .......and not good news! Up 2 lbs despite exam stress. Two very enjoyable meals over the weekend so I guess it's payback! Not giving up on this though. Going away for Easter so will miss next weeks weigh us as will be away from scales. Then I will have 4 months till my 50th birthday which I will celebrate on a yacht in the Adriatic. Bikini chosen already to motivate me!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bealmor

Hi Bealmor,

Great to see you. :-) Sorry to hear you've gained 2 pounds this week, but it could be partly down to exam stress, because hormonal influences of stress - like increased adrenaline and cortisol running through the body can make us less likely to lose weight at such times, so don't worry too much (or it'll make you more stressed and perpetuate the cycle!). Glad you enjoyed your meals over the weekend.

Hope you enjoy your weekend away over Easter. You've got a lovely 50th Birthday celebration lined up - on that yacht in the Adriatic, sounds idyllic and lovely! Glad you've chosen your bikini to motivate you.

Hope your exams are going ok.

Will look forward to catching up with you when you're back. Have a great Easter break!

Lowcal :-)

Bealmor profile image
Bealmor in reply to Zest

You're very kind Lowcal. It was only one exam and it no it was last Tuesday! I need to get very tough with me!

Kerry82 profile image

I sorry I'm late, but AM I HAPPY OH YES I AM,

I weighed 10st 9lbs 23rd march, this week I weigh 10st 5lbs, I'm completely gobsmacked not been for a run cause I've had I really hectic week with work and family life, I'm nearly at my goal not far to go.

The only thing that I can say I have been doing differently is eating more green foods with my tea, rather then having chips and so on, so if I have steak for tea I will have green foods such as asparagus, beans green salads, breakfast having fruit, dinner a crumpet with some fruit, or high protein yogurt and fruits my calorie intake is what I need to take, through out the day I drink green tea or lemon tea, and water,

if your reading this I do hope it helps, it has for me and I can tell more with my work clothes. Keep going and keep focus will power has helped me too.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Kerry82

Hi Kerry82,

Great to see you! Glad to hear you're so happy, and I can see why - you've lost 4 pounds this week - that's amazing! Great to hear you're getting closer to your goal. You're doing really well. :-)

It's great that you've made such healthy changes to your eating - all those green fibrous vegetables will be really healthy, plus all the other changes you've made. Do you add a slice of lemon to your water? I've started doing that, and it makes the water taste really nice. Very refreshing, and encourages me to drink more water over the day.

Inspiring to hear your progress, and thanks for sharing it. :-)

Wishing you another great week ahead, and hope you have a lovely Easter. I will be here on Easter Monday for another weigh-in, so hope to see you then if you're able to join us. Or later in the week is fine too - as long as I see your reply I'll respond to you!

Lowcal :-)

draper21 profile image

im starting today 31st good luck how you doing it


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to draper21

Hi Draper21,

Welcome to you and thanks for joining us.

I would recommend the NHS website as it's got a 12 week structured plan - it's got lots of really good advice and information. Hopefully you'll find it helpful, and you can decide if it's something that might work for you.

Here is a link to the NHS website weight loss pages:

Wishing you a great first week, and a Happy Easter, and hope to see you again at a future weigh-in - I'll be here on Easter Monday for another Monday weigh-in if you want to join us. You are very welcome.

Lowcal :-)

Hi :-) Just joined yesterday so I will be joining you next Mon for my very first weigh-in on the site. I have already asked my partner to buy me a wee bunch of tulips or daffodils instead of an Easter egg - don't think I will be tempted to eat those so hopefully I will see a little progress by next Monday! I have really enjoyed eating healthily today. I have also upped my water intake and must have worked off some calories running back and forward to the loo so it's all good :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi MagsMM,

Welcome to you, and thanks for joining us. :-) Really good to hear you'll be joining us next Monday for your very first weigh-in on the site. You've got an excellent plan for Easter, and I'm sure you'll get some enjoyment from the tulips or daffodils which would last longer than eating an Easter egg anyway - so good idea!

Glad to hear that you enjoyed eating healthily today, and upping your water content. I find adding a slice of lemon to my water and keeping it in the fridge helps it to be a really cool and refreshing glass.

Hope you have a great Easter and will look forward to hearing how you get on with your first weigh-in on Monday. I usually post between 7am to 7.15am on Mondays, and always keep the title of the weigh-in consistent (with the date altering of course).

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Bluehills profile image

Been missing for a few weeks, now I'm back from the holiday and the hospital and weighed in at 11stone 3lbs - which I'm pleased with, as I had a bit of a blow out on holiday, plus I won't be back to eating full meals for a while after my op - nor am I exercising yet, but that will come soon, I just have to be patient.....

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bluehills

Hi Bluehills,

Welcome back from you holiday and the hospital as well - I hope everything went well. Hope you recuperate well. Glad you're pleased with your weight - that's really good!

Wishing you a great week ahead, and great to see you again! :-) Welcome back. :-)

Lowcal :-)

Hi everyone I'm a newbie!! I started losing weight middle 2014 starting at 12 stone 13lbs. By start of December I had managed to get to 10 stone 10lbs but then Christmas happened and I have gradually gone up to 11 stone 6lbs. Now desperate to get to my goal of 10 stone, just don't want to be overweight any more.

Now for something which will sound really pathetic - when I was younger I used to go swimming at least 4 times a week and loved it and maintained a weight of around 8.5 and 9 stone. I long to go swimming again but just don't have the confidence to get into that dreaded costume. My most convenient pool is only about 2 mins distance from where I work so I could easily do it in my lunchtime but there lies the problem as lots of others from my building also use the centre. I told you it was pathetic but that's me. Anyway my goal is to be in the swimming pool by Christmas this year so my weight must be gone.

I don't know if I will get any replies to this post but it's really helped me writing it. Good luck everyone. xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Ramps17,

I'm really happy that you posted, and a warm welcome to you! :-) I'll be doing another weigh-in tomorrow, so if you want to introduce yourself in that place, please do - the title of the post will be 'Please Join me for a Monday Weigh-in and then the date will be there - i.e. tomorrow's date will be 20th April) - you've added to 30th March's post, but it's fine as I get notified when someone's posted.

I don't think it sounds pathetic at all regarding your concerns about the swimming pool - it really can affect self-confidence and self-esteem to be overweight, and I completely understand that. I was 18 stone 8 pounds at my heaviest, and I often felt very self-conscious about my weight and avoided certain situations because of it. I'm pleased that you've set your goal to be in the swimming pool by Christmas - and who knows, maybe you'll feel more positive about yourself before then, and can venture there sooner! :-)

This community is very supportive - and you can either add to existing posts (like this one) or write your own post - and others will contribute to it - whichever you feel comfortable with.

Have you seen the NHS website 12 week structured plan? It's really good, and has lots of good information and advice. I can send you the link if you can't see it - but it's easily accessed at the top of this site.

Wishing you a great week. I will be posting tomorrow's Monday weigh-in between 7am and 7.15am, so do look out for it and join in if you want to.

Hope to see you again on the forum and have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Thank you I'll look out for your weigh in post tomorrow

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

That's great, will look forward to seeing you. :-)

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