Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (6th October 2014).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
70 Replies

Hi everyone,

Last Monday I weighed 13 stone 5.2 pounds, and today I weigh 13 stone 4.6 pounds, so I've lost 0.6 pounds. I've managed to do a walk most days, and I've tried to eat sensibly for most of the week. I have been for a meal out and managed to choose healthier things from the menu, which felt like an achievement as there were quite a few temptations there!

Now that the weather is getting more Autumnal I am thinking of venturing back to the gym - so I hope to be able to report that I went there at least once by next Monday. I hope to lose between 1 and 2 pounds next week.

Please join me for this weigh-in and let me know what kind of week you've had. Hope it's going ok! Here's to a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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70 Replies
Fitforit75 profile image

Hi Lowcal, well done for keeping the weight moving :) I've gained 1lb this week which is annoying but I went out for a 7k walk in the moonlight last night through my local woods and along the canal with my hubby and dog it was lovely and helped me to fix my resolve!! I must lose weight for myself and my family. Next September I will hopefully be starting a pgce in design food technology and I absolutely don't want to be the fat food tech teacher!!!! Hope you and everyone else who posts on here have a good week.

Kate x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Fitforit75

Hi Kate,

Thanks very much. Sorry to hear you gained this week, but that long walk you had last night should hopefully help to shift that and you'll soon be losing it again. Sounds like a lovely walk. Great that you're going to be doing that PGCE in Food Technology next year, and I'm sure you'll learn lots of useful things, and you'll be much slimmer by then. There's a lot of weight you can potentially lose in a year. Just keep that motivation going and you'll get there.

Hope you have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

Good morning Lowcal and well done! I am 10 11 this morning having started my 'holiday' on Wednesday (our 31st wedding anniversary ) we are off to Spain for 10 days there are no scales in my friends apartment - just as well really! So I won't be weighing in however there will be wifi somewhere so the Gym police will be tuning in from the costa del sol to find out what you have done at the gym! Have a good week my goal is to walk at least 5k everyday on holiday

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Prin

Hope you have a super time Prin. I am sure because of your change of routine you will come back not only refreshed but below that 10.11. Hopefully my aches and pains will dissipate somewhat this week so I can start bouncing again (at the moment it doesn't seem like it), so hopefully the gym police will take that into account!!! Have a fab time. X

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

Hope you have a fantastic holiday in Spain, and Congratulations on your 31st Wedding Anniversary - definitely something to celebrate! Good luck with your goal to walk at least 5k every day, and enjoy that sunshine in the Costa del Sol. Lots of rain here, so you've picked a good week to be away!

Have a great time.

Lowcal :-)

Candystripe profile image

Well done Lowcal. It's great that sensible choices when you eat out makes you feel good for the rest of the day instead of living with guilt! I'm sure you will notice quite a difference when you start back at the gym again but well done with your weight loss.

Well after last weeks disappointing 0.5 lb loss, really made a huge effort this week as wanted to lose that 1.5lbs to get me down to the three and a half stone total weight loss.

Wasn't able to exercise much as had vertigo and sciatica, so just walked when I felt able. Jumped on the scales this morning and absolutely stunned to have lost 7.5lbs!!! So that takes me down to one pound off losing 4 stone! As I haven't been able to exercise much I have eaten very sensibly (maybe too sensibly)which obviously paid off.

My goal for next week is to lose 1.5 lbs to take me just below the four stone weight loss.

Well done to everyone who has lost this week and to those who need encouragement, keep checking this forum for support.

katedaniels profile image
katedaniels in reply to Candystripe

Hi Candystripe,

That loss is absolutely amazing!!! I really hope you meet your goal next week and reach that 4 stone loss :) Best of luck.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Candystripe

Hi Candystripe,

Thanks. Well done to you for losing that 7.5 pounds and achieving almost 4 stones in total weight loss - that's really great! Hope your vertigo and sciatica symptoms reduce this week so you can feel more comfortable. Sounds like you've made lots of sensible food choices. Hope you're eating sufficient though to keep you healthy - losing a lot of weight in one week is not usually recommended - you've set yourself a healthy goal to lose this week, and good luck with achieving that. You're doing really well.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Candystripe

And the star dieter this week is....,,,,,,,,,candystripe, we might have to do some tactical voting candy stripe to vote you off the thread :) seriously your journey has been INSPERATIONAL, keep up the good work, can't wait for the next chapter! How's that Desigual top? You might have to sell it on eBay and get a smaller size!!! :)

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Prin

Love you so much Prin! I shall try my hardest not to be voted off believe me, cos I'm in it to win it!!!! Would you believe the Desigual blouses meet and do up BUT the tops of my arms are just a little too large for them to be comfortable at the mo. Must get back to exercising to get those bingo wings reduced! Don't think I could ever get rid of my reasons for living! Hope your holiday is fabulous. Do you have your bikini with you?

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Candystripe

My arms were so stubborn! I never thought they would get this tiny, but my chest also suffered the same fate, mind you they were huge, think Alison Hammond a contestant on this years strictly!!' No bikini for me although I probably could get away with those 50s style ones that are high waisted. Will be cutting the tag off on my new sexy (dh words) size 10 swimsuit from f&f polka dot top and black elsewhere

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Candystripe

My arms were so stubborn! I never thought they would get this tiny, but my chest also suffered the same fate, mind you they were huge, think Alison Hammond a contestant on this years strictly!!' No bikini for me although I probably could get away with those 50s style ones that are high waisted. Will be cutting the tag off on my new sexy (dh words) size 10 swimsuit from f&f polka dot top and black elsewhere

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Candystripe

My arms were so stubborn! I never thought they would get this tiny, but my chest also suffered the same fate, mind you they were huge, think Alison Hammond a contestant on this years strictly!!' No bikini for me although I probably could get away with those 50s style ones that are high waisted. Will be cutting the tag off on my new sexy (dh words) size 10 swimsuit from f&f polka dot top and black elsewhere

Prin profile image
Prin in reply to Candystripe

My arms were so stubborn! I never thought they would get this tiny, but my chest also suffered the same fate, mind you they were huge, think Alison Hammond a contestant on this years strictly!!' No bikini for me although I probably could get away with those 50s style ones that are high waisted. Will be cutting the tag off on my new sexy (dh words) size 10 swimsuit from f&f polka dot top and black elsewhere

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to Prin

Fabulous. Very envious of the new you. I must I must improve my......upper arms! I'd be wearing a tag that would say "I was a size 24!" so everyone could look at me and think a) wow! or b) exhibitionist! Have a super time X

catch profile image

Well done lowcal and all the other losers! I've managed to lose another pound this week so I now weigh 12 stone 2. I would love to lose 3 pounds to take me into the 11 stones but go on holiday on sunday for a week so will have to see what happens! You never know, I might manage 3 pounds loss over 2 weeks if I am careful with my food choices when we are away. I am still doing the couch to 5k so am getting 3 runs in each week which is helping with the loss, and will be continuing this whilst we are away so it will all help I am sure! Good luck to everyone in the coming weeks.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to catch

Hi Catch,

Thanks. Well done to you for losing another pound this week, that's great! Good luck with being sensible with your food choices during your holiday, and hope you have a really lovely time. You're doing well at keeping up with your running. Have a great holiday!

Lowcal :-)

katedaniels profile image

Hi Lowcal,

Congrats on your loss :) You really seem to be back on track now. eating out is always a temptation, but well done for resisting.

Last week i weighed 15st 10lbs this week I weigh 15st 8lbs. I think this is because i've changed my route home, i got a bit fed up with being forced into hedges by inconsiderate cyclists so I now go a different way. It's about a mile longer and has more cyclists but they are much more civilised on this route so think i'll stick with it.

I bought some weights on Friday to tackle those bingo wings so today my arms are aching, I'm taking that as a sign that i'm doing something right. I also started Jillian Michael's 30 day shred yesterday, what a workout!! I only did level 1 and I was gasping by the end. Next time i'll have water near by.

Next week I hope to loose 1 lb so I can be 15st 7lbs, it would be great to lose 2bs and hit that 40lbs loss but i'll be happy with 1 lb.

Congrats to all the losers, hope next week we all lose again :)


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to katedaniels

Hi Kate,

Many thanks.

Congratulations to you on losing 2 pounds this week - that's really great! Glad you've found a nicer route home, and you can enjoy that extra mile of exercise on top - that's a bonus!

Great that you've bought some weights - hope you enjoy using them and that your aching arms will feel better soon. Great that you're doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. One day I hope to find my DVD with that on and actually give it a go! Somebody did kindly give me a link to a couple of her sessions on You tube so I know they can be accessed for free on there as well. Sounds like a great work-out.

Good luck with your goals for this week.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

katedaniels profile image
katedaniels in reply to Zest

Thank you for your comments, I tried watching the you tube video but it froze mid jumping jack, not sure if it was the copy or my wifi that caused it. But I'm pretty sure the 2lbs I lost happened during her workout!


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to katedaniels

Hi Kate,

I can imagine you did lose during Jillian's work-out - she is definitely amazing and very good at motivating people. I can imagine that work-out is quite hard work.

Hope you're enjoying it so far.

Lowcal :-)

Bluehills profile image

Oh botheration. This morning I weigh in at 13 st 5. Another gain, I suspect because I've been very sedentary over the weekend - but the cat has just stolen the remains of my breakfast, so at least I've started the day well!

Some gentle swimming today plus a gentle ride - maybe the rain will wash some of this fat away. Or perhaps a less stressful week will lead to more success.

RMB398 profile image
RMB398 in reply to Bluehills

Hey Bluehills - sorry to hear you also gained this week. It's really hard isn't it. But I just wanted to let you know that your post made me giggle so at least you can have that satisfaction this monday.

Let me know how you get on with the rain washing the fat away thesis.... The way it's coming down over here I could be at my goal weight by tea time. :)

Here's to a better week


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bluehills

Hi Bluehills,

Sorry to hear you've had a gain this week, but hopefully this week will be better! Enjoy your swimming session and your ride as well. Yes, hopefully if your week is a bit less stressful this week, then it will help.

Your breakfast must have been very tasty to tempt the cat to finish it off. I think cats are definitely choosy about what they eat.

Hope you have a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Artsoru profile image

Morning lowcal!

Well done on the loss! And to all you other losers! :D

Its an achievement to eat out and choose something healthy off the menu! You should feel good about that. That's something I always have trouble with!

My week has been okay. Managed to work out 3 days last week and ate sensibly all week apart from one day. I did go over my calories by about 200...

But not all was lost this morning. Luckily I have remained the same weight. Still on 12st 5lbs. A little disappointed as I don't think I had that bad of a week... Still hoping to reach my goal of 12st by the end of October. Need to up my game for this week. Might try and squeeze in an extra day of exercise if I can manage. It would feel good to get down to the 12st mark!

Fingers crossed for everyone this week! May we all be losers! :)


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Artsoru

Hi Sophie,

Thanks very much! Yes, it was an achievement to choose healthily from the menu, and I did feel good about that. Another positive yesterday was that I managed to challenge an impulse to get a Chinese takeaway, and replaced it with a stir-fry at home instead. A much better option calorie wise. It was still tasty too, so that was good.

Glad you've had a good week, and you worked out for 3 days - that's great. You've also managed to keep within your calorie allocation too for most of the days, and that's great. It's surprising that you didn't lose any weight, but maybe you'll see a larger loss next week - something to look forward to, so keep motivated and you'll see the results on the scales.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

RMB398 profile image

HI All

glad to hear it's been a relatively good week for all. Seems like you're seriously back on track Lowcal and Candystripe - Wow!! - 7.5 lbs is just wonderful. I want some of what you're having.... umm yes that's possibly where I'm going wrong isn't it? Guess it's more about what you're not having. Hey ho. Well I've continued on the slippery slope this week and put on another 2lbs. My head is just in completely the wrong place at the moment and I don't know how to get it back. It's deffinately comfort eating but I'm also doing the thing where I feel deprived so when I do let myself go a little - i.e. when sharing a curry with a bunch of friends this weekend - instead of choosing wisely and eating just a little, I go completely overboard. I won't give up completely though - and will try again.

All the best to everyone and bon voyage to those of you heading off on your hols - looks like you've chosen just the right time what with this change in the weather.

Here's to a healthy and active week.

Ruth :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to RMB398

Hi Ruth,

Sorry to hear you've had a gain this week, and that you've been comfort eating sometimes - that is tough to challenge and hard to get your head back on course - but you are mentioning a healthy and active week ahead and that would certainly be a path towards weight loss next week. Maybe you could look at planning ahead regarding some meals - i.e. ensuring that you have something that is 'satisfying' and 'filling' but is within your calorie allocation. Then you would be less likely to feel 'deprived' and therefore less likely to go overboard on other occasions.

I think it's important to ensure that each meal contains all the relevant nutrients - i.e. a small portion of protein, plus some carbohydrate, and either lots of salad and/or vegetables with some good fats like olive oil. A few nuts make a good snack, and very healthy and satisfying. A banana or an apple is a good snack in terms of being filling and tasty.

Hope you have a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

RMB398 profile image
RMB398 in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal for all your helpfull tips. I will certainly give it a go.

Hope your week is a good one


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to RMB398

Hi Ruth,

Thank you - hope your week is going well so far.

Lowcal :-)

Candystripe profile image

Morning Ruth. I just put it down to having been away for two weeks and while you're away the eating routine changes which always helps me. It's like the saying "a change is as good as a rest!" When eating out you can't actually plan that you will say have 100 gms of carbs and two pieces of fruit for lunch, you just have to choose wisely and not gorge just because you are on holiday. When I came back I had only lost half a pound but got right back on track without cheating. I know a couple of times during the week I was 50-100 cals under target, but I was still having protein, fruits and veg. I usually try to do low carbs and it all just seemed to work. Daresay this week I'll be lucky to lose one pound but sure as eggs is eggs, I don't aim to put any lbs on! If you really want this weight loss bad enough Ruth, you WILL get your head back in place. In fact, I wonder if we can have a challenge for next week between us. Which one of us is going to lose more than one pound????

Hi all,

Well done to all of you losers this week, keep it up! And to you, Lowcal - I'm actually finding I'm looking forward to hearing about all of our progress as the weeks go on!

Sadly, I can't hold my hand up as a loser this week :( I've managed to put on 200g this week coming in at 73.3kg (there goes my smugness from last wk!)

The good news however, is my other half has finally set a date for our wedding so I now have a serious goal to work to. AARRGGHHHH!

This is the first week that I haven't been calorie counting with my app, and has obviously had an effect, so I'm back on it as of today. Still no exercise on the horizon although I'm hoping to start up Pilates again and I might try a Davina dvd this week as I'm only at work for 2 days... Now the weather has turned I hope my body doesn't flip into hibernation mode, *fingers crossed* I can keep this diet thing up into the oncoming months.

Catch you all next wk :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Rollingsheep,

Thanks for your encouragement - I do appreciate it!

Sorry to hear you've had a small gain this week - I think 200g is just under half a pound, so hopefully that will have gone again by next week (plus a bit more too!)

Great that you have set a Wedding date - really exciting!!! Congratuations!!! I bet you're really excited...!

Great to hear you're back to tracking your calories - I do think it helps. Hope you enjoy the Davina DVD, and your Pilates as well. I doubt you'll flip into 'hibernation mode' as none of us will let you sleep - we'll all be here to wake you up and keep you going!

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

christine58 profile image

Well done on your weight loss LowCal and it is more difficult to feel motivated to exercise with the darker and colder days/nights upon us. Swimming always good and that will be my exercise for the winter.

I lost 1.2lb this week bringing my total loss in 10 weeks to over 20lb, so well on my way to my 2 stone before Christmas. I may even have achieved that by my Ruby Wedding in November.

Good luck everyone for the coming week x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to christine58

Hi Christine,

Thank you. Congratulations to you for losing 1.2 pounds this week - that's really great. Yes, you're well on your way towards your goal to lose 2 stone before Christmas - that is brilliant. Your Ruby Wedding Anniversary is getting closer - lots to celebrate.

Wishing you another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

fatlossforcash1 profile image

This is a very good post. Thank you very much for you sharing. Watch more free video to learn how to lose belly fat and get a tummy fast for women at :

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to fatlossforcash1

Hi Fatlossforcash,

Thanks for your suggestion. I haven't clicked on the link though, as I am always a bit reluctant to press online links that I don't know much about.

Lowcal :-)

fatlossforcash1 profile image
fatlossforcash1 in reply to Zest

Click on Youtube (Down - Right) of Video

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to fatlossforcash1

Thanks :-)

Congratulations. I'm BMI 29.34 weight 13 stone 12 pounds and am pleased to be keeping out of the obese category and 'merely' being overweight (at least if I weigh myself in the mornings or after getting back from work before having dinner, as I'm still on the cusp). Hope to use all free time at work to go for walks, even if weather is bad. Really want to get below BMI25 to the healthy weight range - now 2 stone to go.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Anthony,

Thank you. Really glad you're enjoying being within your new BMI category - it's really great that you're out of the obese category now, and you've made great progress. Well done also for keeping to your walks despite the bad weather - that takes dedication. You are already on your way towards your ultimate goal of being in the healthy weight range. Keep going, and you will do it!

Lowcal :-)

robyn89 profile image

Well done lowcal and Candystripe your results this week have blown me away, congratulations your inspiring! I've lost a pound this week. I'm proud that this morning despite the awful weather I got to the gym before work. It's about an 8 minute walk and it was not pleasant in the wind and rain but I felt good for doing it. I've signed up for a different spin class tomorrow night which I'm super nervous about.

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to robyn89

Thank you Robyn. I hope you enjoy your new spin class. I'm very envious as I don't do the gym just yet but looking forward to perhaps joining a class or two when we return to the UK for good at the end of this month. Bitter sweet thoughts just now, but will have find an appropriate gym kit and trainers I guess! Congratulations on your weight loss. Keep up the great work.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to robyn89

Hi Robyn,

Thanks. Congratulations to you for losing a pound this week - that's really great. Also, I am pleased to hear you got to the gym before work - that is really commendable! Hopefully you'll enjoy tomorrow night's spin class - hope it goes really well. Well done you for starting the week so actively! I think you're going to have another successful week. Hope it goes really well.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image

Really well done - you are doing so well - a little loss each week - and it is all adding up. When I rejoined this group a few weeks ago - you were closer to 14 stone than you you were 13 Now look at you a few pounds off 13 stone - fantastic motivation and inspirational.

As for me - stayed the same. nothing to say on that except better than a gain!!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzybenj,

Thank you so much - it's feels good that you reminded me of that. It is motivating to think that the small losses have added up - gradually over time.

Glad you've maintained your weight and not gained any - that is progress in itself. Hopefully you will see another loss soon.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image

Just can't get myself in the right head space.....

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to suzybenj

Just look at your superb photo. You didn't get that medal for just giving up did you Suzy??? Come on, you can do it because YOU really want to. We are ALL routing for you and next weeks post which will tell us just how determined you actually are!!!! Supporting you all the way X

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to Candystripe

That is so kind - thank you - Will do my best...

I am actually running a half marathon on sunday - that has got to be good for few calories lost....

Candystripe profile image
Candystripe in reply to suzybenj

What an inspiration you are. I couldn't even run for a bus lol! I so take my hat off to you. I wish you so much luck for Sunday and know that you will be as successful in your weight loss as you are in your running. Good luck, Is it a charity run?

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzybenj,

The best of luck for your Half Marathon on Sunday - you need to keep up your strength for that run, and I think your head space will be all the better for it when you complete it. You are inspirational!

Lowcal :-)

gilly57 profile image

Good news from you then Lowcal. Well done! I've had a mixed week but like you have eaten out and not gone overboard. So to at 23LBs loss so far is OK. Sounds ridiculous but not sure if that's up or down on last week! LOL! Going for the longer goal of reaching my next stone marker. Must try not to weigh in too often! All the best for this week Lowcal and catch up next.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to gilly57

Hi Gilly,

Thank you! Well done to you for coping with eating out and not going over-board. Your 23 pound total loss is really fantastic. Well done!

Hope you have a great week this week.

Lowcal :-)

elaineanne1 profile image

I have been unable to weigh myself today as the scales in Boots(Ripley are not working) but not really doing well at all as I have been feeling very low and very tired, I have been doing my aqua classes but not so much walking as it has rained too much.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to elaineanne1

Hi Elaineanne,

Really sorry to hear that you have been feeling low and very tired. It's very difficult to remain motivated when you're feeling like that. I hope things get better for you as the week goes on. At least you've been able to do your Aqua classes - that's good! I agree that it's more difficult to walk with the rain at the moment. But don't give up hope Elaineanne, hopefully you'll feel better as the week progresses and you'll get some chances to walk inbetween the rain.

The fact is that you don't know what your weight is - you may still be losing weight despite feeling low and tired. Just keep going, and hopefully the scales will be back in action soon and you'll be able to assess your progress.

Hope the week gets better. Keep as positive as you can.

Lowcal :-)

elaineanne1 profile image
elaineanne1 in reply to Zest

Than you for the encouragement.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to elaineanne1

Hope the week is going well. :-)

Just_Me_2 profile image

Lost 2 lbs so I'm a happy bunny :) I too try to walk most days and go to a Pilates class (killer) on a Wednesday. Really want to have lost a stone for Christmas - onwards and downwards everyone :D x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Just_Me_2

Hi Just_Me_2,

Congratulations on losing 2 pounds this week - that's really great!!! Hope you enjoyed your killer Pilates class yesterday!

There's plenty of time to lose the weight between now and Christmas, so as you say - onwards and downwards! :-)

Have another great week.

Lowcal :-)

dreamaldives profile image

Hi there!

Can I join in please? I weighed myself on Monday 6th Oct (after weeks of avoiding it, not wanting to face the music!). I weighed in at 13st 5lbs. My weight has gradually been creeping up over the last few months (can remember being 12st 10lbs earlier in the year) so I need to nip it in the bud. Have been taking more exercise this week but have also given in to a few too many choc biscuits (will need to get them out the house). V annoyed with myself that I ate a big muffin this evening (one from Costco....the massive ones!!! ). However I am hoping I can still show a loss if I get with the program! Writing this is helping already!

good luck all and thanks lowcal for the original post.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to dreamaldives

Hi Dreamaldives,

You are very welcome! Thanks for joining us. It can be very difficult to weigh in after weeks of avoiding it, so it's great that you were brave and did so on 6th October. Well done! It's great that you've been taking more exercise this week - you're wise to take those chocolate biscuits out of the house for a bit - and your big muffin from Costco is in the past now - you can hopefully move forward for the remainder of the week and focus on your goals. Good luck!

Wishing you a good weekend ahead as well, and look forward to catching up with you next week - hopefully you'll be able to report a loss on the scales. Have you read the NHS weight loss pages - there are some great ideas and a structured plan to follow in there. Some good pointers to help you along with your goals.

Lowcal :-)

dreamaldives profile image
dreamaldives in reply to Zest

Thanks Lowcal. I have had a look at the NHS pages, they look really helpful, lots of tips and will print out the 12 week program week by week. Having a better day today, managed to stay clear of junk so far! Fingers crossed I can do enough for a loss on Monday. Enjoy your week.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to dreamaldives

Hi Dreamaldives,

That's great. Glad to hear you had a better day today - keeping clear of junk. Really good!

Yes, fingers crossed for a loss on Monday!

Lowcal :-)

Just_Me_2 profile image

Thanks Lowcal and good luck everyone, feeling quite proud of myself here, was offered a fresh fudge doughnut and the box was put in my hands yesterday. I don't want to stagnate or prevent any weight loss so it went straight into the food bin (a recycling non human one) when I got home so that it wouldn't lie there and tempt me.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Just_Me_2

Hi Just_Me_2,

Well done you, regarding how you dealt with that fresh fudge doughnut - that's really good! You've removed temptation.

It can't lie there tempting you now. You are free of it!

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

elaineanne1 profile image

I have been finally able to weigh myself and I am now 11st 5lbs which means that I have put one pound on.

I really need to get back on my diet but I tend to comfort eat as I have a lot of stress.

My BMI is 28 and it needs to get down to around 24. I get plenty of exercise as twice a week I go swimming and to aqua jog.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to elaineanne1

Hi Elaineanne,

It can be very difficult to try not to comfort eat in times of stress - it's great that you are getting plenty of exercise with your swimming and aqua jog. They both sound great. Maybe you could try having a cup of tea or glass of water at times when you are feeling like comfort eating - or maybe go for a walk or try to distract yourself from thinking about food in some other way - phoning a friend or reading a book or watching something on TV?

Don't worry about having put on that pound, it will soon come off - just try your best to eat healthily and find some ways to tackle your comfort eating. See what works best for you. Maybe something will work one day and not the other, in which case have a couple of alternatives to turn to, to try out.

Hope you have a great weekend.

Lowcal :-)

elaineanne1 profile image

I have yet again restarted my diet and today has gone quite well so just hope I can keep it up. I shall weigh myself tomorrow and this will be my starting weight, It would be to under 11st before the end of November.

elaineanne1 profile image

I have yet again restarted my diet and today has gone quite well so just hope I can keep it up. I shall weigh myself tomorrow and this will be my starting weight, It would be to under 11st before the end of November.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to elaineanne1

Hi Elaineanne,

Glad to hear it's going well. Hope your weigh-in goes ok tomorrow - why not join the post that is dated 13th October (today's post) instead of this one (which is dated 6th October) - the date is clearly written in the title of the weigh-in post. Then you can join in tomorrow in the up to date post. It would be great to see how you get on, and hope to see you there!

Best of luck for this week - hope it continues to go well.

Lowcal :-)

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