Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (4th August 2014).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
65 Replies

Good morning,

Last Monday I weighed 13 stone 11.2 pounds, and today I weigh 13 stone 11.6 pounds, so I've gained 0.4 pounds this week. I wasn't looking forward to weighing in, because I knew I had gained weight. I know why as well - I ended up baking some cakes and muffins, which I had intended to freeze and eat occasionally, but unfortunately I seemed to get the 'cake gremlins' and ended up eating cake and muffins whenever I had a cup of tea or coffee. I know that is NOT the way to lose weight, and I must stop myself from repeating that pattern this week.

The other thing I didn't do, was do much exercise, and I think that was partly due to having felt a bit lethargic from having eaten the cake, plus the heat.

I absolutely need to get back to healthier ways - i.e. get back to doing regular exercise and eating more sensibly. A piece of cake or muffin is fine as long as it is an occasional treat, and not eaten to the excess that I ended up doing...

I am going to try to cut back on the cake; eat sensible healthy meals; and exercise regularly this week. I hope I manage to do that this week. I'd like to lose 2 pounds if I can.

I hope you will join me for this Monday's weigh-in, to share your experiences this week. Good luck to everyone with their weight loss goals.

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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65 Replies
Jlmitch profile image

Good morning Lowcal. I have had a good week and am 4lb. Happy as last week I stayed the same. 13lb since I started on 27 June.

Baking is bad news! I try to avoid it - and cakes at work!

Hope you have a better week this week!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jlmitch

Hi Jlmitch,

Congratulations on your weight loss. That's great.

Thanks for your encouraging words - I do hope to have a better week this week.

Hope you have another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Jlmitch profile image
Jlmitch in reply to Zest

"Gaining" 0.4lb is maintaining or staying the same in my book - not gaining! Keep at it, you'll succeed with perseverance!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jlmitch

Hi Jlmitch,

Thanks for that reframing - I appreciate it. I have been a bit harsh on myself I think, but I guess I was disappointed not to lose weight - but I know the reasons why I didn't, and it amounted to a bit of emotional eating of cake. I am hoping this week will be better.


Lowcal :-)

katedaniels profile image

Hi Lowcal,

When I bake cakes I have this thing about eating the cake mixture raw and then eating what little I cook when it's still warm, sadly I have had to give up baking due to complete lack of self-control :( 0.4 lbs isn't bad for cake gremlins and not exercising regularly, next week will be better :)

I have broke through the plateau and lost 2lbs this week ,my total is 26 lbs. I now weigh 16st 6lbs, it's the first time since leaving uni 8 years ago that I have weighed under 16 1/2 stone. I put that down to the 8 mile walk I did on Saturday, wasn't tired at all but my feet were aching as it was 2 3/4 hours continuous walking. The good news is that it finally seems to be cooling down so my energy is coming back :)

I wish you luck in banishing the cake gremlins (or getting them undercontrol so you can still enjoy baking) and wishing you a successful loss next week :)


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to katedaniels

Hi Kate,

Congratulations on your 2 pound loss this week - and especially great to hear you've achieved a personal goal to reach a weight you've not seen for 8 years. That's really great. Your Saturday walk sounds like a good one. Glad to hear your energy is coming back now it's cooling down a bit.

I have frozen some cake slices, and I am not going to get them out till the weekend, and on the weekend I'll limit it to one slice per weekend day! That's my plan for this week regarding cake. I shall look forward to enjoying a slice on Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon!

Hope you have another great week ahead, and thanks for encouraging me to fight those cake gremlins... :-)

Lowcal :-)

kars1111 profile image

Hi lowcal, must have been a week for cake as I also was eating cake this week but my excuse was it was my sons 3rd birthday. As for the weigh in was really surprised that I lost 2lb this week which was my target. Im surprised as I know I didnt eat the healthiest (cake) and with my partner away for the week couldnt get to the gym but still it's a loss so cant complain. Good luck for a better week this week and well done to all the other losers x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to kars1111

Hi Kars1111,

Well done for losing 2 pounds, despite eating cake! That's great. I hope you all enjoyed celebrating your son's 3rd Birthday. Sorry to hear you couldn't get to the gym this week, but hopefully you can get there again soon, so you can enjoy some gym sessions. I am hoping to go to the gym tomorrow.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

catch profile image

Hi lowcal. Well done for only putting on 0.4lb when eating too much cake! I know what it is like as I baked and iced fairy cakes for my daughter this week, and when I worked out the calories it came to 246 each! Almost as much as half a bottle of wine!

I managed to lose 2lb this week, which I am really pleased with as it takes me down to 1st 9lb. Most importantly though my husband got my size 16 clothes out of the loft this weekend and I have got back into some of the tops and dresses. Just need to work on my hips and thighs now. I'm still not doing enough exercise really but plan to work on that.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to catch

Hi Catch,

Wow, it just shows how many calories are in an iced fairy cake - lots! Well done for losing 2 pounds this week. That's really good. Brilliant that you are back in your size 16 clothes again - hope you are enjoying wearing them.

Good luck with your plans to do more exercise. Wishing you another great week.

Thanks for your encouragement as well - much appreciated!

Lowcal :-)

Sagey profile image

First week done and I have lost 3lb. Down to 11 stone now.

Its been a good week, eating well and exercising daily. Hope to continue with the pattern.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Sagey

Hi Sagey,

That's brilliant - well done, you'll be into the '10's' very soon, all being well.

Glad to hear you've had a good week and that you've been eating well and exercising daily - that's great. Hope you have another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

RMB398 profile image

Hi All

my first week & despite of the 'pudding party' I went to (&joined in at) I've manage to lose 2.6lb. It's a long road (3 stone) but I'll try.

Well done to all esp Low-cal for only putting on .4lb while having cake! I think the slice a day at the weekends sounds like a great idea. I always seemt o fall down when I get to the point where I feel miserable becuase I'm thinking 'I'll never be able to have cake again' or similar. I'm really trying for the balance this time round.

All the best to all for a good healthy week ahead.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to RMB398

Hi Ruth,

Brilliant that you've lost 2.6 pounds, and that you also enjoyed attending your 'pudding party' - that's so good. You've made an excellent start on your journey towards you goals.

Thanks for your kind words about my 'cake gain' - I know I'll savour the cake at the end of the week, and it's something to look forward to.

I think your wise words about trying to achieve 'balance' is good.

Hope you have another positive week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

RMB398 profile image
RMB398 in reply to Zest

HI again Low cal -

just a quick one from the pudding party - A friend told me about a super-healthy and taty pudding which she called Banana Icecream - Basically you frees a banana then put it in a blender with the tiniest bit of fat free fromage frais or yoghurt or similar. Sounds yummy hey. I'm going to give it a got when I next get the urge for a treat.

All the best


RMB398 profile image
RMB398 in reply to RMB398

Sorry the 'frees' above should, of course, say 'freeze' - think Anthony's comment about the loose and lose has affected me!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to RMB398

Hi Ruth,

Yes, that Banana Icecream does sound very delicious, and I will also try it when I next buy some bananas.

Thanks for that!

Lowcal :-)

Jlmitch profile image
Jlmitch in reply to Zest

See this page for banana "icecream" recipe. There are also lots of variations on this site. Weightwatcher focus but also has calories. It is good!

RMB398 profile image
RMB398 in reply to Jlmitch

Hi Jlmitch

Which page?

k823127 profile image


I originally used this forum for my completion of C25K, however after completing that i may as well tell you all about my weight journey. Back in March 2014 i weighed just over 250lbs, i have always been big and cannot remember ever being a standard/healthy size. I have worked hard with eating roughly 1300-1400 calories a day and sticking to healthier foods and also doing a lot more exercise, such as running/swimming etc.

Over the last few weeks, due to ill health and stress i haven't really lost anything, nor put any on, however i did my weigh in this morning to discover i had lost another 2lbs.

I am now at 202lbs exactly and am hoping over the next week i can get under that 200lbs mark! Another stepping stone in the right direction for me :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to k823127

Hi k823127,

Welcome to you, and thanks for joining us. You've done really well to lose 50 pounds, that's brilliant. Well done for your 2 pound loss this week - you mentioned having had some ill health and stress over the past few weeks, and I do hope that things are improving for you. Exciting to think you are getting close to being under the 200lb mark - not long now hopefully! Wishing you every success with that goal, and thanks for sharing your success.

Wishing you a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

RMB398 profile image
RMB398 in reply to k823127

Hi k823127

Glad you've joined us. We've all got a journey to make and I for one am finding the help & support on here invaluable.

I really just wanted to say what a cool picture you have. Lets face it baby animals of any sort are pretty cute but a baby giraffe - must top the bill.

All the best for the next goal



14 stone 7 pounds, BMI 30.84. So lost 3 pounds. Need to lose another 5 or pounds to get below BMI 30. Hoping to do that by the end of August.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Anthony2014,

Well done on your weight loss this week. You're doing really well. Your goal sounds achievable, and you're well on the way towards it. Hope you have another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

in reply to Zest

Thanks. I did quite a bit of walking yesterday and for Sunday lunch had steak with lots of vegetables.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Anthony2014,

Walking is such great exercise. Your Sunday lunch sounded tasty.

Lowcal :-)

Jsports profile image

Ouch binges get me too sometimes. I feel for you to progress you need better planning on your food and ofc your exercise. Specificity! To say your going to exercise is just a lack lustre term of I mean about tell us what you are going to do when you are going to do it :)

I'm going to swim at least 2 laps on mon, wed and Friday next week. I have a distance goal I have the number of workouts I'm going to do....basically......I'm going to do it :) hopefully this helps you with your own goals

Please note - I'm not going to do that next week it's an example...besides I can't swim haha however this week I am playing badminton mon tues wed Thursday 2hours on today and wed 4 hours tues and Thursday... If I have anyone left in the tank I will do a cardio day on the weekend. This is my real plan this fact...badminton starts 6-8 should start thinking about eating soon.

Hope this helps he way it intended to :) plan!! Good luck, screw you cupcakes!! X

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jsports

Hi Jsports,

Yes, I agree with you that being specific about goals is far more help than just being more generic. Good advice! I am definitely hoping to go to the gym tomorrow and will do a 50 minute session there. I've walked today and will be doing a 20 minute cardio session later today.

I am hoping that my words will convert into action!

Hope you enjoy your Badminton and you made me laugh when you talked about the swimming and then admitted you can't swim, and that it was an example. It did help to give a concrete example. Thanks again.

Hope you have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to Zest

Hehe well I'm sure I come across as abit pushy know it all coz of my studies so thought I'd liven it up abit haha badminton killed me and Iv got 4 hours tomorrow uh o.

Glad I helped good luck any qus give us a bell.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jsports

Hi Jsports,

I like your enthusiasm. Another 4 hours of Badminton today - wow - hope you survive it.

Lowcal :-)

Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to Zest

3 protein shakes and an ice bath later I'm aching lol I lasted 3:45. Didn't want to over do it lol it's tomorrow's 2 hours I'm dreading..let's hope I can walk tomorrow. Thanks :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jsports

An ice bath! Hope you're recuperating after all of that. Hope you can walk tomorrow! :-)

Jsports profile image
Jsports in reply to Zest

Yeah I was recommended 3 but after I had my first I decided to just keep it at one haha I ache soooo much. The areas u think ache do ache but it's my bum foot muscle muscles and trap which are yelling at me the most.

matildared profile image

Oh..wel... halloooo goodaftetnoon evetybody.. me..wl.. 89.7.gosh..kilos...

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to matildared

Hi Matildared,

Have you gained, or lost, or stayed the same this week? I know you've shared your weight, but not sure how that compared to last week? Hope you have had a good week.

Hope you have a good week to come.

Lowcal :-)

Autumn-Witch profile image

Goodmorning Low Cal and Everyone,

I'm very late signng in this week but almost gave up when I saw the scales this morning. From 10st 10lbs 2 oz last week I am now 10st 12lb 8oz today. I haven't missed anything out in the way of exercise and have stuck to my 1400 calories a day so feel at a loss to undertand why I am putting on weight. I have gained 2lb 6 oz in a week when I haven't binged or done anything out of the ordinary! Perhaps I need to try something else. Any suggestions anyone?

Jlmitch profile image
Jlmitch in reply to Autumn-Witch

Oh dear! Where did that come from? I was struggling on a low fat diet. I've done weightwatchers and gave up as it was either going very very slowly and I was conststantly hungry and in danger of binging (which I did frequently) or I was just putting it back on. This time I decided to do it myself and use this site - but I started looking at advice on the internet and Penel posted a link to a website and one thing led to another and I'm now doing high fat low carb/sugar. I was worried - but this style of eating is recommended by the Swedish government after independent investigation and only 14% of Swedes are now overweight. I have felt totally satisfied with my food (the fat does that) and I'm not fussed about missing bread/potatoes/cakes/sweets at all. In fact I eat 3 meals a day, no snacks and I have lost my urge to binge (caused by carbs?). Weight is going down relatively fast. Definitely easier than low fat! It takes a bit of getting used to eating high fat after all these years of being told not to eat it - but it turns out that advice was totally wrong! I've been using this web site: It might suit you? Eating full fat yogurt, frying foods in olive oil, having olive oil on salads, eating roast chicken skin, heaven!

Autumn-Witch profile image
Autumn-Witch in reply to Jlmitch

Hi Jlmitch,

High Fat/Low Carb. That sounds strange advice compared to what I'm doing at the moment. I've just been eating the recommended healthy diet and keeping to 1400 carbs as recommended by the nhs 12 week plan. Also been fitting in three exercise sessions a week plus whatever walking I can manage on non-gym days. I will certainly have a look at the site you mention. It sounds too good to be true :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jlmitch

Hi Autumn-Witch & Jlmitch,

I think that olive oil is great on foods - I often put it on salads, and I also fry with it. I roast vegetables in it too. I also tend to buy full fat natural yoghurt as opposed to the low fat varieties, because it does satisfy me and fill me up.

I don't miss out on bread or potatoes - but wherever possible I choose wholemeal versions of pasta and bread, and I don't eat excessive amounts of either.

Normally I try to limit cake - but have not been able to do that last week - but I have adapted my cake recipe to include more wholemeal flour, and a lot less sugar. So I think I've made the recipe a bit healthier than it would have been previously.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Autumn-Witch

Hi Autumn-Witch,

Great to see you. I really don't know why you've gained that weight this week - sounds like you've been keeping to your plan, and it sounds like a healthy plan. I would stick with it, and hopefully that excess will soon disappear and you'll be back to losing weight again.

Keep your resolve and I am sure you'll see the results. You've been doing really well. Just keep positive. I know it's difficult when you see a gain on the scales - but I do think it will come off again very quickly.

Lowcal :-)

Autumn-Witch profile image
Autumn-Witch in reply to Zest

Hi LowCal,

I was pretty gutted this morning and stared at the scales in disbelief. I don't think I would have minded anywhere near as much if I'd been naughty and cheated on the calories! Jlmitch posted an interesting website to look at and I've decided that I will finish my 12 weeks with the nhs plan (hoping this week is just a ‘blip') and if I don't get back on track I will try the method that Jlmitch is using. I really must find a way to lose another two stone to achieve the ideal zone on the bmi chart.

I think you are very brave to bake :-) I could not trust myself near a mixing bowl. The gorgeous taste of the unbaked mixture is my undoing - just can't leave it alone. I wish us both a more successful week next week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Autumn-Witch

Hi Autumn-Witch,

I do think this week was just a 'blip' for you. I'm sure you will get back on track. Don't give up hope and stay determined to succeed and I'm sure you will.

Yes, let's hope we have a good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

jaxmc64 profile image

Hi local, count me in!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to jaxmc64

Hi Jaxmc64,

A warm welcome to you! Have you set your goals for the coming week. I hope you succeed and achieve them, and I hope to see you at the next Monday weigh-in.

Hope you have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

jaxmc64 profile image
jaxmc64 in reply to Zest

Thanks for your lovely welcome Lowcal, is this something you do every week then? I've not set a weekly goal but saw you're invitation and thought this might be just what I need- so far I just eat nutritious healthy balanced meals ( increasingly over the past few months and have been learning how to do that and balance exercise so I have energy to sleep, rest and play ( exercise) well!

It's been quite a juggling act! Anyway four months in and my body and mind set seems to have made the adjustment - I weigh 73 kg am 166cm tall and do moderate to intensive exercise most days; turned 50 a week ago today and would like to lose 5 kg by next February. I am also extremely lazy and love to watch TV for a few hours in the evening ! Stopped baking cakes because I love my own baking too much although make flapjacks to fuel me between long road cycles and just cause I believe a little of what you fancy is good for you:)

So what should I aim to lose ? I have no idea on this as I just expect my weight to go down with the goal of losing around a kilo per month. So I guess that I've answered my own question and my weight loss goal should be ... WILL BE 72.5 kg for next Monday and I should raise my monthly target weight loss but I will tAke it week by week starting with your weigh in next Monday!

Thanks Lowcal I have been lazy in not planning it before more specifically and that's why your thread and this forum will be so helpful. I will keep following posts much shorter- well done and go for it everyone!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to jaxmc64

Hi Jaxmc64,

Yes, I am here for all the Mondays I can make, except when I'm on holiday of course. Really glad you are joining us, and thanks for your detailed post, which I enjoyed reading. Sounds like you've already made a lot of progress in terms of achieving some balance in your healthy eating and exercise, and you sound positive and motivated, which is half the battle.

I think the people on this forum are amazing with their positivity and continued support - it is invaluable.

Happy Birthday for last week, hope you had a great time celebrating.

Hope you have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

jaxmc64 profile image
jaxmc64 in reply to jaxmc64

Dear Lowcal, I hope this week has felt better for you?

So this is an early post just before midnight but I am away for two days and won't be around. I have lost weight @ 0.8 kg and I had hoped to lose 0.5 kg so thank you for encouraging us to set goals


Having goals and writing it down here is very helpful Lowcal, thanks again- tune in next week x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to jaxmc64

Hi Jaxmc64,

Many congratulations to you for losing 0.8 kg. That's really great.

I hope you have a good couple of days away, and look forward to catching up with you again next week. Wishing you another great week.

Unfortuantely I have gained 2.4 pounds this week - please see my post dated 11th August if you want to see more details of that... I am hoping to get back on track this week, and lose 2 pounds.

Lowal :-)

jaxmc64 profile image

Thanks LC,

These things for me are always better to do with other people and I appreciate this community and thread.

My birthday.... Boot camp in the morning as I started celebrating 2 months ago and will celebrate for the whole year just because!

See you next Monday - ooh nervous now I have committed to another goalx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to jaxmc64

Hi Jaxmc64,

Great that you are celebrating your BIrthday for the remainder of the year. Great idea!

Committing to another goal is motivating.

Lowcal :-)

Hi Lowcal,

I think you are really lucky that you can eat cake and only gain .4 lb. i only have to think about cake to gain weight! ;)

One cake is never enough for me so I just don't buy them, I make them for my family but put mixed fruit in them - which I hate, so I am not tempted to eat them. It's the same at Weightwatchers. I envy those who can buy the boxes of WW treats and limit themselves to one a day. I don't have that self control and would eat a whole box of them in one go, so I just don't buy them. I eat loads of fruit, constantly grazing throughout the day on apples, grapes, nectarines, strawberries and a banana. It's working for me and at last night's weigh-in I showed another 3lbs loss. But better than that, I am no longer on blood pressure medication which I am absolutely delighted about. I rarely need painkillers for my arthritis now, in fact I cannot recall exactly the last time I took any :)

I am on the verge of moving from 'clinically obese' to overweight too!

Good luck everyone this week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Bigmumma,

I am so pleased to hear your news - really great that you've lost the weight and also that you're no longer on blood pressure medication, and that you haven't needed any painkillers recently. That's brilliant! Well done on your discipline and keeping on track.

I hope you have another positive week ahead. Thanks for your encouragement as well - I've managed to avoid cake so far this week. Did have crumpets though...!

Lowcal :-)

yoyo-nono profile image

Hi Lowcal,

I am finally back online after my move to the new house. Despite my best efforts I did not lose any weight and stayed the same. I think the fact that I did not have a fridge the first couple of days and no access to fitnesspal for tracking were all contributing factors. And yes, moving was super stressful. And I was tired beyond measure!!! Glad to be in the new place though. This week is my last week of the 12 week plan. Ive lost 9 kgs on this plan. But I will continue with the plan after 12 weeks.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to yoyo-nono

Hi Yoyo-nono,

Great to see you. Glad your house move has gone ok. I think you did really well to maintain your weight during the upheaval and stress of a house move. You need to have a good rest to recuperate. Great that you like being in your new place now.

Congratulations on losing 9kgs so far on the 12 week plan. You've done really well, that's great progress.

Hope you have a good week ahead and that you enjoy being in your new home.

Lowcal :-)

yoyo-nono profile image

Thanks Lowcal! I really appreciate your kind words! And thanks for doing the weekly weigh-in too!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to yoyo-nono

Hi Yoyo-nono,

Thank you. Doing the weekly weigh-in helps me to try to stay motivated.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to yoyo-nono

Hi Yoyo-nono,

Thank you. Doing the weekly weigh-in helps me to try to stay motivated.

Lowcal :-)

gilly57 profile image


I didn't weigh in until today, trying to wait (weight?) for a spell . . . . I'm sad to read your news about gaining, but it'll be a blip. You've recognised it, and we all move on! Good luck for this week and I'm pinning my hopes on you eating the right foods, as you know you can!

My brilliant news is that despite blips as you had, I've lost my first stone for more than one weigh in!! LOL

I'm going to a funeral unfortunately tomorrow so I will have to be strong to avoid sandwiches I guess. Wish me strength!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to gilly57

Hi Gilly57,

Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. I have to admit I am finding it a bit challenging to eat the 'right foods' this week - but I am trying to do so wherever possible.

I am pleased to hear your good news that you've lost your first stone - many congratulations. That's brilliant! Wishing you strength for tomorrow, when you attend the funeral, and hope it goes ok.

Wishing you another good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

Bluehills profile image

I didn't even weigh myself this week - we had our silver wedding anniversary party, plus it was my birthday & we went away for a couple of nights to a lovely hotel - so I didn't want to be depressed by having put anything on. When people give you champagne and a beautifully decorated cake, it's rude not to have them! Then I came on here, read all the positive messages & it's strengthened my resolve - we're on holiday for a couple of weeks from this weekend, but as we're caravanning, catering healthily will be easier. So I won't be posting my weight until the start of September, but I'll still be trying to eat healthily. I just am NOT taking my scales, as the last lot ended up being used to measure the caravan nose weight (by my lovely other half) and they were never the same after that!!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Bluehills

Hi Bluehills,

Congratulations on your Silver Wedding, and also Happy Birthday too - lots to celebrate, and I'm glad you had a lovely time doing so. Champagne and cake - really lovely.

Hope you have a lovely time on your holiday, and good luck with the healthy catering. Good idea not to take the scales along - especially after what happened last time! :-)

Have a great time and look forward to seeing you for the weigh-in when you get back.

Lowcal :-)

keep-it-up profile image


I have just started on the NHS calorie counting diet having failed at Slimming World and Weightwatchers!!! It would be great to have a weigh in with someone and a Monday would hopefully keep me in check over the weekend. Good luck


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to keep-it-up

Hi Jolene,

Welcome to you, and it's great that you're going to join us for the Monday weigh-ins. Hope you have a good weekend in the meantime.

Have a great first week.

Lowcal :-)

Judith7 profile image

Hello there.

I'd like to join Monday morning weigh-in if that is what it says it is!

How do I go about this please?

I am just starting out on this site.

All the best,


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Judith7

Hi Judith,

You would be very welcome to join in our Monday weigh-in. Several people post different weigh-ins, but I try to post one on Monday mornings and I always try to remember to put the correct date in the subject heading, so it's clear which Monday it is...! So if you look out for my name and the subject line 'Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in' then you can join in.

So if you would like to join it, then please do - you would be very welcome.

I hope you have a good weekend, and hope to see you on Monday for the weigh-in.

Good luck with your weight-loss journey.

Lowcal :-)

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