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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (Easter Monday - 21st April 2014).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
45 Replies

Good morning! Firstly, I'd like to wish everyone a Very Happy Easter!

My aim this week was to not gain any weight, and last Monday I weighed 13 stone 8.6 pounds. This morning I weigh 13 stone 8.8 pounds, so I've gained 0.2 pounds. A very minimal gain, so I'm ok with that. I did indulge in a few Easter treats - but I only had a couple of very small chocolate eggs and some cake and a Hot Cross bun - plus a couple of chocolates! Normally I would have eaten more than that over Easter, so I do think that I was better than I would normally have been. I still have some Easter treats to eat, but I'm hoping to ration them sensibly over the weeks to come. In the past I might have had a good binge and eaten them all at once, so therefore I hope to change that pattern with my current plan.

I have got a couple of meals out to contend with this week - so I am hoping to make healthier food choices from the menus, and I also hope to do regular exercise and eat sensibly for the remainder of the week as well, and therefore I'm hoping to lose weight this week - hopefully at least a pound.

Please do join me in this Monday Easter Weigh-in and share your experiences of how you are coping with Easter and share your goals for the week ahead.

Hoping we all achieve our goals for the coming week.

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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45 Replies
burntsun profile image
burntsunMaintainerRestart Feb 20246kg


I normally weigh in at Boots, which is closed here today. So I'll report my stats tomorrow. I did overdo the calories yesterday but by eating a nut roast dinner rather than by eating loads of chocolate. Overall the past week has gone well however, including two 50 min strengthening sessions. Even though I can't weigh in, I can certainly *see* the difference in my arms - they're beginning to get some good muscle definition.

Congratulations Lowcal on maintaining your weight during Easter (which is essentially what you've done, take credit!) while still enjoying some treats. Really impressed with your balance. Also, I always appreciate your sensible approach to planning the week ahead. Like you, I have a challenge this week as I'll be staying a couple of nights with a friend who's a keen wine drinker. My plan is to limit myself to two small glasses per night, taken with plenty of water to pace myself.

Happy bank holiday everyone.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to burntsun

Hi Burntsun,

Yes, you're right, I should have phrased it in terms of 'maintaining' - sounds like a positive re-framing and more appropriate.

Sounds like you've had a good week - great that you've already noticed more good muscle definition, and I hope you see some results on the scales tomorrow.

Hope you enjoy your couple of nights with your friend - like you said, it's good to pre-plan, and you've got a plan to cope with that time, and I'm sure it will stand you in good stead.

Wishing you a really good week ahead.

Lowcal :-)

burntsun profile image
burntsunMaintainerRestart Feb 20246kg in reply to Zest

Thanks for the encouragement Lowcal - I've just weighed in and I lost 2lb, so I'm back on track.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to burntsun

Hi Burntsun,

Fantastic - 2 pounds is a great weight loss. Well done, and hope the week continues well.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image

Hi LC - great news on your overall weight loss - really well done.

So after a pause- because of running extravaganza - I am now looking to be back in the weight loss game. My weight has been pretty static for months.- 11st 11llbs. Still finishing of Easter party food and party on sat - so it may well be static again next week:-)

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMe in reply to suzybenj

Yeah, I've been resting on my (much smaller than yours) laurels for too long now. Pleased to have maintained a healthy weight but no progress towards my ultimate targets for the year and that's daft because I know I can do it. This morning's weigh-in had me up to 70.1kgs. And that was before I started on my Easter egg. I'm aiming for 65kgs by the end of June and 60kgs by the end of September. Various celebratory challenges still in my near future so the key for me will be to pare down other eating and up the exercise. I am a bit disappointed because although I ate more than necessary to satisfy honouring the festival, I have done quite a lot of walking.

suzybenj profile image
suzybenj in reply to GoogleMe

:-) like you I know I can do better - i just need to focus on 1400 calories a day and get that exercise programme right:-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to GoogleMe

Hi GoogleMe,

It's great that you've been doing quite a lot of walking - it's such great exercise and I am sure you will see the results in terms of muscle tone and feeling fitter generally - in addition to helping you to lose weight as combined with healthier eating. It's a good formula.

You've got your goals ahead, and you have your plan, and so hopefully you'll achieve your goals. Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzybenj,

Great to 'see' you on here. Hope your running extravaganza was enjoyable, and it's good that you've not gained any weight over the last few months. Enjoy the party on Saturday and the remainder of the Easter party food, and hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

Kazhippo profile image

Well done!!! Over Easter that is excellent. I have to admit I did have half a "no added sugar" egg from Thorntons (I am Type 2 diabetic on insulin/meds) which I can honestly say I will never do again - the rest is going in the bin as it gave me horrible stomach cramps - wish I'd never had it! This week I'm hoping to increase my exercise by using the bike and getting back into the Wii Fit. Will see how I've done on Friday!

Good luck this week with your healthy food choices :-)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Kazhippo

Hi Kazhippo,

So sorry to hear you had horrible stomach cramps after eating your Easter egg - that's awful. Hope you're feeling better by now.

Enjoy your cycling and the Wii Fit too - hope you have a really good week.

Lowcal :-)

Thistle72 profile image
Thistle72 in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal, it's my first weigh in but I have come across a problem. I was back in Scotland when I started the plan and on my mums scales I was 10 12 but now I'm home again it says 10 10. So not sure how accurate either are. I would be happy to think I've lost 2 lbs as I did run x 3, spin x2 and ate well until yesterday when I ate half a caramel sponge!! Not a good end to my week. Also signed up for C25K this week so I'll try harder and see what happens next week. Well done on everyone's vigilance over Easter. Good luck everyone this week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Thistle72

Hi Thistle72,

Sorry to hear you had a problem for your first weigh-in in terms of the two scales you used being inconsistent. Maybe you could pop into Boots and try their scales to get another reading, but then I guess you'd have to account for the weight of your clothes. Hopefully as you said, you've lost 2 pounds, because it certainly sounds like you've worked very hard this week doing all that running and spinning and eating well.

Wow, signing up for C25K sounds amazing. I am currently running 5km on the treadmill occasionally, and I enjoy doing that. But I can't imagine running further than that! 25k sounds phenomenal and I wish you good luck with it.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Thistle72 profile image
Thistle72 in reply to Zest

Thanks Low Cal, I'll try the Boots scales. It's only the 5K I'm building up to do but you never know I might manage 25K one day!!! I have been running but not very far so thought I'd try the training programme on NHS choices.

Not been very good this week, it's been the monthly event and my sweet tooth is letting me down. Any ideas on how to cope with that?

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Thistle72

Hi Thistle72,

I am in the same boat as you - I am also on my monthly event and so far this week I have been over-eating (due to the availability of my Easter treats) and therefore I would say that I am not in a position to advise you on self-restraint, as I don't seem to have any this week!

What I would say is that it can help to try to keep the availability of sweet things far from you, so that you have to make a great effort to get hold of them - and then maybe you can distract yourself from the craving by doing something else. The other thing is to remind yourself that your monthly event will soon be 'over' and then you can get back on track again once your hormones have settled and you are feeling better.

I think the effect of having your monthly event at the same time as Easter is particularly challenging - maybe tackling one without the other would be doable, but both together is really difficult.

I am hoping that I can get back on track for the remainder of this week, but I have a meal out tonight, so that will be another larger meal to contend with. But then I do have three days left before the Monday weigh-in, so I am hoping to do more exercise and be really disciplined with my food intake. I am seriously considering cutting out all sugary foods for those days, as I've been feeling lethargic from all the Easter chocolate. It really feels like I've been 'drugged' - I know how horrible that feeling is, and I am annoyed at myself for succumbing to the cravings to eat it.

Hope you are able to get back on track yourself - best of luck!

Lowcal :-)

Thistle72 profile image
Thistle72 in reply to Zest

Hi Low Cal, thanks for the advice. I think you're right about the availability of naughty things!!! Normally I tend to buy the kids things I don't like for example chocolate bourbons-hate them, so I can control it that way but as you said because of Easter I've caved in. But hopefully like you I'll get back on it. Hope you had a nice meal out.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Thistle72

Hi Thistle72,

I have also 'caved in' as a result of the fall-out from the Easter weekend. Oh well - I anticipate I'll see a gain on the scales on Monday, but I will weigh-in and own up to that and then hopefully move forward and get back on track!

My meal out was lovely thanks. I managed to choose reasonably well, and didn't overdo it too much.

Hope you have a good weekend.

Lowcal :-)

Thistle72 profile image
Thistle72 in reply to Zest

Hi LowCal, I too have continued on a carb/choc fest this week so I too will gain but as you say we will accept it and move forward to a less fattening week!!!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I'll join you for the weigh in on Monday.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Thistle72

Hi Thistle72,

Thanks, and see you at the Monday weigh-in, tomorrow.

Lowcal :-)

burntsun profile image
burntsunMaintainerRestart Feb 20246kg in reply to Thistle72

I'd recommend Boots scales too. Until a couple of months ago I trusted my home scales, but it turns out they were weighing me in about 4lb too low. Now I weigh in at Boots once a week, wearing similar clothes. Good luck with your plan, you've made a great start.

Thistle72 profile image
Thistle72 in reply to burntsun

Hi burntsun , thanks I'll definitely try the scales in Boots I'm going to try and go today but as I mentioned to Low Cal my monthly event has been causing me a few problems. Yesterday I had a creme egg and a packet of the kids little biscuits for school. Oh dear!!! I must get back on it.

Kazhippo profile image
Kazhippo in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal

Well I didn't get into my cycling or Wii Fit, as I had to work over nearly every night this week. I did however lose 1lb at WI on Friday morning. I was disappointed with this and went into self-destruct mode and ate everything I could get my hands on yesterday. Feeling better today and back in control.

I hope you have had a good week and good luck for WI on Monday morning.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Kazhippo

Hi Kaz,

I think that 1 pound off at your weigh-in on Friday was good - honestly!

I have to say that I've not been very good this week - I have definitely 'caved in' and eaten many of the wrong things - I am anticipating a horrible gain this week when the Monday weigh-in comes by! Still, I am confident that I can get back on track.

Good luck for surviving the weekend!

Lowcal :-)

albionjen profile image

Hi lowcal

I haven't posted on the Monday weigh in for a while, but it am still around :)

Sounds like everyone is having a good Easter. I ate some choc but also went to the gym, so I think it will balance out! Going out for a run this morning and fingers crossed it doesn't start to rain.

My Easter weigh in is 61.8kg. So less than 2kg from ultimate goal weight. Lately I've realised I'm now a size 10, so I don't really think I need to lose more weight instead I've just been keeping up the healthy lifestyle. If I lose a bit more and get below 60kg that is fine, but I'm in no rush.

Have a nice day everyone and keep up the good work.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to albionjen

Hi Albionjen,

Congratulations on your weight loss - you are so close to your ultimate goal weight now - and like you say, your size has changed as well. Brilliant. I'm so pleased for you!

You sound like you've had a well-balanced Easter - hope you're enjoying your morning run today, and that the rain stays away to allow you to enjoy it.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

albionjen profile image
albionjen in reply to Zest

Rain stayed away I'm glad to say, had a run in beautiful sunshine :) lots of people out on my normal route day, families on bikes, walking groups, etc.

Have a great week too!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to albionjen

Hi Albionjen,

Sounds like a great run. :-)

Lowcal :-)

ali-may profile image

Hi Lowcal

Pleasant weigh in this morning 11st 8.8lbs = 1&1/2lb off, been careful with portion size and no mindless nibbling!! Well done to you and enjoy the rest of your Easter treats.

Regarding having meals out etc. it may sound odd but I can always make good meal choices when we go out or are on away holiday and have never gained weight that way (even having 3 courses if they're offered) My problem is 'comfort eating' something goes wrong so I deserve that treat followed by the guilt of giving in. But we all live and learn.

Doing extra swimming and lots of gardening planned for this week.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to ali-may

Hi Ali-May,

Congratulations on losing 1 and a half pounds - that's really great. Sounds like you have got really good ability to make the right choices at meals out. Really good.

Enjoy your extra swimming and gardening. I actually had a swim yesterday for the first time in ages, and I really enjoyed it. Hope to do some more swimming over the coming weeks.

Lowcal :-)

colmole profile image

well done Lowcal on not going OTT with Easter goodies, I had some Birthday cake Chocolate and a few mini eggs and a chocolate pudding yesterday as it was my nephews 10th Birthday, but I weighed myself on Good Friday and was 12.11 and re weighed myself today and I guess the Easter treats were not so kind to me I am back to 12.13 ! Oh well and I went for a walk yesterday, but I am back to a normal work routine from tommrow , I will keep trying good luck and see how we all do next Monday.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to colmole

Hi Colmole,

The important think is that you are back into a normal routine again from tomorrow, and that is bound to get you back on track. Sounds like a lovely celebration of your nephews 10th Birthday.

Hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

Happy Easter to you too. Well done for maintaining.

I was REALLY good all week until Friday at a joint silver and gold wedding anniversary/Easter party.

Had a medium easter egg on saturday, but have been very good since then.

I weighed this morning at 14st 3lbs which is a 3lb loss.

Have a good week everyone

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Hi Bigmumma,

Wow, a 3 pound loss - that's great. Congratulations. You're doing really well.

Hope you enjoyed the Easter Party/Golden Wedding Anniversary Do.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Lauraloo82 profile image

Hey ladies,

I'll hold my hands up...I forgot to weigh in! * hangs head in shame!!*

So I feel like I've had a good week, worked out every other night and eaten properly, I also decided last week that I am banning all chocolate until I go on holiday at the beginning of June. (I'm stupid...just before Easter).

I've worked on my core muscles and fitness. I also feel I can.start to run properly after having my second child (4th degree tear..ouch).

How's everyone feeling?

Oh also I found a helpful aid to.stop me wanting sweet things...Ovaltine!!! No joke....try it.

Take care,

LL xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Lauraloo82

Hi Lauraloo82,

It sounds like you've had a good week, and you'll be able to check that out when you next weigh-in. I admire your resolve to ban all chocolate - that must be very hard! At least you've found something to stop your cravings for sweet things - Ovaltine sounds interesting. I haven't had any of that for a long long time.

Amazing that you are feeling able to run properly again - hope it goes ok and you enjoy your run.

Have a great week. You sound optimistic and focused.

Lowcal :-)

Lauraloo82 profile image
Lauraloo82 in reply to Zest

Hey Lowcal,

Well I weighed myself after breakfast this morning an I'm 73.2. I'll take that as I had one workout that I just bumbled through my training.

I am not a totally sweet loving person, my problem is when I have dark chocolate its like nectar to a bee, I want more. So my way is to ban it until I go on holiday. Therefore I have 'a carrot' as such, to make me work harder. Don't get me wrong I took a leaf out of your book and had ice cream on Sat night. But to me I don't enjoy it as much.

Well done on maintaining. Defo try Ovaltine, it take the edge off the craving sweet things.

Right, better get on toddler and tiddler are both asleep....housework is beckoning!!

LL x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Lauraloo82

Hi Lauraloo82,

I will definitely try the Ovaltine. Thanks for the tip.

Well done on your weigh-in. So far my week is not going that well - I am eating too many Easter treats, and I can already feel my clothes feeling a bit tighter! Oh no!!! Still, there are still a few days left of this week to try to get back on track for Monday's weigh-in.

Lowcal :-)

TEMMEAlexa profile image

I think you have done well for yourself by restricting your treats the way you did.Gaining just 0.2 pounds with all those Easter treats shows you had a good control over your taste buds.Even I did try and keep away from all those sweets but still managed to put on a few pounds,hope to shed all that I have gained over a week or two with a healthy diet and a strict exercise regime.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to TEMMEAlexa

Hi TemmeAlexa,

Actually I have feeling that this week is not going to be so easy, as I think that having the Easter treats now accessible means I am more likely to nibble on them more frequently - and I may find that I end up gaining this week afterall - but I am hoping to keep up the exercise and try to reign in the wish to eat the Easter treats. I am trying to 'ration' them out currently, but it is difficult to stop at the 'rationed amount'....

You sound focused as well, and I hope you enjoy your strict exercise regime and healthy diet. Sounds like you have a good formula.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Blanket profile image

Hello Lowcal,

Well done for only gaining 0.2 lbs at Easter time!! Sounds like you were quite restrained from all the temptations!

I have turned over a new leaf and am starting again. I stood on the scales yesterday and they went up to 12st 7lbs - I jumped off before they settled on a final figure. I've had a bad back and struggled to walk or move much for the past week but even so I was disappointed with such a weight gain. SO, I went shopping for good food, I changed all the cupboards round in the kitchen and I got cooking so I was well prepared for today. All the foods I don't want to eat are now in one cupboard that I have called my partner's cupboard - I felt mean banning food from the house when he doesn't need to lose weight. I feel really organised and fairly motivated to lose a bit of weight again, especially after reaching 11st 13lbs a few weeks ago! Let's hope this week is a rather more healthy and positive one than I've had lately! :o)

Enjoy your meals out this week Lowcal, I'm sure you'll find some healthy options on the menu.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Blanket

Hi Blanket,

Thanks for your encouraging words.

You sound like you've made several very positive changes to get yourself back on track. Don't be hard on yourself, as you've been contending with your bad back and not being able to move around very much. I hope you're beginning to feel better and that you are able to move more as time goes on. It's great that you are now feeling really organised and fairly motivated, as I am sure that will spur you on so you can lose some weight.

I had one of my meals out last night, and I didn't choose as healthily as I could have done, and I drank more than I would normally drink, so I must be more disciplined for the remainder of the week. My second meal out is later in the week, so I'll try to do better for that one. But I did enjoy the Easter weekend, so I feel ok with it!

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

Evening ladies, was dreading the weigh in so much deferred till this morning, I had a good week last week, but a dreadful long weekend DH helpfully bought the Belgian chocolate and toffee fudge hot cross buns! however did manage exercise classes, and a 13 mile walk yesterday so pleased to report .1/2lb loss so 10st13 and half a pound. Clear out the Easter crap girls and lets get going and get back on track :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

I also discovered the Belgian chocolate and toffee fudge Hot cross buns - best ones I've ever tasted!!! Thankfully I've only succumbed to one of those. Wish the same could be said for chocolate Easter eggs - I've ended up eating 2 more of those today!

I think your advice to "clear out the Easter crap" is such great advice, but I fear it is already too late for me, as I have been unable to resist eating a lot of mine. I am fearing the scales for Monday - but I shall try to get back on track for the remaining days of this week.

Congratulations on your half pound loss - that's brilliant over Easter, and I was amazed to see you'd done a 13 mile walk yesterday - that is such a long way!!! Really good.

Have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

getalifechuck profile image

Hi Lowcal, just noticed your post in regards to weight loss aids. Just recently on the BBC health site there was an article on a research paper regarding bacteria in the gut having a profound influence on why we may struggle in controlling our weight. Have a look at the link

If your doing the hard part already, keeping your motivation to improve your health through regular exercise and generally being aware of those foods that are high in sugars, concentrated juices, low fat yogurts etc..You will feel and the difference in your mood and physique.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to getalifechuck

Hi Getalifechuck,

Thanks for your response and for the link - I will take a look.

Hope you are having a good week.

Lowcal :-)

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