Hello my granddaughter (27) has just been diagnosed with PCOS. She had the results of blood test yesterday which showed LH level abnormal (5.7 iu/l) FSH level low 3.1 iu/L Prolactin High (262) MiU/L Testosterone High 4.0 nmol/L Sex Hormone binding High 43.7 nmol/L
US Pelvis Left pelvic pain, dysmenorrhoea and intermittent, intermenstrual bleeding. Hard mass effect in left pelvic region.
US Pelvis, optimal distension of urinary bladder.Uterus anteverted measures 79 x 33mm and filled with homogeneous mypoechoic echoes.Endometrium hypoechoic and measures 12mm.
Right ovary measures 41x19x29 mm , volume 12.6cc
Left ovary measures 46x23x33 mm and volume 19.2 cc
No adnexal mass lesion.
Left iliac fossa normal.No free fluid in pelvis.
Conclusion PCOS They didn't test thyroid or glucose. Hope you can help me.Thank you.