Hi ladies just wondering if this is normal or should I seek help just I've been spotting on and off since 7th Dec and it's still bleeding today .... I've been taking 3x tablets daily but the spotting just still resumes but seems to go away by late afternoon and night time but comes back in the early hours.... but today the bleeding has seemed to become abit more persistent and I don't know what's happening as normally the tablets work for me I've only been on them for 2.4 months now but I don't know what to do as I'm a carer and work daily .... is anyone else on theses tablets that's can relate to this at all and should I worry?
Bleeding all month whiles on norethisterone - PCOS UK (Verity)
Bleeding all month whiles on norethisterone

Unfortunately one the side effects of progesterone is it can cause menstrual breakthrough or even constant bleeding in many. I would suggest tracking this and letting your prescribing GP or specialist know. It may not end up being a good option for you due to side effects, although threre is a possibility (in some) the side effects will reduce over time.
I had a similar issue last year when on norethisterone and unfortunately, PCOS can cause breakthroughs like this. I found the best thing to do was quit it cold turkey along with the new pill I had been told to take for my body to finally stop bleeding (after 5.5 months non-stop heavy periods). Norethisterone then started to kind of work but with a few breakthroughs a month or so after this.
The best thing to do is notify your doctor/GP in the first instance, they know what's best on the whole and will hopefully have a solution for an alternative treatment option.
Which pill did you get prescribe and I'm now on the phone to my gp as I'm still bleeding and spotting on norethisterone it's been on going since 7th Dec I've never had this before with norethisterone as its always been the best for me but now it seems to not be working I do have PCOS too and I'm seeing my gync on weds this week about it all I'm so fed up of pill popping and I suffer with heavy periods that last for more then 3 weeks each month with additional spotting after my periods that lasts for a week ... I think there's something wrong inside that they needs to find and resolve as right now all they want to do is put me on pills all the time and I'm sick of it as it always messing up my life and daily activity and work life