I am new to this group, I haven't met or communicated with anyone who has PCOS, so it's nice to not feel so alone.
I am 27 but was diagnosed when I was 15/16 since, I had lack of/ irregular periods, cysts and excess facial hair. And was just told I may be infertile and have issues concieving and just to contact a doctor when I am ready to.
Since then, I have been on and off the pill, i found the last time I came off, my period came every month.
I recently came off in February 2021 and started FAM charting. Since then, I had a period every month but I have noticed the length of my cycles getting longer each time. I am now on day 49 of my current cycle and I haven't ovulated yet.
I don't really know what to do, I have spoken to a doctor and they just told me to go on the pill till I'm ready to have children.
I have tried taking inositol but it makes me feel a bit ill and I don't know if I am insulin resistant. I have a healthy BMI at 5'5" & 65kg, I had a blood test that showed normal blood sugar levels but high testosterone.
I feel both frustrated and overwhelmed, Id like to have children one day but I just don't know what to do or where to start and everyday I chart feels like a constant reminder of what I'm lacking and my body just can't do right.
Im sorry this turned into a bit of a rant but if anyone could provide some advice, that would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you