Hi looking for advice,
I was diagnosed with PCOS in June (was having a laparoscopy for a cyst removal & small amount of time Endo removed)
I always had normal periods up until approx 3 years ago at which point I started to spot for a few days beforehand but had a bleed every month.
Unfortunately I had a miscarriage in August (fell pregnant straight after laparoscopy and first time trying) however since the miscarriage I have had irregular bleeding that follows no pattern, I’m nearly always spotting/bleeding and sorry for TMI but the blood type can vary greatly. I’m not sure if I’m ovulating every cycle but definitely have on one occasion as had progesterone checked. I’m at my wits end with this bleeding does anyone have any idea what could be causing it? Is it a hormonal problem from the PCOS? GP is recommending the pill for a few months.