I have been diagnosed with PCOS about 8 years ago, pretty much at the same time my OH and I started TTC. We have been trying for 8 years, but not one BFP in sight. I started off having irregular periods, when I was diagnosed, maybe one every 3 months or so, now about 2 years ago I started bleeding constantly, having maybe 3 weeks off in the 2 years. The gynecologist I saw last year because of this and recently again says all I can do is take the pill or get the mirena coil inserted to try and stop my bleeding, when I told her that I already tried this and it didn't do anything, she didn't listen. It felt like she just looked at me when I walked in, saw that I was overweight and that was it... Yes I am overweight and yes I know I need to lose weight, but honestly (even though my doctors don't believe me), I am trying very hard to lose weight, but it just won't come off... I am eating low carb, healthy food (no pasta, no bread, no potatoes, no cereal, no red meat, no dairy etc.) and go to the gym at least 3 time a week, more if I can. I started doing this seriously at the beginning of the year and lost about 6 lbs. When I went to my sister's wedding a couple of weeks ago and ate a few things I don't normally eat (like a potato, a bread role and a few other things over 2 days) I gained all of this back.
This is so frustrating and I don't really know what else I can do. I want a baby so bad and it's making me depressed that it seems to be happening for everyone else, just not for us. Also the constant bleeding is getting between my OH and I.
I don't understand why my efforts to lose weight aren't really giving me any results, I don't understand why I gain weight so easily if I go off track for 1 day, I don't know what else to do...
Just wanted to see if anyone is in the same boat and maybe has any tips? I honestly would do anything to make this better and finally lose weight...