It's a really good thing but my results came back normal. I have never had them done before in regards to pcos, so don't know if they have changed. But years ago I had a scan that revealed cysts on my overyes, I don't know exactly when that was, but I see a dietitian at the time.
The doctors records don't go back that far which doesn't help.
I am feeling a bit lost, although I was drinking alot of hot chocolate at the time and chips did tha affect things?
I am on a very strict diet and and wonder if that has worked. No carbs or milk, which could have calmed things down, I am now in my fifties and many years of careful eating may have helped.
Still hair coming out of my chin tho and a lot quicker now aswell.
I wish they never found cysts, but regardless of what anyone says I can't stop eating well because I am scared that they are wrong and I still am suffering with pcos.
Besides I know my own body. And carbs turn straight into fat for what ever reason. I have seen my weight go up without any effort.
I am on the pill so that will calm symptoms. I don't know what to think.
In puberty I had very irregular periods and alot of acne and I have become so skinny trying to control the weight gain.
I don't know what to think.
Gonna try to speak to a endocrinologist through the doctor, he is phoneing later. 😕