I will start at the beginning... Nov 2013 I was 67 yr old diagnosed with GPA
I was admitted into hospital with a kidney function of 9 !! After asking for a blood test
After several visits to my GP over a period of 3 months with varying symptoms blocked ears , cough , eye problems, fatigue finally asking for the blood test
I was treated with prednisone ,Plasma exchange and Cyclophosphamide to say I was frightened is an under statement I had never been in hospital or ill before this happened
January 2014 I was back in hospital (3 weeks this time) with Profound Leukopenia caused by the Cyclophosphamide then started on Azathioprine and Prednisone which controlled the Wegners
May 2016 I had a relapse, I was treated with 2 doses of Rituximab in July 2 weeks apart, the next dose due in January I was also put on prednisone 40 mg in May while waiting for results of CT and biopsy, I am now down to 12.5mg tapering to hopefully 2mg ( I am really struggling with the steroids ) before my relapse I had got down to 2 mg
The problem I have now is my ears feel blocked I sometimes feel light headed when I stand up or get out of the car after sitting for a while. I have seen an ENT specialist who tested my hearing which is good and the pressure is perfect , he thinks the steroids are causing the problem and should resolve when they are reduced right down. I haven't tolerated the high dose very well
What I want to ask is if anyone else has experienced the same problem Drs only know so much , people who have the illness can help more as they are experiencing the symptoms
This is such a lonely frightening disease !! My husband is very understanding and patient with me when I'm feeling depressed and weepy but he can't fully understand how I'm feeling, only when you have any illness can you fully understand what your going through
Sorry if I have gone on but it helps to talk to people who hopefully will understand