About - Vasculitis UK | HealthUnlocked

Vasculitis UK

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About Vasculitis UK

Vasculitis UK is the UK's number one Vasculitis charity, run by people with Vasculitis for people with Vasculitis.

We promote a national network of support groups, have a website, social media resources and a near 24 hour helpline that all help the trust to achieve its aims; offering support to sufferers, their families and friends both at home and abroad by providing information, advice and the means to contact each other.

We work with other organisations and medical professionals to improve the recognition, diagnosis and treatment of Vasculitis.

We raise awareness of Vasculitis among medical professions and the general population.

We encourage and support the formation and development of local independant Vasculitis support groups.

We raise funds in order to support research into the causes and effects of vasculitis, into improvements in the diagnosis of vasculitis and into the treatment of people suffering from all the different types of vasculitis.

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