Hi all, One of my problems recently has been continuous sinusitis. I have no infection and usual meds have not worked- sinus spray- ibuprofen- anti-histamines etc. They are inflammed all of the time- stuffy nose- headaches and am having a lot of trouble with feeling really light headed with a slightly drunk feeling.
I am having problems with my thyroid levels being slightly out at the moment TSH was 5.84 and Free T3 and 4 at the very low end of normal.
I am being referred to rheumatology as I have had a weak positive anca test recently.
I am feeling really weak at the moment also. I have seen two rheumatologists in the past so not holding out much hope really.
Has anyone else got sinus inflammation everyday and if so have you any ideas to relieve the symptons a little?
I have had usual full blood tests, chest xray- the consultant classed my referral as routine so nothing too abnormal could have shown.
Thank you all very much