Me again.
So many posts recently but i feel like I’ve just regressed 12 months.
Ok so, having titrated up to 200mcg levo to try to raise T3, it was too much and I reduced to 175 around 4 weeks ago.
Then consultant allowed me to trial T3 about a 10 days ago. So I was taking 2x 5mcg T3 and 125mcg levo.
Couldn’t tolerate the T3 - severe headaches, some chest pain, horrible feeling. However, my heavy limb feeling disappeared immediately. I had a few days off, tried again but again, severe headache etc, so stopped again and returned to 175 levo.
So since Saturday I have been back on 175mcg levo but I feel the same way as I did about a year ago when I was severely under medicated. I’m shaky, weak, feel like I’m recovering from flu or something, really weak and woozy and like I’m in a bubble. The really heavy feeling in my limbs has returned. Also having skipped heart beats and the ache at the base of my skull. All symptoms that had gone away months ago.
My intention is to get settled again, check bloods on 175 and see how they are, including vits n mins and re try the T3 at some point.
Whilst I am really disappointed that I can’t just push through the T3 side effects just now I am wondering whether in a way this is a good sign? I was convinced that because of the way my thyroid “journey” has gone that T3 was what my body needed. The increase in levo was enough to clear most of my symptoms but the weak muscles and brain fog remained.
In the meantime, why the hell am I feeling so bad? I feel horrendous. Does this show I needed the T3 and now that I’ve taken it away I’m feeling much worse? I can’t understand it.
Should I take heart from the fact that it did clear the muscle weakness almost immediately? Is that what I should expect from it and maybe if I can get other things sorted, next time I try it might be more successful?
Anyone have any ideas? I’m really worried I’ve kicked off a kind of a flare or crash. Do I take a few weeks to let the levo settle or I my system really missing the T3 and I should add in a teeny bit?
Thank you as always for the brilliant advice 😊