I posted on here a few weeks ago about my aching arms, hands, wrists shoulders (which I've had for about a year (I've been on 100mg of Levothryroxine for 2 years).
OK, so I went back to the doctor about 10 days ago. The good news is that he didn't make me feel rushed this time and he examined me thoroughly and asked lots of questions... However, he showed no interest in my suggestion that either Levothyroxine could be causing my symptoms (I pointed out that muscle and joint pain is a side effect, listed on the patient info leaflet). I also pointed out that my symptoms were also a common sign of hypothyroidism and that I'd read lots of similar stories on this forum of people with muscle and joint pain even thought their blood results are "normal". I suggested it might be a good idea to experiment with adjusting my dose of thyroxine for a trial period but (surprise, surprise) he said I was on the standard dose and there was no need. Anyway, at least he did agree to do another blood test and included ferritin in this at my request. I'd pointed out that my ferritin levels were low last time (17mg/L - range 15-300) but he said they were fine (and wouldn't give me a supplement) but he'd do a test to make sure they weren't dropping.
Anyway, the results are back and are as follows:
Serum ferritin = 30 mg/L (so a bit better than before)
Serum TSH = 4.22 mU/L (0.35-5.00)
Free T4 = 15.6 pmol/L (9.0-19.1)
(There are others but I'm not sure which ones are relevant here. I've been on Vit D supplements since May - again after I'd insisted on a test. Levels have gone up from 10.7ug/L in May to 41.4ug/L in Sept.)
But it looks as if the TSH level has crept up from 0.42 in January 2012 and 1.02 in May. Is the latest level high or what? Could it account for the 5lbs weight gain since July? Could this also explain my arm pains? I'm not sure as I've had them for over a year but a year ago, as you can see, my TSH was much lower.
I know my GP won't adjust my thyroxine. I didn't even ask about another type of medication. He has referred me back to the rheumotologist but I have doubts that will achieve much.
I've started self prescribing Vitamin B12 and also now magnesium supplements but, other than that, I'm not sure what to do next other than start trying to educate the GP with some literature to persuade him more firmly to adjust my thyroxine or try another type. (I can't help thinking he won't give on this though, judging from the problems others have had). I feel that an evaluation of the latest blood tests from this site would be good idea first though so any feedback on that would be much appreciated.
I'd also like to know about any private local doctors who can maybe help.