I think I posted this in the wrong section so posting again here! I wrote on here last week for advice on GP blood tests that were TSH level is 4.91 (range 0.35-5.50) T4 is 9.2 (range 7.86-14.41). My GP put me on 25mg thyroxine to see if it'd help my symptoms even though he thinks it's depression causing it, and I've since paid for private tests to get a clearer picture.
I've just got the results back but I'm really not sure what to make of them. I'm guessing I don't have an autoimmune reason for feeling like this?? I've had other tests done for vitamins d, b's, ferritin etc and they're all either high or above range but my symptoms are awful and pretty classic of hypo including high cholesterol which I've never had before. If anyone can help shed some light I'd really appreciate it.
These are the private results:
TOTAL THYROXINE(T4) 63nmol/L (59 - 154)
FREE THYROXINE 13.8pmol/l (12.0 - 22.0)
FREE T3 3.4pmol/L (3.1 - 6.8)
Thyroglobulin Antibody<10.0IU/mL 0-115
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies<9.0IU/mL 0 - 34