I have been poorly since contracting Lyme disease in the summer so have been thinking if thyroid problem could be at the root of my fatigue and other symptoms, or at least hindering my recovery (symptoms like extreme fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, weird eyesight, tinnitus, dry skin and so on). I do not take any thyroid meds. Looking over my thyroid tests from the GP in the past and more recently I have found these results:
30/08/2019 TSH 0.07 (0.2-5.5 miu/L) and T3 5.2 (3.1-6.8 pmol/L)
25/11/2020 TSH 0.09 0.2-5.5 miu/L)
18/12/20200.2 0.2-5.5 miu/L) T4 16 10-24.5 pmol/L
The GP isn't worried about my TSH being so low, and the lab wouldn't test for antibodies so I've recently had Medichecks done and the results are below. Please note I did all the tests as suggested, early in morning, no Biotin. I am on B12 injections and have been supplementing with Vit D. I'm a 57 year old woman (not sure if that has any relevance!)
CRP HS <0.3 mg/L (Range: < 5)
Ferritin 83.60 ug/L (Range: 13 - 150)
Folate - Serum 19.05 ug/L (Range: > 3.89)
Vitamin B12 - Active >150 pmol/L (Range: > 37.5)
Vitamin D 95.10 nmol/L (Range: 50 - 175)
TSH X 0.13 mIU/L (Range: 0.27 - 4.2)
Free T3 5.03 pmol/L (Range: 3.1 - 6.8)
Free Thyroxine 18.300 pmol/L (Range: 12 - 22)
Thyroglobulin Antibodies 10.100 kIU/L (Range: < 115)
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies <9.0 kIU/L (Range: < 34)
So it doesn't look like any problems overall I don't think and the only thing unusual is that low TSH.
I am wondering if I should be concerned about this low TSH or not? Maybe adrenal fatigue is actually my issue and that's what I'm looking at next I think, but putting this one out to the hive minds on here.
Might I just also say, I have found this forum incredibly interesting and helpful while I've been going through this process of chasing answers.
Many thanks for this