Hi there, I am now on Vencamil Levothyroxine 75mcgs (instead of Teva) after your advice, having been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism about 18 months ago. I tried an increase to 87.5mcgs but I suffered palpitations, sweats and vivid dreams/nightmares so went back down to 75mcgs. I am feeling much better but still have episodes exhaustion. Following really helpful advice on a previous post here re vitamin supplementation I have just got my private blood test results back having been on B12, Vit D +K2; Super B Complex and Magnesium ( I am also on Omega 3, plus HRT patch :
TSH-3.96mu/l (normal range 0.27-4.2mu/l)
FT4-17.9pmol/l (normal range 12-22pmol/l)
FT3-3.4pmol/l (normal range 3.1-6.8)
Vit D - 109 (up from 64nmol/l end of last year) (normal range 62-102)
HB - 135g/l (down from 144g/l end of last year) (normal range 124-270)
Ferritin - 84mg/l (normal range 10-405)
TSAT-31% (normal range 16-50%)
Active B12 - 91pmol/l (up from 48pmol/l end of last year) (normal range 40-210)
Folate - 10.5ug/l (up from 7.5ng/l end of last year) (normal range 3-25)
I would be really grateful for your thoughts. I sense I need to try and up my Levo again (I have an NHS blood test next week) or is T3 indicated?
Many thanks, Ali