i d one the test two days ago Hba 1 C WHOLE BLOOD 5.9 [ 48-5.9] hba 1.c ifcc 40.8 [29-42] ft4 19.29[12-22] tsh 3.19 [ 0.27-4.02] b12 363 [ 200-900] vit d3 18[30-100] insulin serum 9.19[2.6[-24.9] pth 41.38 [15-65. i still dont feel well i sweat feel tight in my troat get arythmias anxiety nervouness and feeling very unwell pls advice if you can when i was on lower dose my ts was2.82 and i felt beter now i been on 100mg 5 months i feel as if i am hyper but my tsh is higher than before
latest test thyroid dont feel well: i d one... - Thyroid UK
latest test thyroid dont feel well

Most feel best with a TSH close to 1, and Free T4 is usually best around midrange (17 for your lab). Optimal B12 is 800 (minimum 500), so you may want to start that (take methylcobalamin B12 or better yet, a B complex that has methylcobalamin B12). Your D is way too low. Minimum is 50 with optimal closer to 75. Make sure and only take a liquid D3 -drops or gels-with magnesium (such as glycinate) and K2. Low magnesium can cause anxiety/nervousness. Take it after a meal with some fat in it. How are your ferritin/iron levels? Are you taking the same brand medication as before? Did you test at the same lab?
A common sign of a high reverse T3 is increasing your dose and feeling worse. However, I know it's very difficult for anyone to test that in the UK. An easy way to test for it is lowering your T4 and seeing if you feel better. However, T3 needs added also to clear it out. I dealt with it for years. Most common cause would be low ferritin/iron or adrenals, but high inflammation or a chronic illness or infection can also cause it. They should be testing your free T3 levels also (again a problem in the UK and other countries). If your TSH and Free T4 continue to increase, your doctor may want to look into a possible pituitary problem.
they wont test t3 here . endo said my test are very good he told me that no need to increase more euthyrox .. i am takink d3 2.000mg and b12 1000mg spray to mouth . i was recenly ill with covid a month ago dont if this has something to do with my resaults
You will need more D3 to get that D up. I would state you want an increase in your Euthyrox. You aren't near hyper, so increasing it is not going to make you swing that way. If this doctor would still refuse, are you able to see a different one? And yes the covid could be affecting your labs. What were your most recent labs before you had covid?

b12 363 [ 200-900]
d3 18[30-100]
What vitamin supplements are you taking
B12 and vitamin D remain very low
Was thyroid test early morning and last dose levothyroxine 24 hours before test
For good conversion of levothyroxine (Ft4) into active hormone (Ft3) it’s important to maintain GOOD vitamin levels
B12 at least over 500
Vitamin D at least over 40ng/ml
(U.K. equivalent is 100nmol)
hi yes i got the test done early 7 oclock in the morning and no euthyrox taken but last test was tsh 382 and recent is 319 it hasent went down dont know why. i am taking d3 and b12 spray in mouth d is bit beter as i was 11 before tky fo the advice
How much vitamin D are you taking
Suggest you increase the number of spays per day
can you get any of these B12 supplements
Highly effective B12 drops
B12 sublingual lozenges
In-depth article on different forms of B12
Are you also taking a daily vitamin B complex?
Igennus B complex popular option. Nice small tablets. Most people only find they need one per day. But a few people find it’s not high enough dose and may need separate methyl folate couple times a week
Post discussing different B complex
If you are taking vitamin B complex, or any supplements containing biotin, remember to stop these 5-7 days before ALL BLOOD TESTS , as biotin can falsely affect test results
In week before blood test, when you stop vitamin B complex, you might want to consider taking a separate folate supplement (eg Jarrow methyl folate 400mcg)
iaam taking b12 1200mg per day and d3 2..000 now do i need to raise euthyrox as i get hbp 180/95 aand i heve lots of symptoms dizzy titinus and headaches along palpiration anxiety bp presure pills dont help still heve hbp and low pulse 59 endo wasent much help he finds everything good . but i notice that my tsh increase with 100 thyroxine before i was on 88mg and it was 282 and i felt beter pls advice me thank you in advance
Are you also taking a daily vitamin B complex
Vitamin D, obviously you need to increase dose
Try 4000iu per day
Are you taking pills or mouth spray for vitamin D
If pills they need to be at least 4 hours away from Levo, ideally with a high fat meal to improve absorption
Vitamin D mouth spray by Better You is very effective as it avoids poor gut function.
There’s a version made that also contains vitamin K2 Mk7.
One spray = 1000iu
How much do you weigh in kilo
Guidelines suggest eventual full replacement dose is roughly 1.6mcg per kilo per day
Some people need a bit more, some need a bit less
67 kilos no i am taking bcoblex only b12
Suggest you add a separate daily vitamin B complex
Continue separate B12 as well until B12 result is over 500
and b12 1000mg spray to mouth
Suggest you increase dose B12
Perhaps Look at SMALL increase in Levo of 12.5mcg extra 2 days a week initially
i want to lower tyroxine as buzing in the head and hbp wont go down with medication how much can i lower
Suggest you follow all the advice ref vitamins and raise your low levels. This in turn will help your thyroid hormone to work well.
Low B12 alone will be causing you multiple symptoms.
Blood pressure issues can have many different causes and better that you have enough Levo rather than not enough.
i want to lower bit down i was beter on lower dose i took two tablets mycardis and mybp still 189 mypulse is 56 i worry
Tinnitus is frequently linked to low B12
Suggest you increase your B12 and add daily vitamin B complex Continue
Vitamin D level also very low
Presumably you have increased your vitamin D daily dose