Hi I have a hot and itchy rash in the groins and under the breasts with spots and lumps popping up ad hoc everywhere since July Ha Ha you think fungal rash ! been treated with about 8 different antifungal creams 2different antifungal tablets the only think that helped calm it down was baking powder carbonate soda However because this strips your skin of all bacteria good and bad its not something I could use for too long and it was only calming it down not curing. I had my ovaries out in June wondered if I had picked up an infection MRSA? or may be at 75 my ovaries were still contributing to my hormones have been referred to Dermatologist but 8 months to one year waiting list. I'm tearing my hair out and scratching myself to pieces, just wondered if anyone had any ideas please
Rash in groins under breasts: Hi I have a hot and... - Thyroid UK
Rash in groins under breasts
eghjm100, Are you taking any medications (other than antifungals), and are you taking any thyroid medication? If so, please give details, inlcuding most recent thyroid test numbers.
Hi have been taking Itraconasole pils Daktarin Cream Blood Test below sorry aobut the quality not very techi
Blood Test
Page 1
Values and lnvestigations (Latest Value)
15-Nov-2024 ANTI- NUCLEAR ANTIBODY (ANA) PANEL - (Fhish) - 0.3 Ratio 0'00 - 0.60Ratio
Normal - no action
This NEGATIVE anti nuclear antibody result
excludes the presence of significant fevel-s of
ar--ibcdies to doubl-e stranded DNA (dsDNA) ,
ce::'u:onr.ere, ribosomal P, PCNA RNP, Sm, Ro, La,
Sci-10, Jc-l-, Pm-scI, Fibrillarin, RNA Polymerase
-II anci mi-2
15-Nov-2024 CCP ABS - (Fhish) - Normal - no action
se anti-cCP antibody level 0.5 iu/ml 0.00 - 4'90iu/ml
14-Nov-2024 TOTAL VITAMIN D - (Fhish) - Normal - no action
Serum total 25-OH vit D level 73 nmol/L 50.00 - 200.00nmo1/L
Vitamin D interpretation:
< 25 rtmol/L .........Vitamin D deficiency.
25 - 50 nmof/L MaY be inadequate
>50 nmol,/L ....Suffici-ent
> 250 nmof/L ..Possib1e vitamin D toxici-ty'
14-Nov-2024 ! Serum TSH level - (Fhish) - Abnormal - contact <0.01 miu/L 0.35 - 4.94miu/L
Patient - aPPt 20111
Previcus reccrcs::-3.-ca--e pa--ie:lt is on thvroxine
-:- -:.::::.;-: ::::: ::-::::j' :'i'' :--:'j-r: ::--::-' ;:'Z:'
stable on replacement, TSH results should be
detectable, not elevated, and ideally within the
the lower half of the normal reference range'
Older patients ideaily within the reference range'
14-Nov-2024 Serum free T4 level - (Fhish) - Normal - no action 7L.7 pmol/L 9.00 - 19'10pmol/L
14-Nov-2024 LIVER FUNCTION TEST - (Fhish) - Normal - no
Serum total bilirubin level 5 umol/L 0.00 - 20.00umol/L
Note change to total bilirubin standardisation
from 9th May 2A23. Patient results may be
significantly lower then previous.
Healthcare professionafs: Please contact the Duty
Biochemj st with anY queries '
DB email: (for healthcare professionals only)
fhf t . bspsdutybiochemi s tteamGnhs' net
Serum ALT level 27 ulL 0'00 - 55'00u/L
14-Nov-2024 ! Serum ferritin - {f hish) - Abnormal - contact 27 uC/L 30'00 - 250.00ue/L
patient - has 2 appt with ilr Nichol cory.:ing up
Serum ferritin less than L5uq/L is indicative of
absent j-ron stores, while levels of less than
3Oug/L are generally indicative of low body iron
(Ref NICE: https : / / cks. nice. org. uk/topics/anaemiairon-
def iciency/diagnosis / investigations /
# interpreting-f erritin-f evels )
14-Nov-2024 Serum C reactive protein level - (Fhish) - Normal -
no action
Serum C reactive protein level <1.0 mElL 0'00 - 5'00mg/L
- Normal - no action
Printed 10:33am 20-Nov-2024 Page 1 of 3
Page 2
I had this two summers ago and similarly, anti fungals, Sudocrem etc didn’t help. This maddening heat-related condition used to be called dhobi itch ( Indian Army term), jock itch in USA, sporting term from wearing jockstraps. Doesn’t seem to be a nice feminine equivalent!
After some research, I started using a shower gel called Naturally Solved Tea Tree Shower Gel. It’s expensive but lasts ages and I still use it even though I’m cured. Also found Charmpoo Anti-fungal body cream, natural ingredients, highly recommended online. The other thing, which really is not good in general but made me feel more comfortable, was Cuticura talc. Bear in mind that talc is a heavy metal and even though it’s commonly found in pharmacies etc, it’s not recommended. I used it briefly and not around the groin area as it’s been implicated in ovarian cancers. Not sure how proven it is but enough for me to be cautious. Lush do body powders with no talc. One called Silky Underwear is nice. Good luck!
I should add that fragrances might exacerbate your itchiness.
Please see Helvella’s correction re talc.
Talc is not a heavy metal. It is hydrated magnesium silicate.
The biggest issues with talc have been concerns that it can occur near and with asbestos - and that contamination with that could be carcinogenic.
Thanks Calceolaria Atheletes foot cream is good for Jock itch and I was using that previously I only wash in prescription emolument nothing in it but it's like candle greace no perfumed stuff use only vasseleene other than that don't even use deodorant having already got Lichen sclerosis of the vulva have learned to do without creams or lotion but use a steroid sparingly for it please can we a spell check on here I'm useless thanks for all your help
yep have got very similar rash in similar places - Have had it for 15 years or so now. Was initially diagnosed as fungal and given numerous different antifungal creams but didnt make any difference. GP finally took a swab and mine unsurprisingly came back negative. Been put on my records as inverse psoriasis…..when itching gets really bad i use Elocon cream (prescription),
Hi Rollercoaster44 Thanks for the info my swab came back negative too but that was because I had been using baking powder washes and anitfungal cream I did tell her before she took it
but I don't think she realised that Carbinate soda is good for taking the heat out and drying up the spots we used to use it on the children when they had chicken pox, but it does strip the skin of all bacteria bad and good so shouldnt be used for too long or too large an area but it does help Thanks for the info much appreciated
The last time I had something similar I found Savlon cream helpful. I also find simple baby lotion without lanolin, or liquid paraffin, or petroleum jelly (or anything with a similar name) helpful.
Note Johnson's Baby Lotion of the type I've linked was the only one I found that fit my requirements. There are a lot of different types available and most of them have the things I can't tolerate in them i.e. the lanolin etc.
The things I avoid are anti-fungals, anti-bacterials, steroid creams, oils or anything oily, anything in a powder form (it has to be a cream or ointment or lotion - I'm never sure of the differences between those three).
Whatever you try, buy a small quantity first, wash the affected area gently, dry thoroughly, then put on a small amount of whatever you want to try. If it obviously makes your skin more irritated, don't try the same product again.
Edit : Oh - something I forgot. I also discovered that having a properly fitted bra helped. I was wearing them too big before I got properly fitted, and they rubbed me raw. With underwear, you could try some that is shaped a bit like men's boxers so there is no elastic rubbing in your groin area - and make sure they are made of cotton.
Have you tried an OTC hydrocortisone cream/ointment. My Mum has terrible flare ups of psoriasis at times under her breasts and it always helped.
thanks Thanks Juingley I use Hydromol on prescription it is good and can be use as a wash or cream and it is good.
Hydromol is more of a moisturiser whereas hydrocortisone helps reduce inflammation and helps the skin to repair itself.It's worth a try as 12 months is a long time to wait for a dermatology appointment when you're sore and itching.
Just read you have LS and use a steroid. How about trying a tiny bit of that on the rash?
eghjm100, I don't see any mention of thyroid medications. Are you taking any at all?
I suggest you consider Lanacane Anti-Chafing Gel (or similar). It does help when skin rubs against skin. There are many suppliers and I've just grabbed a link almost at random:
It doesn't kill anything (bacteria, fungi) but it can help in preventing anything taking hold.