I have trouble holding onto / keeping ferritin optimal but every blood test says haemoglobin is high in range so I have not been anaemic in the traditional sense. Blood test just before lock down the doctor described my haemoglobin as “robust” but hadn’t tested ferritin.
I’m now waiting for the medichecks test I want to appear on “thyroid Thursday” discount.
I had been doing well at raising my ferritin by eating liver each week, but my husband has started complaining about eating it, which has caused me to stop cooking it as I am so tired of the complaints about liver. He knows I eat it for health not pleasure but I have become so weary of the same conversation when I cook it that I’m probably only eating it once a month.
To get to the point I am looking for ways to help keep my ferritin up on the weeks I don’t eat liver.
I get bad constipation on the prescribed iron tablets & want to avoid stuff with artificial sweeteners.