Hello thyroid warriors,
I am trying to understand which direction to go in with my thyroid meds.
My TSH was 2,9 on the last test, T3 25% of the range, T4 70% of the range.
My TSH is always normal (1-2, I know 2 is already on a high side, so usually dose increase at that level) when it's sunny and warm and always rises when the weather turns cold.
I currently take levo 112 per day. Went up from 88/100 as TSH was 4,9 then up again to 100/112 - alternating daily -TSH was 1,9, now on 112 as per last test results. Same brand levo, test fasted, before 9am.
Last test result when I was on 100/112, 7 weeks on that dose:
TSH 2,9
T4 - 70%
T3 - 24%
Anti TG normal
Anti TPO 120, hangs there despite my GF and dairy free whole foods diet
Low T3, I get it, but I function well on it when my TSH is around 1.
I took Erfa before. Started off great, it really boosted me well back then. A few weeks later - went hyper on TSH, heart palps, high pulse, sleep issues, severe hair loss, heart tensions, neck tension, dizziness TG antibody went up. My Ts were great, but I felt awful as went hyper with TSH, which was enough for me!
Tried synthetic T3 slow release, fast release, can't take it either.
I could try Armour, got a prescription for it, but holding off due to my last negative experience with Erfa. Would it really be that different? I know some people here can't take any form of T3.
My 24% T3 doesn't concern me. My energy and focus is good. I live well with that T3 level. My cortisol is at a great level, just tested it a month ago.
But my TSH of 2,9 is causing hypo symptoms and I am really starting to struggle with this head pressure and feeling like I am slowing down.
Would you suggest me to increase levo? But 70% T4 already ... Is it still ok?
I monitor B12, folate, iron/ferritin and D3 regularly and I supplement to aim to be at ideal ranges for all those. I am rigid about all those. That's not an issue for me.
Just wondering what would you suggest for my meds ... please!
P.S. We will also have to plan a move to another country. Time and time again I see how cold weather triggers a rise in TSH and within a month in a warm and sunny weather it's down to below 1 by itself, never rises, never need more meds.
Lived in the tropics for 10 years before, was doing well on levo 75, never needing to adjust. All that increase constantly stuff started to happen when we came back to UK. So making a new plan. A girl wants to live and thrive 😀⭐🥳
In case if it helps some. Sometimes it's not you, or nutrients. It's the weather. Always is for me.