Hi, I’ve previously posted and been told my thyroid results are too low, but my private endocrinologist refuses to increase my erfa, due to my (expected) suppressed tsh.
I have recently being diagnosed with osteoporosis, raised blood serum protein levels (could be an indication of myloma) and was investigated for stroke/tia, as I had an episode of ataxia. Results were all okay except they picked up on my low t3/t4 and high cholesterol. The hospital asked for a review by an endocrinologist who by phone said my graves could have come back (???) but they now keep refusing to see me as I am prescribed ndt privately and say the gp can manage me if I go back to taking Levo.
I feel sure my high cholesterol(total 6.6 mol/l then 6.7 when fasting) may be caused by my thyroid, as I eat sensibly and have a healthy lifestyle.
My last tsh was -0.1 mu/l, t3 4.8 (3.9-6.8) and t4 11.8 pmol/l (11-24). This was a while ago but they are all similar results and I’m trying to get my latest hospital results.
I’m trying to find answers but struggling as no one is looking at the bigger picture.
1. do you think my t3/t4 is too low? If so, can my tag go even lower if I were to find someone to increase my erfa?
2.do you think my cholesterol is caused by low thyroid?
3. does anyone know if thyroid issues can cause osteoporosis or raised serum protein/myloma?
I don’t know whether to stop erfa (which I feel good on) and try levo again, (now that I have started HRT and felt generally better ) in an effort to raise my TSH or try and find someone else to guide me with the erfa?
(Any private messages about really good private ENDO’s or even nhs ones in the southwest who prescribe ndt, would be appreciated).
Interestingly, I was advised by a separate and very knowledgeable bone specialist that a suppressed tsh could be setting off alarm bells for other cells etc in my body and causing other systems to malfunction. Can this be true?
Feeling really frustrated as I know any NHS endocrinologist will advise against ndt (as is their remit) and private ones will be concerned about tsh being too suppressed. What do I do?