Hi following on from my last post I stated I had a levothyroxine increase. My thyroid tsh and T4 had slightly decreased and T3 remained the same before starting increase. In the last few months I started a gluten free diet as I believe it's suppose to help with hashimotos? I can't say I have felt any better. I have accidentally had a few times when I've had gluten and not realised. Then a day or so later I start to get a bad head and generally unwell and this lasts for a good few days. Been gluten free at least 3 months with the few hiccups in between with gluten. I didn't think my thyroid results would be worse and would think it be better since gluten free but it hasn't ? Or is it with tpo antibody's this would just help with? Tsh 2.72. (0.55-4.78)
Free T4. 15.3 pmol/L ( 11.5-22.7)
Free T3. 5.1 pmo/L. ( 3.5-6.5)
These results was with 75 mg levo.
Now recently increased to 100 mg but feeling more tired since increase.
Been working on my ferritin as that was previously low .
Ferritin. 37 ug/l. ( 15-300)
Been taking three arrows iron supplements
Iron tests
Serum iron 14 umol/L. 10-30)
Serum transferrin 3 g/L. ( 2.0-4.0)
Transferring saturation index 18.6 (20.0-50.0)