I've been reading the forum for several months now, having been chronically ill since Easter.
My story - I have been prescribed thyroxine for 25 years and have been mostly very stable. I have previously tested positive for antibodies so I assumed it was Hashis.
Last Sept I suffered shingles, close unexpected bereavement (sister) and major professional pressure... all at the same time. I struggled to shake the shingles which made a resurgence in December (& again in April btw) and still under major work stress.
Come Easter weekend I got what I thought was a flu and have never been well since... whilst improved somewhat.
I have had long spells bedbound feeling awful. Dizziness, nausea, major fatigue, flank pain, alternating loose/slow bowels, headaches, completely fuzzy brain ... to name a few! I have managed to get back to reduced working hours but it is a struggle to keep the fine balance to meet my responsibilities.
I have had umpteen tests and scans all coming back normal, bar a positive ANA test in June that didn't point to anything specific. Other than that, only my thyroid stuff had been out - unfortunately T3 wasn't tested until I started reading this forum and requested it. In December my GP thought I was over medicated as T4 very slightly above range and Tsh below range. (I now think this may have been start of poor conversion?)
I have been working in eating well, getting Vit D up, etc , as advised in this forum.
I have a private endo appointment on Saturday and he has agreed, in principle, to do a 3 to 6 month trial of t3 and t4 - I am a bit nervous to be honest but I really need to get better! Worried I will lose the headway I've managed to make. He will need a little convincing probably as he had stated that I was perhaps OVER medicated. My case will be chronic illness and stress has affected my ability to convert.
Do you guys think this is reflected in my (limited) results?
29 May
T4 20.8 (12 - 22)
TSH 0.16 (0.27 - 4.20)
T3 4.7 (3.1 - 6.8)
5 Aug
T4 19.8
TSH 0.19
T3 3.9
30 Oct
T4 20.8
TSH 0.04
T3 4.3
Vit D 149 (0 - 50)
I have older iron numbers from April, amongst others... but would be interested to read your initial impressions?
I followed your testing protocols for Aug and Oct.
Thank you in advance of any guidance. I don't want to convince him to give the trial if its going to make me worse.