Hi - see below for response from the local endo to my GP (after he asked for advice re trial of T3 as I have dud deiodinese enzymes which mean I'm a poor converter of T4 to T3)
In brief I have Hashimoto's and many symptoms of hypothyroidism despite taking T4 and dose being increased to drag up levels of T3 to just the lower level of 'normal'
I've got the name of a good endo (private and NHS) recommended on here plus by someone else too and I've emailed to request a ball park figure for consultations plus T3 trial as I don't think I'm going to get anywhere locally!
"I would still persevere with the Thyroxine. I appreciate that her conversion of T4 to T3 may be impaired, but I think that the best way to get more T3 is to give more T4. Increase the Thyroxine in 25mcg increments until the TSH is 0.1 - 0.5. Lower than this increases the cardiovascular and bone risk,; It does not appear that Liothyronine is prescribable in SWL for indications outside thyroid / parathyroid cancer and depression in any case.; If she wants to buy T3 herself then it would be best to use this alongside thyroxine - Cutting back the dose, but keeping the emphasis on the Thyroxine, and giving the Liothyronine at the lowest dose twice daily."
I also have a cardio appointment soon so I will try and get them on board re a trial of T3
I'll ask the GP if they will continue a prescription for T3 if it's recommended after a trial
Can anyone spot anything else I should ask or be aware of?
Many thanks