Greetings to fellow thyroid sufferers!
Weight loss of 1.5 stones since the start of the year sent me off to my GP surgery. After numerous tests the only thing that showed up was a thyroid problem. Tests were repeated a week later to confirm. Apart from the weight loss my symptoms are bowel movts 2-3 times daily (have been regular once a day for decades), occasional palpitations, (the past few days these have been when lying down at night), a very slight tremor in the hands and a general feeling of being disinclined to do much as my energy levels tend to fluctuate. I know I am not particularly badly affected compared to others who have much more severe and quite distressing symptoms. I have managed to keep my weight stable for the past month.
8 Aug
TSH <0.05 mIU/L (0.2 – 4.3)
FT4 27.8 pmol/L (7.8 – 18.0)
FT3 8.73 pmol/L (3.5 – 6.8)
14 Aug
TSH <0.05 mIU/L (0.2 – 4.3)
FT4 30.7 pmol/L (7.8 – 18.0)
FT3 10.22 pmol/L (3.5 – 6.8)
For completeness:
Serum ferritin 83 ng/ml (30.0 to 337.0)
Serum folate 16 ug/L (5.0 – 19.0)
GP said I needed to see specialist as treatment was “quite subtle” and wouldn’t prescribe until I had. Mentioned carbimazole, RAI etc. Didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know from reading a few websites. I am fortunate to have access currently to private healthcare through my partner’s work scheme so was able to get an appointment with an endo quickly as I’d rung the Endocrinology dept at local hospital to be told four to five months wait.
Endo was nice man and was thorough in his examination though I believe his interest lies more in diabetes. Said Graves mainly based on the fact that I had increased blood flow through the thyroid gland, said my levels were not very high, prescribed Carbimazole 20mg and ordered blood test for TSH Receptor Antibodies to confirm diagnosis. Haven’t had the result yet. He also said I should have a bone density scan at some point but I really don’t believe I am at risk for osteoporosis as things currently stand. Had to go back to NHS GP for prescription as insurance doesn’t cover treatment for chronic illness but I will get a follow up with the consultant in December.
Now I am very much hoping that I will be in the 50ish% of people who achieve remission after a course of Carbimazole. I received a text from the GP surgery to advise that I should have blood tests TFT (TSH and FT4) and FBC every 6-8 weeks. Checking my record it says “Bloods to be repeated 6-8 weekly and the dose reduced to 10mg OD when free thyroid hormone levels are normal, then down to 5mg OD continuing for at least 6 months - follow up arranged 4 month”. From what I have read so far, the best chance of remission comes from continuing Carbimazole for at least 18 months so I do hope I won’t have a battle on my hands if it is decided to stop my prescription before then. And it is not clear at what point a 10mg dose should be reduced to a 5mg dose. The prescription is not yet ready to collect so in the meantime I have bought a TFT from Medichecks to do on Monday so I know what my starting point is.
Could forum members please educate me on what factors influence whether or not remission is likely after a course of carbimazole and what further reading I can do? Is there anything else I can do to persuade my body to behave itself? We eat a good balanced diet.
I have always enjoyed good health, I am a young 65 and it’s years since I have needed to see a doctor, apart from once about my annoying tinnitus. I am naturally averse to pill-taking. It is galling to develop a condition that seems to be the poor relation of the Endocrine world and medical practice in general. Thank goodness for this forum!
Sorry this is rather long!