Hello, I was diagnosed in February after telling my GP for 3 + years something was wrong. Anyway i finally have an Endocrinologist appt in 3 weeks. So my question is :
Looking at the results below is there anything I should be expecting or pointing out myself? I really want to be prepared so that i'm not fobbed off or overwhelmed on the day.
Thank you in advance.
Feb-2018 FT4 15 (11.0-22.0) pmol/L
Feb-2018 TGA 23 (0.0-33.0) iu/ml
Feb-2018 TSH 4.4 ( 0.27-4.2)
Mar-2018 FT4 15 (11.0-22.0) pmol/L
Mar-2018 TSH 6.3 (0.27-4.2)
Feb-2019 FT3 4.6 (3.5-7.8)
Feb-2019 FT4 14 (11.0-22.0) pmol/L
Feb-2019 TSH 8.9 (0.27-4.2)
Mar-2019 FT4 30.8 (11.0-22.0) pmol/L
Mar-2019 TGA 29 (0.0-33.0) iu/ml
Mar-2019 TSH 3.8 (0.27-4.2)
Apr-2019 TSH 3.78 (0.27-4.2) pmol/L
Apr-2019 FT3 4.3 (23.5-7.8)
Apr-2019 FT4 15.6 (11.0-22.0)
Apr-2019 TPA 32.5 <115
Apr-2019 TGA 23 (0.0-33.0) iu/ml
Kind regards