New bloods. New worries. My levels are returnin... - Thyroid UK

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New bloods. New worries. My levels are returning to normal

Dshadzz07 profile image
12 Replies

So since upping my dose by myself to get below 6 TSH I upped to 112.5mcg and now my levels are.

TSH 2.2 (0.2-5.5)

T4 20 (9-21)

So I feel upping my dose has worked in yet to feel greatly better though which is disappointing and now I’m experiencing hair loss like diffuse at the top of my head like I’ve really noticed since upping my dose and staying consistent with it. I don’t believe it’s MPB as it feels it’s kinda been very sudden. Along that my hairline and crown are very normal.

So I’m concerned the levo is causing this which I read can happen.

My other bloods might factor in.

Ferritin: 65 (25-125)

Folate: 2.1 (2.8-21)

B12: 211 (150-800)

Vit D 37 (50-100)

im still on folic acid along with a separate folate supplement, a vitamin D+k2 one and im considering an iron one.

Just worried that im not feeling better and this hair issue?

any support would be great.

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12 Replies
Judithdalston profile image

Obvious as a young male it’s difficult to compare with a very mature woman…but your vits/ mins are either below range ( vit D and folate) and other two low in range so it may well be what is making you still feel unimproved. If you are low in these 4 you might also be low on more ‘minor’, but not less important vits/ mins including zinc, selenium, magnesium and other Bs etc. I take lots, where possible in liquid form to avoid the gut, that tends to have absorption problems in hypothyroidism. For many years my hair has fallen out, sometimes more frequently than others and I have had a ‘halo’ of new short hairs appearing. I supplement with all the vits/ mins mentioned above, finding it particularly difficult to get my ferritin level anywhere near 75 despite eating black pudding twice a week, but I think it is my low iron that particularly causes hair loss! There was a 2-3 month gap between getting my ferritin better ( I can’t get it to optimal) and seeing the difference on my head. If you improve all the vits/ mins, including selenium, your thyroid hormones will improve, especially the conversion to the active FT3….i notice you haven’t got a blood test result for that. You’ll get lots of further advice soon, meanwhile search some of the late SeasideSuzie’s excellent posts/ replies.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Judithdalston

I take lots, where possible in liquid form to avoid the gut, that tends to have absorption problems in hypothyroidism

Sorry, but how does taking supplements in liquid form avoid the gut? Liquids go into the gut the same as solids. Or did you mean in spray form?

Judithdalston profile image
Judithdalston in reply to greygoose

Yes tiny amounts of liquid in spray or drops under tongue so absorbed in mouth.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Judithdalston

Yes, but I think it's a good idea to specify. Otherwise you give people the wrong impression, because you can get liquid forms of nutrients which you swallow. That's not the as sublingual drops or sprays. :)

FallingInReverse profile image

Have you an FT3 result?

Also before supplementing iron you need to get a full iron panel. Your ferritin isn’t dire, but we do like to see it 100+.

What dosage of vitamin D are you taking?

And what b vitamins are you taking?

Recommendations for blood tests needed and other wise information in your previous post:

greygoose profile image

112.5 mcg isn't a high dose of levo, and your TSH is still high-ish, as is your FT4. Those two results taken together, and given your low-ish dose, suggest that you aren't converting very well. But, as you haven't got an FT3 results, we can't really telll. Increasing levo even further isn't an option, because you don't want your FT4 any higher that that - that wouldn't be good long term. Improving your nutrient levels - which you obviously need to do anyway - might help, but there's no guarantee. In the end you might just have to bite the bullet and investigate obtaining some T3 to add to your levo./

So I’m concerned the levo is causing this which I read can happen.

Yes, it can, because it causes testosterone to convert to the bad testosterone - can never remember the name! But that usually happens when you first start taking it, not when increasing the dose. And it should only be temporary. You could try taking Evening Primrose oil and Borage oil to counteract that. But, as others have siad, it could just be down to your low ferritin, and you need a full iron panel to see what's going on.

How much folic acid/folate are you taking? I can't see the logic in taking both. Your B12 is also dangerously low. You might want to consult the Pernicious Anemia forum on those results because they know more than I do, but in my opinion, before taking any supplements you should have been tested for PA, and if that is negative be taking a separate B12 supplement (sublingual methylcobalamin 1000 mcg) plus methylfolate (forget the folic acid) plus a good B complex. Because just taking the odd B vit is not going to help much. They all work together and need to be kept balanced. But, to be sure, ask on the PA forum:


Dshadzz07 profile image
Dshadzz07 in reply to greygoose

Hello, see my previous T3 tests have all been in range and upper 20% of it. So I’ve never deemed myself a poor converter due to this.

I have to be honest tbf since diagnosis 3 years ago now so over 1000 days I’m fairly certain I’ve probably only taken 250 doses of levo. I was young and stupid and wasn’t thinking about how much this affected me, my depression and anxiety made me just not care to take it. However since about June is when I started to get serious again, and wanted change so really it felt like I started taking levo all over again which is my thought process behind the hair loss thing.

Because Levo helps the thyroid which helps improve testosterone and in turn DHT which might be the reason and hoping it gets better over the coming months.

I take the a good b12 complex, an under the tongue B12 liquid, methylfolate capsules and Vit D+K2. The GP won’t even give me a full iron panel, I’d have to go private to cost me stupid money again. I do think my diet has effected things I’ve been strict been having less protein due to less calories, losing this weight is very important.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Dshadzz07

Yes, well, restricting calories is like shooting yourself in the foot because it will just make you more hypo. Unlikely any weight gain is due to diet and is probably not even fat, so restricting calories won't get rid of it. Optimising your T3 probably will.

I don't think you being lax with your hormone-taking in the past has much to do with your problems - apart from possibly the hair-loss - becaause your FT4 is high in range - too high, really. And it's T4 that causes much in the way of symptoms, anyway, it's T3, the active hormone, when it's too high or too low. And with an FT4 that high, your TSH should be lower. Therefore it makes sense to suspect poor conversion with the resulting low T3.

When you say your FT3 has always been in the upper 20% of the range, are you talking about whilst taking levo? Or before starting levo? In any case, things change, and you can become a poor converter whereas you converted well in the past.

GPs can be so stingy! You'd think they pay for these tests out of their own pockets. But, you don't have to see a private doctor to get labs done privately. See here for private testing independent of any doctor:

Dshadzz07 profile image
Dshadzz07 in reply to greygoose

Honestly I was obese before but did put on loads of weight around diagnosis, but I need this weight off for other health reasons I’m worried about diabetes and such like that.

I found recent iron results about 2 months ago, the ferritin one I put on was about a year ago. These are more recent with the panel I ordered. My T3 was also 5 (3.6-5.8). I feel these indicate iron deficiency.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Dshadzz07

Yes, I can understand you want the weight off - been there, done that. Been over-weight since I was about 8 years old. But, then, I've been hypo since I was about 8 years old. You've probably been hypo for a lot longer than you think. It creeps up slowly, and the adrenals take up the slack. So, unless it's discovered accidentally, by the time symptoms drive you to consult a doctor, the weight is well established and settled in. It took some very high doses of T3 to start to lose mine because it was all water, not fat, so diets did not help. In fact, my doctor put me on a liquid diet - which was horrible! - for 11 days, swearing that I should lose about 10 kilos. I put on 3.

I'm afraid I know next to nothing about iron, but yours does look deficient. If I were you, I'd start a new post just asking about that, so that those that know can answer - they probably won't see those results on this thread, now.

McPammy profile image

I feel that you need to check your T3. Check if you’re converting enough from T4 levo. TSH of 1-2 is good. As you’re at the top of T4 and TSH just over 2.0 I’d check your T3 as T3 is the main hormone more so than T4. Your vitamins are very low. You need to address those and get them higher. B12, vit D, folate and ferritin are all too low. Getting them higher will definitely help in converting t4 to t3 and hopefully you’ll feel better. Do you eat red meat? I’m a vegetarian and had low b12 and ferritin as I don’t eat red meat. I get b12 injections now and take ferris fumerate 210mcg for low ferritin. D and folate I don’t have an issue with. I do take t4 levo and t3 liothyronine. Oh boy what a huge difference getting t3 and vitamins optimal (high).

jgelliss profile image
jgelliss in reply to McPammy


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