Hello everyone. : I have suspected reactive hypoglycemia ( Hashis, MCAS, ME/ CFS, Fibromyalgia, amongst other diagnoses, as well as perimenopausal). Thyroid Meds: Armour NDT.
The RH has not yet been confirmed by a medical professional, but due to the ongoing and worsening symptoms, and extreme carb intolerance, I’ve had to restrict my meals to high fat, high protein and low carbs ( basically only very restricted fruit and veg due to major food intolerances). For a while, I was able to manage by eating only like this for breakfast, but now have had to do same for lunch and supper as well, as even though I was eating first the protein, then veg and last the carbs ( eg brown rice) the symptoms have become extreme.
Therefore my question is: will the ingestion of the carbs I am able to tolerate ( e.g apples, mangos, blueberries, blackberries, pomegranate, courgette, cabbage, carrots, fennel, macadamias) provide me with enough carbs to avoid my thyroid levels being affected medium to long term due to decrease in conversion of T4 to T3? Thanks for your feedback.