I have had Hashimotos for 25 years, GP advised that is hypothyroidism, and have been on T4 levothyroxine replacement for 25 years.
Before that I was ok for 2 years
Before that I had raging Graves hyperthyroidism for 2 years ( they gave me 200% recommend dose of carbimazole my resting heart rate went from 46 to 130bpm, and 150% recommend dose of propranolol, I was very fit and healthy all my life before that)
Up to about 17 years ago I was doing fine , then I developed autoimmune Pernicious anemia with parietal cell antibodies and intrinsic factor antibodies.
I am taking hydroxy cobalamin 1mg/1ml I'm injection 2 times a week ( don't tell my GP as in the UK they restrict you to once a month and that is with my haematologist supporting me, otherwise once every 3 months, we are crazy here) and that dose for about 8 years now.
About 2 years ago , after I had my first COVID jab, probably unrelated, I started getting really unwell, all the symptoms I associate with hypothyroidism, cold, exhausted, hair loss, brittle nails, unexplained weight gain but this time with significantly decreased appetite ( max 560cals per day in one meal as I can't keep anything down but also simply not hungry).
I have not had COVID, I have done any never of home tests as am getting one cold after another, all negative.
My GP (UK) did a thyroid test every 6 months and every time came back normal.
Except last time, came back as abnormal low TSH.
Is that possible?
My values are:
Free T4 14.8,
range normal, range 9-19.01
TSH 0.06
Range abnormal, range 0.35-4.9
Is it possible that :
A) my thyroid has finally given up the ghost and just isn't producing TSH?
B) my body has stopped converting T4 to T3?
I am most definitely not showing symptoms of graves ( hyperthyroidism).
A member asked me for the following information, I have provided what I can in case it helps anyone have that lightbulb moment...
Vit D: chronically deficient, I take 5000IU/ day, last 9 years.
Vit B12: pernicious anemia I take hydroxycobalamin IM injections so they don't test for that any more, last 10 years ( 10 with treatment, 17 without as my GP just lied to me and said everything was ok)
Iron/ ferritin: regularly deficient so they have me on tiny iron tablets for the last 3 years, last tested in 2022 on iron tablets for 2 years at that point and ferritin was 36 range normal range 30 - 300, which now I looked it up seems rather close to low given the range.
My platelets are regularly abnormal low but they said not to worry, no treatment offered, and I now bruise and bleed a lot at acupuncture, when I started 10 years ago I didn't bleed.
I am also on estrogen ( sandrena) 1mg/ day with 200mg progesterone ( utrogestan ) per day but only 14 days out of 28.
I have also been taking pain medication for the last 10 years, 3,600mg/ day gabapentin, 800mg/ day tramadol, 10 mg/ day Diazepam.
My GP has referred my to an endocrinologist at my repeated insistance, but next available appointment isn't until next April.
Also, I found that I have to educate myself as I simply can't trust the docs around here ( my Pernicious anemia was clearly shown on a test result in 2010, I had been going to my GP with symptoms as I was very active and noticed things going wrong, since 2006, and it wasn't until I did private tests after becoming disabled in 2013, that my idiot GP insisted he verify with NHS tests, at this point I had joined health unlocked and you guys had advised me I have a legal right to see my tests results, so I got a copy of the NHS results, where the hospital had written in big letters " we told you back in 2010 this patient required immediate treatment" so I know my GP sat on my results and lied to me for years. I have a different GP now but still I would rather educate myself before I attend this Endo appointment.)
So I haven't really kept up with thyroid information because everything in that regard was ticking along nicely, but it definitely isn't but I can't seem to get my head around how someone with Hashimotos ( private tests from 10 years ago had my antibodies off the measurable scale) and hypo symptoms like before I received treatment, yet on 150ug a day dose, is having a normal T4 and low TSH.
Any help greatly appreciated.
I have googled but, you know, there is a lot out there and I would rather take suggestions here, where I know people have helped me before.