Oh just had an NHS blood test at Gp surgery, they are aware I take T3 self sourced and therefore agreed to get both T3 and T4 results, I've just checked online and saw, as expected a recall to see GP letter, and know they will fret over such low TSH, however look at my T3 & T4 below half range! I had my test at 10:30am and had taken no meds that morning. I'm on 100mc Levo and take half a Cytomel so 12.25 T3 and have only got my health back on track this way, I returned to running and my mental health and memory have improved. I'm guessing my TSH may react slower than expected to falling hormones levels? I should probably do a self test after taking the meds again, I had before and TSH was very low, but T4 and T3 were only just above half way in range yet doctors try saying I'm over medicated, surely the hormone ranges prove not??? I did have a genetic marker for faulty TSH signalling, I think there's more than we know going on sometimes, but how on earth will I convince my GP not to reduce my Levo? I had tried going down to 75mc Levo but felt much better on full amount prescribed, but plus T3. I have a sports watch which has noted my resting pulse at 45-50 beats, again indicating I am hypo and certainly not over medicated.
TSH 0.01 ml . 0.35 - 4.94 abnormal
FT4 12.20 . 9.01 - 19.05 normal
FT3 3.60 . 2.63 . - 5.70 normal