I’ve been struggling with Thyroid -S for the last one year. Had signs of over medication even thought TSH was 1.5. However other symptoms improved, like my digestion was amazing , no stomach issues etc. I’m now on a t4/t3 combo and my stomach issues are back, my back is hurting etc and would love to try and make thyroid-s work for me. Question is - can someone tell me step by step, how to start on ndt? I would start with 1 grain, 1/2 in morning and 1/2 4 or 5 hours apart? Would you take it with food or not as I’ve seen both versions. As I understand my vit d, b12, iron and folate need to be optimum? In what time do you raise and retest again? I’m assuming that 1.5 was my dose and that I went too high too fast. Appreciate any insights.
starting on ndt Thyroid-S: I’ve been struggling... - Thyroid UK
starting on ndt Thyroid-S

When I first started on Thyroid s i asked the same question as you. I was on 100m Levo prior and it wasn't working for me. I started on 1/2 grain at 6/7 am and another 1/2 grain one hour after lunch. No food or drink. Then I was able to increase in 10 days by 1/4 grain and so on until I reached my correct dose. I landed up with 2.5 grains but after 5 years dropped down to 2.25 grains. A good idea is to draw up a plan including the dates for your 10 day increase. The first increase of 1/4 to be added to the AM dose. The next to the PM dose.
Hello again :
Do you know how to find all your previous posts and everything you have ever written on this forum as you wrote a very similar post a year ago ?
Press on the icon top right on this page saying ' More ' and go to your Profile Page :
If you press on the icon alongside any forum member's reply to you - this can take you to that forum member's Profile Page - where you can read everything they have ever posted and all of their replies they have ever written on this forum.
ahhh, thank you no i didnt actually and am having issues using the forum...this will help
Well come back on this page if my message doesn't get you where I think it should -
as I'm not tech savvy - and just press buttons !!
OK - yes - so go into ' update profile ' then go to ' view profile ' and you should find everything you have ever written on this forum.