I was doing a random search for something and came across this newish lab near me. They're offering walk in blood draws or at home blood tests too. Cost of TSH, FT4 & FT3 including blood draw (which for me is great as can't do finger prick and adds £30 at Medichecks), is £45.
They also have what they call the ultimate thyroid test including antibodies, B12 & folate but no ferritin or D3 for £70 including blood draw.
Current clinic is in Crawley, West Sussex, new clinics opening soon in Reigate, Surrey and Hove, East Sussex.
Hope this is OK to put here, just delete if not.
Edited to add: Just noticed Medichecks charge for blood draw has risen to £35 so the TFT with blood draw here is even betetr value.