I take 35 mcg T3 daily.
No levothyroxine as I don't feel well on it.Tests taken according to recommendations here
TSH 4.24. (.45 - 4.5)
Free T3 4.4 (2.0 -4.4
)Free T4 .12 (.82 - 1.77)
Ferritin 261 (30 - 400)
Folate 11.2. (>3)
Vit D 41.9. (30 - 100)
Vit B12 564 (232 - 1245)
I feel good. Today I notice a slight weak feeling in my legs and a bit short of breath when playing frisbee with my big poodle.
I thought it was a given that any amount of Liothyronine would suppress TSH.
And is my very low Free T4 a problem?
I monitor my heart rate, blood pressure and temperature regularly and all are fine.
This is the second TSH results over 4