Results as follows.
Decided I needed a blood draw as I was having trouble doing finger pinprick method.
Unfortunately the first appointment was at 9.50 am! I knew this would probably effect the TSH but I was not so concerned about that. However I am now concerned about the thyroid levels as there is quite a difference and a considerably lowering of both % wise since the last test. Not sure if the ratios differ. Can’t get my head around that!
TSH 1.08 (0.27 - 4.2) Previous test 1.01.
FT4. 18.4. (12 - 22). 64% through range. Previous test 20.7. 87% through range.
FT3. 4.01. (3.1 - 6.8) 24% through range. Previous test 4.33. 33.24% through range.
CRP. 7.34. (0 - 5)
Ferritin 483 (13 - 150). Still high but slightly reduced. Apparently I could give blood!
Folate - serum. 13.82 (>3.82)
Vit B12. Active 136 (37.5 - 150) Improved from 118. 600ug per day.
Vitamin D 94 (50 - 200) Improved from 48. 5000 IU (125 ug) with K MK-7 per day.
Thyroglobulin Antibodies 269 (<115)
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies 176 (<43)
So, has the later blood draw caused the rather large differences in the thyroid levels?
I got a long letter about the ferritin levels and CRP levels, which are being checked by my GP. Another test for that on 17th October due to “high staff sickness levels”. Liver enzymes and kidneys checked already regularly by GP. I know I have 3rd stage kidney disease. Since last testing I have been told I have type 2 diabetes, a bit of a surprise since the tests results they send me make it look like I am always near or on the cusp of diabetes.
The Vitamin levels seem better so I had hoped for an up in T3 conversion but T4 also lower!
Should say I am better in myself (I think that is because of the forum frankly) but physicals are very poor. I have to be taken everywhere now. Daughter has insisted on me attending a craft class with her and mentally feel better for that too. Experiencing some of the real world not all just in my head. However we tried the theatre last week. It was absolute torture (muscles) attempting a short walk between public transport and back home. I had to be supported all the way. I have also experienced a very bad angina attack (shock of being trolled) not had since beginning levo. Exercise over the period has definitely been less (possible unhelpful effect). I just can’t get anything else done in my life if I exercise (tax returns, driving licence people, paperwork of any kind really, cooking and washing) I do no housework whatsoever. Survival only. And yet apparently I look well even if pretty obese.
AND WHAT TO DO NOW? Advice appreciated.