Hi all, first time posting, I've been reading for the last . few months and read so much advice and great things so thought I'd ask for some help, I've only just learnt to ask for blood test results as mine aren't in the app yet.
I've been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid since I was 15, my mum also had an underactive thyroid and spotted the symptoms in me and thankfully didnt accept it was because I was a moody teenager. So for 20 years I've been on levothyroxine. Sorry for the long post in advance.
My results have always been up and down and always struggled to get anywhere with the doctors since I moved in 2016 (my old drs were actually great and went off how I felt), my doctors mow won't test t3 (sometimes not even t4) and are led by tsh , which I've learnt son here is quite common.
My weight had increased a lot and I felt awful, but from 2015 to 2018 I finally saw progress this was when I was moved from 75mcg to 100mcg a day and managed through healthy eating and exercising to lose nearly 3 stone. I did this by restricting calories to around 1200 and exercising, I was finally where I wanted to be just in time for wedding dress shopping.
I'd managed to keep the weight off until 2020 when they changed my dose (I don't have my blood results for this). I am unsure if theres a linko, but in November 2019 I came off the combined pill and was moved on to the ini pill due to aura migraines, and I always thought this could have impacted my thyroid, but the drs said it wasn't linked.
In March 2020 I had my yearly blood test and they lowered my dose to 75mcg saying I was on too much, I didn't question it because I didn't really understand and trusted them.
By October 2020 I felt awful, tired and all the usual signs, I rang the drs and got a blood test, which showed my TSH had increased and my T4 had dropped.
October 2020:
TSH 6.5 mU/L (0.35-5.5 mU/L)
T4 14.3 pmol/L (10-20 pmol/L)
I then had quite a few blood tests through NHS and got moved to 100mcg every 2 days and 75mcg on the 3rd day.
I had 3 more sets of blood tests, ut they are missing on the print out I got from the drs yesterday.
Roll on May 2022, I went for my yearly blood test and was text to say I needed an appointment, I assumed it was to higher it as I felt awful, but no theyw anted to lower my dose only slightly because my tsh had gone under range :
TSH:0.02 mu/l - (0.35-5.5mu/L)
T4 19.8 pmol/l - (10 -20 pmol/L)
It was lowered to alternate between 100mcg and 75mcg so not a drastic change, but I feel awful.
My symptoms are: I'm tired,sometimes need to nap at lunch time, if I go out on a Saturday I struggle for the rest of the wee with tiredness. I've gained 4kg in the 3 months since my dose was lowered (im 5ft 1 and it shows) my face is puffy, skin is hard on my feet, gained an inch around my waist, (my waist had been the same since 2017 until this dose was lowered) I've also noticed more hairs on my chin and neck, my ibs has got worse again and I'm struggling with constipation (I go 3 times a week if im lucky). I get leg cramps, and aches in my toes.
I still only eat around 1200-1400 calories a day. I do at least 10k steps a day of brisk walking with my dog. I also have stopped eating any chocolate or cake thinking it could be a sugar issue, but I still gained weight. I track everything in my app and watch.
I knew I had to have a check up blood test this month, so also ordered a private one as I have never had my T3 tested, I read the advice on here and booked one with monitor my health.
I went for the blood test yesterday, I did ask if b12 could be tested along with ferratin and full blood count and they refused and said it had to be ordered by a gp.
I also did my private one when I got back, so both done berore 9am before taking my thyroxine or any food.
I got a text from the GP today saying all good, so I rang for my results, they only tested my TSH which is now 0.42 (0.35-5.5mu/l) which doesn't surprise me.
I also got my private ones back just now (monitor my health)
TSH - 0.3 (0.27- 4.2)
T4 - 20.1 (12 - 22)
T3 4.1 (3.1-6.8)
So everything is in range, but I feel awful, I was hoping the private ones may show something I can use to push for more help, I've got a call next friday, where I'm hoping I don't get offered a health plan by a nurse again for my weight concerns.
Sorry for waffling, but can anyone give me tips re what I can say, I'm slowly starting to think it isn't my thyroid, but they refuse to test me for anything else.
My T3 looks like it could do with being higher, but unsure how to go about that.
Sorry again for the essay, but really need to know what to do next before my call next week.Thanks in advance!