Hi All,
Its been a wee while since posting here but have recently been struggling with decreasing thyroid results since starting HRT in Dec 2021.
Current thyroid dose - T4 100mcg and 10mcg T3 take together on waking.
Current HRT dose - 2 pumps of gel (am) and 100mg Progesterone before bed every day
I feel better with the HRT in regards to awful rages and mood swings, but my thyroid symptoms such as burning feet, itchy legs, weight gain, worzel gummidge hair which is falling out, eyebrows disappearing, joints hurting etc have returned with a vengeance.
Blood test Jan 2022:
TSH: 0.01 (0.27 - 4.5)
T4: 10.7 (11 - 23)
T3: 3.63 (3.1 - 6.8)
Blood Test July 2022:
TSH: 0.01 (0.27 - 4.5)
T4: 9.4 (11 - 23)
T3: 3.21 (3.1 - 6.8)
I've gone from T4 being -2.5% through range to -13.33% and T3 from 14.32% through range to 2.97% - blood tests always AM, T4 24 hours before, T3 taken at 10pm.
Telephone consult with endocrinologist in March 2022 saw him HOLD OFF on a dose decrease due to TSH as I explained I had a lot going on (and didn't have the energy to argue) - he agreed he would review in the Summer.
Mentioned I was now on HRT, said he was unhappy I was prescribed HRT as, and I quote "women don't need it". I replied I'd be on it until its not required - he said well you should end HRT by 55 years old.
Then suggested I needed a bone scan as "you are bound to have bad bones with your TSH" - sent me for a DEXA scan and results were in the positive range - I'll find the letter.
I don't have a stockpile of T4 to increase the dose - what I am reaching out for and know that I can't make a direct request, but the usual online source of thyroid meds is not available: the one named like the shop that Pheobe Buffet hates is gone and all I can find is bodybuilding sites with Bitcoin payment options - in fact if dosing via weight then dear lord at least another 75mcg more per day so looking for a box of 25mcg x1000! (More than happy for private messages).
But does taking gel type oestrogen reduce the levels of T4/T3 in the body (I thought maybe with tablet form yes, but I rub the gel on inside tops of legs?) If the 100mcg results in a 9.4 score, how much T4 would be required to get to the top say 80% of the range? Or do I need to come off HRT?
Many thanks, K.