Hi All,
Posted last week about my consultant wanting to reduce my thyroid medication as my TSH is suppressed, and had lots of fantastic responses which I have for my GP appointment this coming Friday.
I logged in today to pick up the last blood test results, and these are the results on current dose 100mcg T4 and 25mcg T3 with 24 hours since last dose:
Serum free triiodothyronine level 3.21 pmol/L [3.1 - 6.8]
No clinical or medication details. Unusual TFTs. Any thyroid-related
Serum free T4 level 5.8 pmol/L [11.0 - 23.0] Outside reference range
Serum TSH level < 0.01 mU/L [0.27 - 4.5]
Outside reference range
Symptoms are awful. I feel like I did back in early 2015 which was just before I started to self medicate. I have had this flu bug thing twice since Christmas and I haven't felt 100% since October 2017 when I picked up a flu-type viral infection.
Should I be demanding an increase? Or just go with the flow, ignore the pro's and self medicate again. Waiting on extra T3, I could order some T4 perhaps and try dose increase to 150mcg & 25mcg or just 50mcg of T3?
Also to add - the T3 has been changed to another brand....morningside, not the sigma pharm from my previous GP in London. I still have some of this left in 5mcg size tabs.
I have an operation next week, full GA, day case but will be out of action for weeks, will having TFT's like this affect my recovery?
Previous results:
Bloods Oct 17:
(6 weeks after dose reduction to 100mcg T4 and 25mcg T3)
TSH 0.01 (0.27 - 4.5)
FT4 11.7 (11-23)
FT3 4.8 (3.1-6.8)
Bloods Aug 17:
(Dose then was 125mcg T4 and 25 mcg T3)
TSH 0.01
(0.27 - 4.5)
FT4 14.3 (11 - 23)
FT3 4.5 ( 3.1 - 6.8)
Any advice gratefully received....thank you in advance. KTx