I recently had some health concerns which are still being investigated, in the meantime a new symptom of swollen face has occurred and I seem to of gained all the weight I just lost. I got some thyroid results today and was shocked to see how they have decreased when I usually have a steady result.
13.2 free t4
4.4 free t3
TSH 0.01
previous to these my results were:
07 Aug 2023
Serum free T4 17.2 pmol/L
Normal range 11 - 22.6
Serum free T3 5.2 pmol/L
Range 3.5 - 6.5
Serum TSH level 0.02 mu/L
Normal range0.2 - 4.0
I take HRT 2 pumps oestrogen and 2 tablets progesterone 14days a month.
I am prescribed testogel also 1/7 per day of gel.
Can anyone advised why my levels have dropped significantly? I know I will have trouble asking the doctor to increase my dose as these numbers are in range but I know I feel better when the results are higher. Can they decline? I also take my tablets on an empty stomach. Current dose 150mg t4, 10mg lio.
Any suggestions ?