hi everyone
I could do with some help and advice
For the last year I’ve been on Levothyroxine and a low dose or liothyronine (125mg levo 10 mg lio) and previously to that I was only on levothyroxine for about 5 years (last dose before adding T3 was 137.5 Mg).
At the same time over this last year I noticed different symptoms getting worse which I think is perimenopause, self doubt and anxiety, racing mind especially at night and terrible sleep , (all of these feel like they come and go in waves) that felt different from previous thyroid symptoms. They’ve gotten to the point I think I want to try HRT so I tested my bloods privately first before going to the doctor to make sure my thyroid levels are good because I thought I needed to check them first.
My results showed pretty much the same levels of T4 and T3 as they where before I added T3 via an endocrinologist but my TSH was much lower.
So 2 weeks ago I reduced my levo to 112.5mg and kept my T3 at 10mg to see if this helps my doubts and anxiety as I thought this would be the first thing the doctor does as they’ll want to improve my TSH before they agreed to try me on HRT gel .
I’m wondering though should I have tried stopping the T3 instead?
My oestrogen is low so I know I’m perimenopause too so I know don’t know if it’s the T3 that doesn’t agree with me or if it’s bad timing and it’s my lowering oestrogen that’s causing the symptoms and I don’t know what the best thing to do to help myself.
Dec 24 - TSH 0.07 / T3 5.1/ T4 17 / (oestrodial 194 range 222-854)
Feb 24 ( had started T3 here 2 months earlier) - TSH 0.154 / T3 5.6/ T4 17.4
Dec 23 - TSH 0.485/ T3 5/ T4 15.4
Ranges for all tests - TSH 0.27-4.2 / T3 3.1-6.8/ T4 12-22
any advice much appreciated x