Way before diagnosis I began to get white spots and vertical ridges on my nails. I was diagnosed in Oct.
Currently on 100mcg levothyroxine.
I take B12 alongside B complex.
I had severe vitamin D deficiency so taking 7000iu vitamin D (one of the sprays has K2) and magnesium. Retesting soon and plan to drop to 3000iu a day.
Ferritin was 9 at diagnosis. Had risen to 34 latest test. On iron tablets and vitamin C.
I plan on retesting everything privately including thyroid mid April as due TSH tested at GP in May. But am I missing anything that could be causing my nails to be so horrific and is there anything else I could be taking to help?
I feel way better than I did. I wouldn't say 100% yet but I'm on my way there.
The symptoms I still am plagued with is terrible weak nails still with white spots and ridges, constipation and dry skin.
Thanks again.