After two days of chasing round in ever decreasing circles I've finally managed to obtain a copy of my last blood test results. As you all suspected, the only thyroid test was TSH. These bloods were taken at 1:40pm after breakfast, coffee, and lunch. No one mentioned needing to have them taken first thing or fasting so I imagine they're not very accurate. I've ordered a Blue Horizon testing kit and hope to have the results of that next week, but any thoughts or advice in the meantime would be appreciated.I have another telephone appointment with my GP tomorrow lunchtime so if anyone has time to reply before then I'd be incredibly grateful.
Date Description Value Units Range
01-Jul-2021 Anti-nuclear factor - (MT18651) - Normal - no action
Anti-nuclear factor
Weak Positive
Weak Positive ANA seen in up to 20% of normal
population with increasing prevalence with age.
Assayed at:
Immunology, Russells Hall Hospital
01-Jul-2021 Protein electrophoresis - (CK18651) - Normal - no action
No abnormal band detected.
Myeloma screen: immunoglobulins, serum free light
chains and protein electrophoresis
01-Jul-2021 Serum TSH level - (pp18651) - Normal - no action 2.3 miu/L 0.30 - 4.20miu/L
01-Jul-2021 Liver function test - (pp18651) - Normal - no action
Serum total protein 65 g/L 60.00 - 80.00g/L
Serum albumin 46 g/L 35.00 - 50.00g/L
Serum ALT level 21 iu/L 0.00 - 40.00iu/L
Serum alkaline phosphatase 80 iu/L 30.00 - 130.00iu/L
Serum total bilirubin level 7 umol/L 0.00 - 21.00umol/L
Serum globulin 19 g/L 18.00 - 36.00g/L
01-Jul-2021 Renal profile - (pp18651) - Normal - no action
Serum sodium 142 mmol/L 133.00 - 146.00mmol/L
Serum potassium 4.1 mmol/L 3.50 - 5.30mmol/L
Serum creatinine 76 umol/L 44.00 - 80.00umol/L
eGFRcreat (CKD-EPI)/1.73 m*2 72 mL/min >60.00mL/min
Check urine ACR and for dipstick haematuria.
If haematuria / proteinuria, or if there is a
strong suspicion of CKD, refer to trust pathway on
the intranet. Multiply by 1.159 if patient is
African-Caribbean. NOT validated for use in Acute
Kidney Injury, pregnancy, grossly oedematous
states, amputees or malnourished people.
01-Jul-2021 Serum C reactive protein level - (pp18651) - Normal - no action 3 mg/L 0.00 - 10.00mg/L
01-Jul-2021 Serum creatine kinase level - (pp18651) - Normal - no action 112 u/L 25.00 - 200.00u/L
01-Jul-2021 Differential white cell count - (pp18651) - Normal - no action
Neutrophil count 3.2 10*9/L 1.90 - 7.5010*9/L
Lymphocyte count 1.3 10*9/L 1.00 - 4.0010*9/L
Monocyte count 0.5 10*9/L 0.20 - 1.0010*9/L
Eosinophil count 0.4 10*9/L 0.00 - 0.4010*9/L
Basophil count 0.1 10*9/L 0.00 - 0.1010*9/L
01-Jul-2021 Full blood count - FBC - (pp18651) - Normal - no action
Haemoglobin estimation 133 g/L 115.00 - 164.00g/L
Total white cell count 5.5 10*9/L 4.00 - 11.0010*9/L
Platelet count 236 10*9/L 150.00 - 400.0010*9/L
Red blood cell (RBC) count 4.62 10*12/L 3.90 - 5.6010*12/L
Haematocrit 0.397 0.36 - 0.47
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 85.9 fl 78.00 - 96.00fl
Mean corpusc. haemoglobin(MCH) 28.7 pg 28.00 - 34.00pg
Mean corpusc. Hb. conc. (MCHC) 334 g/L 320.00 - 360.00g/L
01-Jul-2021 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate - (pp18651) - Normal - no action 16 mm/h 1.00 - 20.00mm/h