Hello to all,
My TSH has gone way up even though I’ve been increasing the dose, and I feel worse than ever.
I’ve posted results from Nov. to May. See below.
In Nov, I was on 88 Levo four times a week and 75 for the rest. My TSH was 1.32.( Range: 0.20 – 5.00) FT3 and FT4 haven’t changed as much.
I was very tired but not half as bad as now. I was advised repeatedly to up dosage. I then took 88 and 94 once or twice a week. After April test I took 94 more often. I tried 100 on Sundays.
Now TSH is higher! My problem is that I feel very exhausted when I take 94 or 100, and all round worse: hyper symptoms too, so I can’t relax or dose in the day but still have to lie down. I also gained 11 pounds again, after having lost 20 this winter. No significant diet change before or since. Swollen belly again.
It doesn’t make sense that more Levo makes my TSH higher!
Tests from 6 Nov., 8 Feb., 7 Apr. & 18 May
Date 6 Nov.: TSH: 1.32 (Range: 0.20 – 5.00 ) / 8 Feb.: 3.31
7 Apr.: 2.81 / 18 May: 7.24
FT4: 6 Nov.13.0 (7.0 – 20.0 ) / 8 Feb.: 11.1 / 7 Apr.: 11.2 / 18 May: 10.01
FT3: 6 Nov.: 3.03 (1.8 – 4.5) / 8 Feb.: 2.75 / 7 Apr.: 2.5 / 18 May: 2.5
I take vit. B complex, iron and vitamin C, Vitamin D3 and K 2, magnesium citrate and probiotics, all separately.
Recent tests on 8. Feb. and 18 May:
Vitamin B12: 571.0 (160 – 925) / 18 May: 831.0
Ferritin : 67.50 (8 – 114 ) / 18 May: 74.90
folic acid: 18 May: 10.2 (5.4 – 19.8)
As usual, I am extremely grateful for all comments. Thanks in advance.