Good evening,
Previous test on 8 Oct. after weeks on 62.50 – 69 T4 and 12.50 T3 (6.25 x 2)
TSH: (Range: 0.20 – 5.00 ) 0,80 : 12,50 % thru range
FT3: (1.8 – 4.5) : 8 Oct : 5,64 : 142.22 %
FT4: (7.0 – 20.0): 8 Oct.: 9,42 : 18.62 %
Advice from Slow Dragon was to take more Levo, ideally 100, and less Lio. She kindly answered further questions because I’ve had trouble raising Levo for years, and suggested 75 T4 and 3x 3,25 T3. Which I tried but felt worse. I then trialed less Levo and more T3 – even worse. I slowly raised Levo again and 75 was still my “unlucky number” but 88 much better (strange). I reduced T3.
For 6 + weeks have been on 88 T4 and 94 twice/ thrice a week and 6.50 T3. As you’ll see: TSH went down, / FT3 way down / FT4 up, more than double.
21.January 22:
TSH: (Range: 0.20 – 5.00 ) 0,53 : 6.88 % thru range
FT3: (1.8 – 4.5) 2.62 : 30.37 %
FT4: (7.0 – 20.0): 12.4 : 41.54 %
My guess is raise Levo to 100 and – more T3?
Many Thanks!
PS. I’m not feeling better, but not as bad as on that low levo trial weeks back.