Hi all
Appreciate your thoughts on my blood results. I feel like there’s been a slight improvement in my general fatigue but my pins and needles has returned albeit not as bad. I think also I am slightly feeling hypo towards the end of my first dose in the morning of T3.
But my blood results look worse than the previous ones despite increasing T4.
Previous results on 100mcg T4 / 15mcg T3
TSH 0.52 (0.27-4.20)
T4 16.9 (11-26)
T3 4.6 (3.9-6.8)
Current results on 112.5mcg T4/15mcg T3
TSH 0.33 (0.27-4.20)
T4 16.0 (11-26)
T3 4.5 (3.9-6.8)
Both done 9.05am ish fasting, with last T3 11.5 hours before, and T4 24 hours before.
I stopped biotin and vit c one week before. My vitamins were all in a pretty good shape, if anything b12 slightly over. Getting a b6 test done soon as I had Dutch test done where urine results pointed at b6 deficiency but given it also said I had b12 deficiency and b12 was over thought a blood test would be safe. Anyway I digress...
Suspect my doctor will allow for a dose increase but seems wary about giving what he quantifies as a large dose. Says it will do more harm than good. I shall remind him I am tall and curvy and not even half way through the ranges, and that I do know what hyper feels like and won’t want to be there either. I’m already getting in a Tiz prepping for the conversation ha ha.