Anthony Williams- Thyroid Healing Diet- has any... - Thyroid UK

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Anthony Williams- Thyroid Healing Diet- has anyone heard of him or followed the diet?

Seychelles-1989 profile image
29 Replies

Hi everyone, first time I’ve posted on this very informative site . Has anybody ever followed the 90 day healing diet that Anthony Williams recommends in his book “Thyroid Healing “? He believes the thyroid is attacked by EBV ( Epstein Barr Virus) thus then causing the numerous symptoms we all potentially suffer as a result . The 90 day healing diet he recommends( alongside certain vitamins and minerals ) is basically an exclusion diet of no gluten, dairy , pork or eggs as Anthony believes excluding these from your diet will in time kill off EBV.

I’d be interested to know if anyone has followed the diet, or anything similar, and what the outcome was - Thanks in advance x

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Seychelles-1989 profile image
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29 Replies
kikiweight profile image

I have not read that particular diet book but a functional doctor put me on a very similar diet- no dairy, gluten/grains, soy, sugar, etc. I did not specifically exclude pork or eggs but I don’t eat much of them at all. Plus I was on many vitamins and supplements.

No change.

Seychelles-1989 profile image
Seychelles-1989 in reply to kikiweight

Thank you for taking the time to reply kikiweight, it’s disappointing to hear there was no change after your efforts. I’ll try not to build my hopes up too much then . Thanks again !

kikiweight profile image
kikiweight in reply to Seychelles-1989

I know that sounds very negative, sorry! And I do believe that diet is important. But I’d already been eating a fairly healthy diet- lots of protein, veggies, limited grains, etc - and this extreme diet didn’t do anything more for me. In fact, my iodine levels dipped to below normal during this period, which I wonder might have resulted from severely limiting dairy products, which contain iodine.

My overall impression is that doctors and experts don’t know that much. As far as hypo weight loss, interestingly my current functional medicine doctor wrote an article about using intermittent fasting to help with hypo weight gain. Before I’d met her, I tried IF and quickly gained an extra 10 or so pounds, on top of my 15 lb weight gain- so a total disaster that left me feeling worse. I’m now seeing her as my doctor and she tells me NOT to use IF, I need 3 steady meals with protein every day. (So the opposite of what she previously wrote).

My point is that, for me at least, I’ve needed medication to help me feel better. I asked my doctor (an earlier Endo who also didn’t know much) to put me on Armour thyroid, and that’s the only thing that has seemed to help.

Seychelles-1989 profile image
Seychelles-1989 in reply to kikiweight

Your initial reply didn’t sound negative at all- thank you . I appreciate your informative 2nd response and I may still keep a small amount of diary in my diet as you made a good point re iodine! Thank you!

jacobite33 profile image
jacobite33 in reply to Seychelles-1989

I’m using weed and wonderful seaweed capsules.Box of 60 two a day but only take one to replace the iodine from dairy

prussianblue538 profile image

Never had nor have EBV/herpes, but still have thyroid disease 💁‍♀️

Embarking on an elimination diet helped in finding out my triggers and learned how to eat around them until I started medication some weeks ago. I'm working on reintroducing some foods however.

Seychelles-1989 profile image
Seychelles-1989 in reply to prussianblue538

Many thanks prussianblue528 taking the time to reply - good luck with the introduction of some of your foods. Thanks again.

prussianblue538 profile image
prussianblue538 in reply to Seychelles-1989

Happy I could help!

I should add that endocrine conditions, including Hashimoto's, run in the family and only affect women.

Wetsuiter profile image
Wetsuiter in reply to prussianblue538

i think you mean Mainly affect women

prussianblue538 profile image
prussianblue538 in reply to Wetsuiter

You caught me there! Thank you! I referred to my own family. I still struggle with blurred vision and often miss out on words when I write...

Seychelles-1989 profile image
Seychelles-1989 in reply to prussianblue538

Thank you x

MichelleHarris profile image

I was gluten and dairy free for a year. Didnt cut out eggs or bacon though and thats a really restrictive diet. I do feel better when I strictly stick to it. I got Eosinphillic Oesophagitis ( awful lump feeling in my throat) after starting Levothyroxine and gluten exacerbates that.

At the moment I do think DNA viruses could be responsible. I know I have the EBV since a child as I get cold sores and I’ve also had Shingles twice so know I have the VZV too. I am taking AHCC supplement which is alleged to treat HPV which I havent got, for 6 months just to see if it helps at all. AHCC is currently being trialled at Imperial I think.

I have had two large blood transfusions which were unnecessary and goodness knows what I was given as I have never been well since waking up after the second one x

Seychelles-1989 profile image
Seychelles-1989 in reply to MichelleHarris

Many thanks for your informative response Michelle . There’s no doubt I feel better but you’re right, it is very restrictive! Sorry to hear you haven’t been well since your last blood transfusion- hope it’s not too long before you start to feel better x

Lalatoot profile image

Lots of opinions on this topic

plus related posts if you look at the right hand side once you are on the above page.

Seychelles-1989 profile image
Seychelles-1989 in reply to Lalatoot

Many thanks for the link I will definitely have a look x

Buddy195 profile image

Hi, I would try one thing at once as I got myself in a terrible muddle eliminating multiple foods/ adding too many supplements. I know follow advice given to me from other forum members and go ‘slow & steady’. Cut out gluten for 12 weeks & see if it helps ease symptoms. Meanwhile you can help your body by eating as ‘clean’ as possible (cutting out processed foods/ sugar). Best wishes to you.

Seychelles-1989 profile image
Seychelles-1989 in reply to Buddy195

Many thanks! That’s sound advice -baby steps 👌 thank you! X

jacobite33 profile image

She sells sea shells on the sea shore.Tongue twister!

Seychelles I have the book haven’t read it all though as the concentrations not the best!

It’s quite interesting what I’ve read so far and the celery juice takes getting used to

Wee caution on the celery juice as it and confined spaces don’t go.Bottom burps and all!

Seychelles-1989 profile image
Seychelles-1989 in reply to jacobite33

😳😁thanks for the warning! I shall definitely give it a go - no harm done in trying. Hope it’s beneficial for you .

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Seychelles-1989

There actually can be harm in trying large amounts of celery. A couple of possibilities:

Celery juice can affect the processing of cytochrome P450 superfamily including pentobarbital, aminopyrine and paracetamol.

Celery, parsley, and parsnips contain the linear furanocoumarin phytoalexins psoralen, bergapten, and xanthotoxin that can cause photosensitization and also are photomutagenic and photocarcinogenic. Celery field workers and handlers continually have photosensitization problems as a result of these indigenous celery furanocoumarins.

There is also a lot of investigation of the possibility of celery contributing significant amounts of nitrates and nitrites.

Seychelles-1989 profile image
Seychelles-1989 in reply to helvella

Thank you so much for pointing out those knowledgeable facts about celery! And mainly for picking up on my comment ‘ no harm done in trying’ that’s what’s so beneficial about this site! Expert advise always comes to the fore- thank you! I suspect some of those facts could be a contributory factor for some of your unpleasant side effects jacobite33 .

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Seychelles-1989

Don't for one moment think of me as any sort of expert!

But I do remember all sorts of oddities and might know where to look to find out more. :-)

Seychelles-1989 profile image
Seychelles-1989 in reply to helvella

😁thanks all the same 😁

haggisplant profile image

There’s loads of this type of stuff about. And so many reasons for thyroid to be triggered. I’m astonished female hormones aren’t researched more in this for example, for women, especially as women are more likely to get hypothyroidism. (A colleague told me today that her friend who had a baby 4 months ago and was on 150 thyroxine has suddenly been able to completely come off it. And has lost 4 stone. Though I suspect post partum stuff tbh.)

Conversely to an elimination diet there’s a (medical) doctor who’s researched b12 a lot in Australia who believes you definitely shouldn’t exclude dairy and gluten as both contain key minerals required for thyroid health, as do eggs and pork (gluten free tends to have less nutrients) - unless you have specific definite gut / allergy issues with them. (Dr Greg Russell Jones.)

Cooper27 profile image
Cooper27 in reply to haggisplant

I saw a post yesterday questioning whether birth control pills might play some role. Birth control depletes b vitamins, zinc, magnesium, selenium etc, and low levels of this vitamins and minerals are related to hypothyroidism.

haggisplant profile image
haggisplant in reply to Cooper27

It’s most likely to be extra oestrogen. I wasn’t on them long when I developed hypothyroidism (a few months) and was only 20 but looking back I may have had issues before. Many women have to adjust their dosage when starting due to oestrogen, and also hrt, but also pregnancy can trigger issues as well as peri menopause and menopause.

Genes play the primary part and some sort of event triggers the specific gene to turn on and trigger the autoimmune reaction. Viruses can do this certainly but so can many other things.

The biggest issue the U.K. has is iodine deficiency, especially with the trend for vegan and vegetarian diets (a relative has studied this in depth, and that will affect thyroid function in healthy people, iron and selenium are the other factors.) but obviously zinc will be missing too from that and many b vits.

Seychelles-1989 profile image
Seychelles-1989 in reply to Cooper27

It makes sense - I’ve never been on a birth control pill but that obviously links in with the hormone facts .

Seychelles-1989 profile image
Seychelles-1989 in reply to haggisplant

Thanks for your reply - there’s so much about you don’t know what to believe!I suppose it’s a case of trial and error. I read somewhere that Oprah Winfrey came off thyroid medication but I haven’t been able to find any more information or facts to back the statement up .

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK

We see too much spam regarding this person and their books.

I shall close this to replies as it is fairly old and we do not want any more threads to attract spam.

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