I feel like it's important to share what I've learned in healing from hypothyroidism and if it can help even one person, then hallelujah!
I have had this for about 5 years now and this past year I got extremely sick from it...the brain fog was unbearable and very scary to say the least. I believe in miracles and healing, and I also believe in healing oneself. It made me get quite serious about how to heal myself and for the past 8 months I have incorporated these tips below that have helped immensely. A day doesn't go by where I don't thank God and my angels for helping me feel normal again. Remember everyday is a new day, keep moving forward and know that it takes a little bit of time and patience, but before you know it your feeling better and better.
1. Meditate everyday for 20 mins. I suggest Pema Chodron's "How to Meditate" book. It literally changes your brain and stress responses and is extremely healing.
2. Check out Anthony William's "Medical Medium" book, which talks about what causes thyroid disfunction and suggests foods and supplements that help hypothyroidism and many other ailments too. I cut out all gluten, wheat, dairy, soy, and simple sugars. I eat mainly (only organic) fruits and vegetables, chicken, fish, etc. Though, I have to watch salmon, tuna and other sources of mercury bc I will wake up with a brain fog hangover due to the mercury in those items. The Medical Medium has a site which lists his favorite supplements. They are awesome... medicalmedium.com/preferred...
(I highly suggest getting your food allergies tested, which could be a huge contributing factor. Mine were.)
3. We are energy, so in order to fully heal we must heal and balance our energy as well. I do this energy routine every morning. youtube.com/watch?v=Di5Ua44...
Donna Eden also has a wonderful book that is extremely helpful...
4. Another thing that helps ALOT is EFT tapping. thetappingsolution.com/what...
5. If you read up on Red Light Therapy it can help heal hypothyroidism. There are tanning beds which have a red light therapy bed. redlightman.com/blog/red-li...
There are also portable red lights that you can purchase for home use.
6. Coconut oil pulling has worked wonders and makes you feel better, heal your gums, and pull out toxins.
7. Roll this essential oil blend on your thyroid everyday... it has helped tons!
10 drops of each Lemongrass, clove, cinnamon, peppermint and myrrh. Fill about 1/4 way to the top and top it off with a carrier oil...I use coconut oil.
8. Juice celery juice first thing in the morning, 20 mins. before eating or drinking anything.
9. Spirulina is amazing. Period.
10. Qi Gong is extremely healing and Lee Holden DVD's are great...here's a sample youtube.com/watch?v=g-jSBBw...
11. I cannot be a bigger fan of affirmations. They literally change your brain and vibration. Their healing power is incredible. I love this one... youtube.com/watch?v=zcVqorV...
I wish you healing and happiness on your journey and know that the sun will always rise again! ~ xo