I have been taken off T4 for tests for RT3 as doc thinks I have a problem with RT3 blocking the cells due to 'a very high TSH, despite a high T3' on a previous result. I have been struggling along on NDT 1/2 grain plus 6.25 T3 split dose. Most types of NDT and Levo I cannot tolerate. So the thyroid specialist took me off everything and put me on compounded T3 slow release at a dose of 1.25mcg (yes, one point two five mcg) twice a day. This seemed like a very low dose ?
I have the results from RT3 tests :
TSH 13.7 (0.27-4.2)
FT3 3.78 (3.1-6.8)
FT4 8.1 (12-22)
RT3 6.5ng/dl (10-24)
Ratio 37.86 (Range >15, Borderline 12-15, Low <12)
Other tests included
Ferritin 202 ug/L (13-150)
Folate 4.84 (range >3.69)
B12 active >150 pmo/L (range >37.5)
Vit D 121nmol (range 50 - 175)
My adrenals were tested in July and all saliva samples were within range.
Can anyone comment please on my RT3 results ? I was not able to survive on the tiny dose of T3, which I have raised to 18.5 Cynomel, but am feeling dreadfully unwell, hypo and low. Do I have a RT3 problem ?
Any tips on how best to cope with hypo symptoms while raising T3 ? How quickly can I raise ? Am awaiting info from specialist but in the meantime...